Spectral DNC-N nanoxidil


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Pyrrho said:
LookingGood! said:
I am curious to know why no one ever discussed or even tried "AMINEXIL" by L'Oreal? It is available in Europe. found a site in the Netherlands that sells it. It's 160 dollars for 42 treatments or 6 weeks. :dunno:

Aminexil is much less effective than Minoxidil. It can stop hair loss, but it's nearly impossible to regrow hair with Aminexil...

I started to use Spectral.DNC-N 2 months ago (1 ml /day). It gave me about the same boost as 2 months of using Minoxidil (7 months ago). A few tiny hairs were replaced by pigmented hairs. But I'm still using 1-1,5 ml/day of Minoxidil, so I can't say 100% that DNC-N is the cause.

Of course but it addresses the fibrosis associated with male pattern baldness so why not use it in conjunction with 5% minoxidil? The amounts in Spectral DNC are minimal compared to using a full 6 weeks or 42 treatments along with minoxidil. Just saying.


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Im gonna give a little input on this. After doing research, i think that DNC is just hyped up minoxidil. They don't tell you what the concentrations are in the formula, which im assuming is so tiny that it will have no effect, if it had any to begin with.

more than half the ingredients have article showing some results in VITRO, meaning in a lab. None are at IN VIVO, and no double blind studies were done.

"Nanoxidil is minoxidil with one carbon chain less", well then its not minoxidil anymore. You can have the same compound, but its enantiomer, and they could have completely drastic different effects on the human body( meaning same compound, different orientation in space).

Your paying double for something for which you have no idea wether its effective or not.

AND spectral doesn't "publish" their results, or there are no peer reviewed article that i could find backing up their claims.


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franky123 said:
Your paying double for something for which you have no idea wether its effective or not.

Agreed. Let's wait for clinical trials published in a medical journal (even just ONE such trial), before assuming that it grows any hair at all on human heads.


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the concentration of nanoxil is 5% , it says so in the product literature.

agree that the problem is nobody knows if this is strong enough or does anything until studies are published !

all we can rely on is anecdotal evidence from uses ( of which i am one ).

i like many people cant use minoxidil so im willing to give dnc-n a try in the hope it does work - and im happy with my results so far ...


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Bryan said:
franky123 said:
Your paying double for something for which you have no idea wether its effective or not.

Agreed. Let's wait for clinical trials published in a medical journal (even just ONE such trial), before assuming that it grows any hair at all on human heads.

Are we talking about Proxiphen here? :woot:


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I understand, for people that can't use minoxidil, worth a shot. But when i said unproven ingredients/concentrations, i was also referring to the aminexil, copper peptides... etc as well

If you could post some before/after pictures, that would be awesome. I've haven't seen a single before/after shot of nanoxidil, or even spectral dnc to show progress. Thats what put me back with their products.

I have seen before after pics of 15% minoxidil. with different vendors at least half a dozen on this board alone.

If anyone wants to be brave enough so we can see, i would appreciate it.


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what we need is photos from someone using nothing else but dnc-n from sctatch to really see what it is doing , photos from me wouldnt give a true pictue of regrowth as im on finasteride and was tailing off minoxidil before i started using the dnc-n .

hopefully this is what ds labs will release in the near future but they seem to be slow to provide their evidence which is obviously going to cause people to be sceptical ...

can any other users provide the kind of photos that people want to see ?


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Hi all, just rejoining the forum after a while only because I am noticing some positive difference with nanoxidil.

I am not new to this forum but my username was no longer active so I have signed in with a variation just to report this.

I have tried all different types of minoxidil and finasteride. Currently on minoxidil with topical finasteride (sinere prod). However, I had been on it for 6 months prior with no results. Only when I added nanoxidil that within a week the hair got stronger and darker. I have just finished my first bottle and no regrwoth yet but I have diffused hairloss and overall there is improvement in the hair texture.

I have been very sensitive to minoxidil, (read my history under username -icdalite) and only the sinere prod and nanoxidil have given me no sides so will contiunue.

Sorry no pics to share....


