Nostalgia, what it does to me, and how I no longer love myse


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IBM said:
In here is very different. The only people that see book shelves are kids.

Fine, then go somewhere else where people congregate. Certainly you can figure out those places. They can't be at the "disco" 24 hours a day. A market? Coffee shop? How about taking a "continuing education" class at a local college. Learn to do something in which you're interested. Cooking, sailing, gardening (not the grow light type), whatever... The potential venues are too numerous to count. Dive in.


Guys, I have to hit you all between the eyes(or above the eyes!!!) with the bald truth. Forget rugs, drugs, and plugs. You will only prolong your humiliation of rapidly impending baldness. There is no such thing as a good hair transplant. Drugs are only temporary- if affective at all. The many side affects include a permenant soft-on, itching, disinterest in sex, etc. Alot of fun, right? As for plugs-they will quickly fall out, and your scalp will be covered with scars, gauges, and pockmarks rivaling those on the surface of the moon. And then you will at last be totally baldheaded, with all the embarrassing signs showing how desperate, stupid, guillible, weak, and downright retarded you recently were to think hair can grow on a bald head. It can't. Be a man, face the fact that you were born to be a bald man. Ruining your scalp with snake oil treatments will just advertise how wimpy you feel a a bald man. Shave your head, and become a fierce, studly bald MAN. Not a wig-wearing wuss![/b]


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IBM said:
People dont like asian muslims. A lot of asian guys i know have the same problem.

Fine, so you're at a disadvantage with non-muslims. That shouldn't come as any surprise. So find youself an asian muslim girl.

A significant part of your problem is your extremely negative attitude. No one can help you with that. If you keep it up, then yes - there's no hope for you on social fronts.


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IBM said:
I'm not negative but pragmatic.

You ARE negative. Very negative. You've already decided the outcome - without trying to improve your situation. You can call it pragmatism if it makes you feel better, but in reality it's a convenient, comfortable cop-out. You're not fooling're emotionally weak/scared and the only one who can help you is you. You're in charge of your own destiny...there's no one else to blame. So will you continue to feel sorry for yourself like a little girl or are you going to make an effort, like a man, to change things for the better? You need to get some self-respect and decide how things are going to be. Otherwise, you will be trod upon for the rest of your living days...and justifiably so.


i think getting a girl is all about attitude. first off if you have the attitude that only pretty girls are worth anything thats already a wrong attitude. i mean nothing against trying to get good looking girls but you have to have respect for the ugly ones too. women feel that. if you idolize them you already lost. they dont want someone who idolizes them. they want someone who loves and likes them not idolizes. i think thats what collegechemistry does wrong.

okay, maybe you are not that kind of guy. but then probably you have the that you are *not good enough* for someone else. thats wrong too. in this world, everyone is good enough for anyone. everyone can have anyone. its only about attitude. okay, its really very very damn hard to get a super model if you are butt ugly and to have the right attitude for that. but its possible. often the pretty girls have not so good looking guys because they dont want that the beauty of their guy over shines their own beauty.

well, im not that good with women myself but i think its because i got the wrong attitude. i have to learn. to get a better attitude in questions of women. but i think thats the first step for you and for me, to realize that its about attitude. its all in your head!

okay i know its even about looking. thats just a fact. you have to realize that fact. but then its all up to you. you can think like you now do, "fine im ugly and will never get a women". or you think, "im ugly , but i can have a women though. maybe i will not get her over my looks and i have to try harder than a good looking guy but i will get a women, if i want even a good looking one." that you have to think. you have to think. " i will try harder than anyone else to get my dream women. and i will get her" thats the right attitude.


you shouldnt go for a girl you dont want. that s not what i mean. but not always prettier is better. okay, if you only like pretty girls then go for them. but you need the right attitude. you need the attitude that you are the best for her, your dreamwomen. that you are her dream guy. that is the right attitude i think. and then show her that you really are. that should work, i guess. if you can handle it.


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I agree with IBM, but helpme007 is right that if you are convinced you don't have a chance, it will keep you from getting the prettiest woman you can get.

Suppose you know you can't get a 9. That is fine. But if you are happy with a 7, and could get one, but have a bad mind set, it may keep you even from getting that 7. So then you must choose between staying single or taking a 6. If you have the right mind set, you can get the 7 or maybe even an 8. It is OK to acknowledge you can't have the 9. But just make sure you don't develop a negative attitude that keeps you from getting the women you could get others.

