Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

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You don't need to apologize for the half naked pics, if I had a chiseled body like that I'd walk around topless in the snow.


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P, since the good people of this forum helped you get your hair back with some great advice why not give back some advice to us. I think it would be great to post exactly what and how much you eat during one week to give us an example of how to get in shape like you have. Also tell us how you train in one week as well. Its only fair to help some of us get a body similar to yours as we are going to trust you over having to pay some guy on the internet who we don't even know for his success program. You are pretty much a fitness celebrity on here and are a fine example of what mostly every guy on here would dream to look like. I know your lucky to have such great genetics but I know hard work and discipline was also involved. I think Cassin should start a new section with fitness made simple by Peapoddy. :) And you said you don't have a girlfriend. I am sure you have women throwing themselves at you where ever you go. I guess you are in the driver's seat and get the pick the cream of the crop. I really envy people like you. :mrgreen:


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ok guys here is my training:

Monday: shoulders/triceps


Wed: ab circuit



Each session lasts 45 min to 1 hour MAX.

Intensity is the KEY TO SUCCESS here.I see so many guys who spend 2 hours + that is no good.You only need 1 min rest between sets.Lift a weight where you can keep good form but still heavy enough to really hurt on the last few reps.You need to focus on muscle contraction ,dont just swing the weight really focus on using the muscle your working.Straps help for heaving pulling exersises.After a few months i change my training programme slighty just to keep tricking the body and shocking my muscles to extra growth.At the moment i'm not looking to put any more mass on so i'm doing high rep volume(12-15 reps at a moderate weight) to get extra shredded.

Remember train like your life depends on it!Make every rep count.I'm very focused at what i do.When i was a junior i was national sprint champion and had hopes to go to olympics someday...unfortunatly that dream never materialized because i got alot of injures which halted my progress.


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Ok, P, thanks for the weight training tips, now tell us what and how much you eat on your strict days? Do you basically do 5-6 small meals through out the day averaging about 400 -500 calories per meal. Is your ratio 40/30/30(protein/carb/fat)? Is your sodium or salt intake low or it does not matter?


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hate to break it to you but peapoddy's on roids. As a bodybuilder myself im almost sure hes on roids. Good job either way man, and nice split. mines biceps/back triceps/chest and shoulders.


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You are WRONG patrik, but i'll take that as a compliment :)

Actually it's mostly the guys who no nothing about bodybuilding that accuse me of taking roids.There is nothing wrong with taking them, it's your choice.If you want to make it pro then you need to take roids.You will never get to that freaky size naturally, no matter how much food you eat.

All i take is Whey protein and eat 4 good meals.I'm not looking to put on crazy mass... i just want good size and razer sharp definition.

Oh and i'm sure steriods would KILL my hair


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peapoddy said:
You are WRONG patrik, but i'll take that as a compliment :)

Actually it's mostly the guys who no nothing about bodybuilding that accuse me of taking roids.There is nothing wrong with taking them, it's your choice.If you want to make it pro then you need to take roids.You will never get to that freaky size naturally, no matter how much food you eat.

All i take is Whey protein and eat 4 good meals.I'm not looking to put on crazy mass... i just want good size and razer sharp definition.

Oh and i'm sure steriods would KILL my hair

sorry mate, im still not sure. ive been working out since i was 16, (im 20 now) either way take it as a compliment, and yeah tbh i also considered taking roids but havent yet, cause u dont get big without taking em :) i sorta believe u dont though cause they would rape ur hair, although its possible ur here because of them?
EITHER WAY GOOD JOB MAN, if u dont take them thats awesome, heres a pic of me from last summer, how long u been working out?


  • Photo 906.jpg
    Photo 906.jpg
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I find it quite rude when people accuse you of being on roids when you aren't, it happens to me too and I've never gone near them. My training partner takes dyanabol and he doesn't get accused as often because he carries a bit more body fat and it far less cut.

It's more due to a bodyfat ratio than sheer size. If pb's body fat ratio wasn't so low then you probably wouldn't have accused him.


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I doubt he's taking steroids...there are a lot of people on the bodybuilding forums that look like that without taking anything.

It's mostly a matter of what you eat, how much you eat, what your workout consists of, and how your body reacts to each of those.


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I'm not even a bodybuilder, i just workout to keep in good shape.

Would be quite interesting to see how i would look if i did the proper cutting phase.At the moment my carbs are very high... last night i had a curry:)I never count my calories or carbs. I just eat when i'm hungry.I prob have 3-4 cheat meals a week which keeps me sane.

I feel i've got the perfect balance.Ok so genetics have helped me alot(i got the nickname 'HULK' at junior school lol) but i feel i can eat most things in MODERATION.


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P, whats the best abs exercises to do? I think even if I got my bodyfat low I wound get abs like you have due to lack of genetics for abs that pop like yours.


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Hi Peabody,

Congratulations on your results. I've just started my routine and am hoping I get results like yours!

I have a question.

How did you apply the minoxodil? Did you use the dropper? And did you also rub it in using your hands afterwards?

I think I should be using my hands, how else are you supposed to get it on all parts of your scalp?


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Only one day for legs?

what exactly do you do on your legs day? squats? deadlifts? lunges?

i'm curious thanks for sharing your story


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leg extensions 3 sets,30 reps 40kg

leg press 4 sets, 15 reps

hack squat 4 sets,15 reps

single leg press,4 sets,12 reps

leg extension HEAVY 3 sets to failure

hawks05 said:
Only one day for legs?

what exactly do you do on your legs day? squats? deadlifts? lunges?

i'm curious thanks for sharing your story


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Yes i use an eye dropper. i find i can apply it much better than the dropper you get with the minoxidil

I dont rub it in exactly.. i tap my whole head with my finger

reckless said:
Hi Peabody,

Congratulations on your results. I've just started my routine and am hoping I get results like yours!

I have a question.

How did you apply the minoxodil? Did you use the dropper? And did you also rub it in using your hands afterwards?

I think I should be using my hands, how else are you supposed to get it on all parts of your scalp?


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peapoddy, so you dont get any side effects from Propecia at all? It doesnt reduce your sex drive or arousal at all? No anxiety, brain fog, depression? You dont feel any different mentally or emotionally? Is sex as enjoyable for you?

Ive tried to take propecia over the years and it always gives me bad anxiety and horrible depression, like it makes me bi-polar and off propecia i never have depression or had it in my life. Sex is also a lot less enjoyable for me on propecia.

Is your sex drive naturally really high or is it just normal?

I would appreciate any answers.



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No i have not noticed any side effects at all so far!!!

My sex drive is exactly the same...

stax said:
peapoddy, so you dont get any side effects from Propecia at all? It doesnt reduce your sex drive or arousal at all? No anxiety, brain fog, depression? You dont feel any different mentally or emotionally? Is sex as enjoyable for you?

Ive tried to take propecia over the years and it always gives me bad anxiety and horrible depression, like it makes me bi-polar and off propecia i never have depression or had it in my life. Sex is also a lot less enjoyable for me on propecia.

Is your sex drive naturally really high or is it just normal?

I would appreciate any answers.



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Well just a little update

Hair is doing great!.It look's just as thick as its ever been:)My temple are still slighty receded ,but because my hair is soo much thicker i can style it nice to cover the temples:)

No side effects at all :)

Bodyfat is still very low.. and my gym workouts are going great!

here is a pic

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