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Hi guys I actually made a different post about my question but since there's a thread about spectral dnc n thought I'd bring it here.
I've been on rogaine foam for 4years now, it's helped me maintain my hair thus so far. My hair still in thinning, recently the foam I find has started to wear of it's benefits because I am started to shed like mad again and my hair loss is starting to get worse again.
I have decided to try something new, I wanted to try the new spectral dnc n product, but I still wanted to keep using the foam also. Do you think I can still use the foam and the spectral dnc n together? If so how should I go about applying both the products? Should I apply foam first then the spectral dnc n after a few minutes?
Your feedback would be really grateful guys.



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Mike99 said:
Hi guys I actually made a different post about my question but since there's a thread about spectral dnc n thought I'd bring it here.
I've been on rogaine foam for 4years now, it's helped me maintain my hair thus so far. My hair still in thinning, recently the foam I find has started to wear of it's benefits because I am started to shed like mad again and my hair loss is starting to get worse again.
I have decided to try something new, I wanted to try the new spectral dnc n product, but I still wanted to keep using the foam also. Do you think I can still use the foam and the spectral dnc n together? If so how should I go about applying both the products? Should I apply foam first then the spectral dnc n after a few minutes?
Your feedback would be really grateful guys.


I dont think that would be a good idea! Better use the one at morning and the other at night!


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Mike99 said:
Hi guys I actually made a different post about my question but since there's a thread about spectral dnc n thought I'd bring it here.
I've been on rogaine foam for 4years now, it's helped me maintain my hair thus so far. My hair still in thinning, recently the foam I find has started to wear of it's benefits because I am started to shed like mad again and my hair loss is starting to get worse again.
I have decided to try something new, I wanted to try the new spectral dnc n product, but I still wanted to keep using the foam also. Do you think I can still use the foam and the spectral dnc n together? If so how should I go about applying both the products? Should I apply foam first then the spectral dnc n after a few minutes?
Your feedback would be really grateful guys.


Maybe the foam in the morning and DNC-N at night (because it makes your hair look like crap).
I'd advise you to use both Minoxidil and Nanoxidil. Maybe you can't keep your hairs regrown from Minoxidil if you only use Nanoxidil. 1 ml each should be enough.


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I hope spectral increases the potency of nanoxidil. So far (2.5 months) I am seeing overall thickness in hair. But seems to be gradually receding, although there is some thickening.

Anybody here who is on it for more than 6 months....


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It has not been out for 6 months yet, so no :)

(Been out about 3 months + 1 week, earliest poster in this thread to claim to start using it (Jojje) received his on Oct 21st).

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To those who are saying DNC-N is purple/red, are you shaking it up before using it? You are supposed to shake it each time before applying. It should be extremely thick and toffee brown in colour.

It's definitely something you'd want to apply at night as it's really thick and noticeable. But it's consistency is extremely useful for application; it stays wherever you put it and doesn't run like minoxidil (as long as you use the dropper and apply it in small amounts).

Just to confirm to those who think this is nothing more than repackaged minoxidil - the ingredients in this are exactly the same as standard Spectral DNC apart from one key ingredient - 5% nanoxidil instead of 5% minoxidil. The texture and colour of this formula is completely different and it doesn't give me the headrush I get with minoxidil. It definitely isn't minoxidil.


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The texture and colour of this formula is completely different and it doesn't give me the headrush I get with minoxidil. It definitely isn't minoxidil.

Hopefully its not like minoxidil... it should be even better then minoxidil ;))

Actual i use Kirkland minoxidil... but now after 3 years my hair gets less and less.
Maybe a new Shedding, maybe the minoxidil effect ist getting more less, maybe ist cause i used Rogaine Foam + Kirkland minoxidil and now only Kirkland, maybe I should use original Rogaine again... or or or :) ...
And cause of this im very interested in this Thread. Maybe I can get my hairstatus better again changing from Minoxidil to Nanoxidil from one year to another...?!

But this would imply, that Nanoxidil will work !!
So im glad that you all share your experince with Nanoxidil, and hopefully its not just an advertising-joke or whatever, that makes Spectral only rich...

So, those ones who wrote, that they see tiny hairs...
Are they still there and getting more thicker?



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I have been on it for a few months and can confirm that you should'nt be getting the same sides as minoxidil (i.e. headrush, bloodshot eyes, wrinkled skin etc)

w.r.t thickness, its gradual after 2 mths.


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btw, i've just found the old bottle of dnc i had, and this is what captured my attention: dnc is marketed as "hair loss treatment" while dnc-n as "hair support system". does anybody have any thoughts regarding this?