And if you look good, the women in your class will want to talk to you. It will be easy to get to know them. If you don't look as good as they like, they will be busy, and just give you brief small talk if you chase them down, but not see you in a sexual way. It is possible to mess conversations up, but the biggest obstacles are looking good and going over and talking to the women.

One reason I don't like guys on here saying looks don't matter is it makes guys think they have something really wrong with their personality, which then gives them a complex about that. Whatever the reason is, people still get the complex. If you want to stop the complex, you should tell guys how not to develop it, instead of telling them that none of the qualities you look for in women matter to women in men.

Women want men who look good, have a decent sized penis, have access to a car, have a moderate amount of stuff in common, and like them back. On that list, looks are the most important for getting sex. If you are really nice and interesting, they will be your friend. I have yet to meet any women who care if a guy experiences any joy, except so he'll like her and give her some joy in return. I feel like I'm one of the only people who cares about others, though a few people show some evidence of it. Most people would rather search for or make up flaws in other people as excuses not to be kind to them. Also, they point out how nice they are to the people who benifit them as proof that they are nice to others. I see right through them.


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You three guys - College, Helpme, and IBM - need to stop this baseless theorizing and get out there to get some experience under your belts. This banter, while amusing, is total nonsense.

College - man, please go out and give it a try. You present things as if you are an authority, which you're clearly not. I don't mean that in an insulting way. You spend hours, months, probably years wasting time thinking about possible outcomes. You are obsessive about it. Unless you want to marry your screwdriver (sorry, couldn't resist), stop trying to justify things to yourself through the use of formulae and statistics. To put it bluntly (and I mean it in a helping way), a lot of conclusions that you draw about girls are mock-worthy nerdy bullshit. You're a newbie with this girl thing, and there's not a damn thing wrong with that. We all have been at some point. However, you need to stop acting like you've got things figured out and instead go out and learn.

Helpme - sometimes you seem rational, sometimes downright insane. You've given some good advice but I doubt you've applied it in your own life. You owe it to yourself to do something about it. If you don't try, then you don't deserve.

IBM - well, what can I tell you? I doubt anything has soaked into your head. Your statement "The only thing on relationships, marriage etc etc that matters is pleasure" is so misguided that I think there may be no hope for you. Certainly, pleasure is a necessary part of any serious relationship...but if you think that's all it's about, then you're going to be sorely disappointed when you continue to get nowhere. Serious relationships are also about support, guidance, love, respect, and honor. Indeed, if a relationship proceeds to marriage, then your mate becomes family. If what you said is truly your attitude, then I can see why no girl considers you dating material.


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hairwegoagain said:
You three guys - College, Helpme, and IBM - need to stop this baseless theorizing and get out there to get some experience under your belts. This banter, while amusing, is total nonsense.

College - man, please go out and give it a try. You present things as if you are an authority, which you're clearly not. I don't mean that in an insulting way. You spend hours, months, probably years wasting time thinking about possible outcomes. You are obsessive about it. Unless you want to marry your screwdriver (sorry, couldn't resist), stop trying to justify things to yourself through the use of formulae and statistics. To put it bluntly (and I mean it in a helping way), a lot of conclusions that you draw about girls are mock-worthy nerdy bullshit. You're a newbie with this girl thing, and there's not a damn thing wrong with that. We all have been at some point. However, you need to stop acting like you've got things figured out and instead go out and learn.

Helpme - sometimes you seem rational, sometimes downright insane. You've given some good advice but I doubt you've applied it in your own life. You owe it to yourself to do something about it. If you don't try, then you don't deserve.

IBM - well, what can I tell you? I doubt anything has soaked into your head. Your statement "The only thing on relationships, marriage etc etc that matters is pleasure" is so misguided that I think there may be no hope for you. Certainly, pleasure is a necessary part of any serious relationship...but if you think that's all it's about, then you're going to be sorely disappointed when you continue to get nowhere. Serious relationships are also about support, guidance, love, respect, and honor. Indeed, if a relationship proceeds to marriage, then your mate becomes family. If what you said is truly your attitude, then I can see why no girl considers you dating material.

Quoted for major *** emphasis

If you want to know a general tip for just meeting chicks, hanging out with people, and overall having a good life heres a good one. It doesn't matter if you have hair, no hair, a googly eye, or three legs.

Be funny

Im not going to explain why, or rationalize it, or put it into a girl formula, or any of that sh*t.

