Rogaine foam (update, I gave it a shot) Growing hair again!


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I hope it works.

When I bought it at Walgreens there was a huge display of it, some old saleswoman came over and we struck up a conversation about how much of it was selling. A little embarrassing at first, but whatever.

Over the last few weeks there have been a couple times where I've smelled something I thought was baby powder at work or school, come to find out it was that rogaine foam smell.


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minoxidil is tough for me because my loss is diffuse and my hair is long and curly. Anyone think this will work better than the liquid? It gets soaked up by my hair and ends up rolling down my forehead :lol:


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JayBear said:
minoxidil is tough for me because my loss is diffuse and my hair is long and curly. Anyone think this will work better than the liquid? It gets soaked up by my hair and ends up rolling down my forehead :lol:

If you have long hair the foam is going to be difficult, in my opinion.


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Overall I think that I will probably not be able to apply it on my vertex since I have hair in there. I might apply it only to the hairline because its easier to pull the hairs behind. I guess I'll just keep up with the regular minoxidil for my vertex and alternate the front with the foam.


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I hopped aboard the foam train today. Was at Sam's and decided to give it a go. I will have to agree with all the good reviews posted on the forum.

Wow, I am VERY impressed. The stuff is so easy to use. The drying time is negligible...maybe a couple minutes max? Doesn't make a greasy mess out of your existing hair. It has a slight scent that I'd prefer they omit, but you can't have everything I guess.

It does liquify pretty quickly...but I didn't find that to be much of a problem. You can still dip your finger into the cap and get it to your scalp.

I doubt the foam is technically more effective than the liquid, but I think the ease of use will increase the odds of guys being consistent @ 2X/day - so maybe the result will in fact be better.

Unless some unforseen reaction occurs, I don't see why I'd go back to the Wal Mart brand. The foam costs twice as much, but my first impression is that it's worth every cent and then some.

2 thumbs up!


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how would diffuse thinners get in on their scalp and not there hair? does it stick to the hair at all?


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CCS - any "friendly fire" on your hair dries in a couple minutes. It doesn't clump things up in my very limited experience.


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any foam which ends up on your hair, will just dry, and leave the hair with a slight hair spray effect. if applying to the vertex, and you have long hair, it is somewhat tricky to get it on the scalp. parting the hair works well though. the foam is a dream come true for us hairline guys though.


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Cassin said:
Do you have the new The Polyphonic Spree? I couldn't believe it when I heard that on your site. You the only other person I "know" that listens to them, and a lot of them they are. They put my GF to sleep but I love them :lol:

And they sound just as good live.

Yeah, dude, that band is awesome (actually are they considered a band or a choir?) I heard them originally on an episode of Scrubs and then realized that the music was pretty good. Never saw them in concert but I remember seeing them on one of the MTV Music awards I think 2 years ago and thought they're act just as cooky as their videoes are. The music is very uplifting too.


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what does this statement off the rogaine website mean:
"hair regrowth has not been shown to last longer than 48 weeks in large clinical trials with continuous treatment with 5% minoxidil topical solution for men "


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Switching to this stuff full time now. Dr Lees in my opinion is a fantastic product but it never full rid my scalp of irritation. I wonder if it was the alcohol content?

I will keep this thread updated.


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I am with you cassin. No more Lee for me. I need to only get his shampoo. Perhaps I will switch to nizoral 1%.


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JayB said:
what does this statement off the rogaine website mean:
"hair regrowth has not been shown to last longer than 48 weeks in large clinical trials with continuous treatment with 5% minoxidil topical solution for men "

I suspect it means that the clinical trials were 48 weeks long.


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An observation about the foam.

This stuff really seems to get into the skin since I can smell it the next morning on my fingers and I do wash my hands very well after I apply it. Very good sign.


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Like I said before, I like the smell but it is way too strong, it's like cheap hair cologne. They should use about 1/10th the amount of the scent. I went to bed about 2 hours after applying the foam and I could smell my hair.

Wonderful product, but this is a flaw.


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Brief history of my irritation......

I have always been ultra sensitive with any sort of medication or substance I use. Typically anything I use has a impact on me and does whatever it is supposed to do but I generally have to fight through the side effects.

This is no different with minoxidil, it worked very well for me very fast but I got sever irritation from it. I switched to Dr Lees item #500 (Great product!) and that took care of 80% of my problem, still annoying but considering how standard Minoxidil was like pouring boiling oil on my scalp I could easily deal with it. I dropped Dr Lees only 4 days ago and my scalp feel totally calm for the first time in awhile. That seems too fast to make that much of a difference but I am posting everything about the foam as I go. Hope it stays this way.

Also, I find dispensing the product into the cap the be the easiest way to use the product. I use a finger, scoop out some foam and apply. I then rinse out the cap with hot water and dry it.

If this stuff doesn't work very well I will know since I have been on Minoxidil so long. So for those people who are worried if this is an effective product, I am the guinea pig for this.


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I am now on my second bottle...and I can barely smell the scent. I can now smell alcohol which is more than fine with me.

Odd how this new bottle barely has that scent compared to the over powering first bottle.

Also, I think I am starting to grow hair again. We shall see.


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Cassin, how long have you been on the various minoxidil concoctions and what kind of results have you seen over the years? Thanks.


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I think around March 04..

I started with standard Minoxidil and had severe allergic reaction. My scalp got red and itched terribly. Due to the PPG. Regardless, I had very nice and fast results that stopped suddenly after about 6 months, I think due to the irritation. I never once lost ground, just forward progress. So maybe I am now catching up. I am very happy with my results.

I switched to Dr Lees item 500 and it helped greatly but I still had problems but it was tolerable. Probably due to the high alcohol %. But it has PPG as well.

Now to the foam and this stuff is a Godsend.

I gave my scalp a good stare down this morning and I am now 100% certain I am starting to grow hair again. Either it's because I am now irritation free or maybe this still just absorbs better. Regardless, my scalp agrees with it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I've only been using the foam for a brief period so far, but it's definitely way better than the greasy original Rogaine, so thumbs up from me !
And any minoxidil that has improved absorption is a plus, as far as I'm concerned, since I don't have any sides.