From my personal experience--if you laugh, are cheerful, and do funny shi* no matter how one will have much of a reason to cognatively bring up your imperfections.


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I did that most my life, and was labelled a dork. if you look good, the women laugh at your jokes. if you don't look good, they won't because they don't want to lead you on, and some will say you are a dork instead. Now if you come off as "safe", meaning you make it obvious you are not going after them and never will, then they will laugh at your jokes and flirt and let you hang around them, but won't have sex with you.

Being funny is mentioned a lot because most people see it as something anyone can do, even if they are ugly or have no money. But the fact is, you can be very funny, and if the other person is not in the right mood, they will not laugh, sometimes even if they want to laugh.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
Now if you come off as "safe", meaning you make it obvious you are not going after them and never will, then they will laugh at your jokes and flirt and let you hang around them, but won't have sex with you.

Thats what you should be doing when you're talking to girls. If you're just looking for vag and making it blatently obvious thats all you're intrested in--you're not going to get very far.

A chick has to feel comfortable with you before all of the "going after" stuff happens. If your way of making comfort is through retarded jokes or whatever and people "label you" for it, then so be it. If you refuse to be yourself, no chick will want to have much to do with you.


okay, here comes my experience with women.... experience is from kissing 8 different women, but i didnt have sex yet. lol. at least i tell you and am not a pussy to not do it.

7 out of these 8 women i kissed in the last 9 month. okay here comes my analysis...

...the importanst thing is looking. lol. holy sh*t. yes, its how you look. anyone can tell me anything different, but good looks are the most easy and best way to get a women. no matter what.

2. comes the key situations. how do you approach her? how do you make to dance with her? how you make to kiss her? that is the secondst important thing. that you are good or best a master in these key situations.

3. what and even more *how* you talk. try hard while speaking. speak in a way that you are trying to impress her with just *how* you talk. but just *impress* her, dont try to be overly nice. dont try to *buy* her with your niceness.

while you talk to her, try to make her be attracted to you. if you get her attracted to you , thats the way. if you dont get her attracted to you, no matter what, then you get NO chance. really no chance. women arent like men and go for a man they dont want. men sometimes even pick a women they dont want just to f*** her. i know i know most of you (chemistry, ibm) arent like that. but women are different. they want their dream boy. though they even would take one who comes close to it. nothing and noone is perfect, even not in the view of women.

thx for listening.


i thought about it again. and made an analysis.

the most important thing is that she is attracted to you. it doesnt mean she must be physically attracted to you, but just attracted in any way. there are several ways to build up attraction, especially there are some, too, to build it up when you are ugly or have hairloss. i havent figured it out myself, so i cant tell you sadly. maybe hairwegoagain knows more about that. though i think, the most important for us guys with hairloss is, that we dont have complexes. because complexes act very unattractive to women. i think i got some complexes myself because of i use toppik. though, dont tell me now to stop using it, because without i dont even feel better, more i feel worse.

attraction is everything if it comes to women. that even says david deangelo who wrote a very famous e-book about getting women(doubleyourdatings) . a way is to tease women. or be "cocky and funny". thats what he writes. though i think with complexes its very hard to be serious "cocky and funny".

so i tell you now what im gona try...

that is following...

im gona try to build down my complexes and learn to live with my hairloss and the toppik in my hair. though thats gona very hard. on the other hand i will try to tease women. and im gona try to impress them in the way i speak. and im gona look at them intensivley when i speak to them, coz they like that. its magic.

i will let you guys updated about my success or non success. though the only real possibility to get a women for me is when i go thursdays to disco. and you disco there are all the superficial women so its very hard there. but i will try. i will try everything to get a women. no matter how ugly she is. i will try to get one. i wont be a pussy and just go for the attractive onces and then later complain that i dont get one.


oh and. i will even try to do something to improve my looks. that are in following...

1. hair transplant

2. i will let me laser 3 moles in my face to get prettier there

3. i will stop smoking what makes the skin prettier

4. i will do something against some little akne i got (not much, but it could improve my looks a bit aswell)

5. i will make collagen constitution to get some little scars improved.

6. i will make a little scar on my forhead from red to skin color with a gel.


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Debating about women is impossible...

Really, to sum it up, women are impossible.

Live to love yourself, and f*** all the women who try to get between that.

When it comes down to it, you're working for yourself.

Don't succumb to the mind games and, often, sinister ambitions of your "woman."


ya i know, i dont understand women. noone does. but you can learn some things which help. :)