New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

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So what are you exactly suppose to do? You role once a week (one time in the morning etc.), and then you wait with the minoxidil 24 hours?

yes the study called for a 24 hour wait, although there are some people who apply minoxidil immediately after, but that was the absorption theory. the theory we're going for is the wounding theory which doesnt require minoxidil immediately after dermarolling. i also suggest u take a before dermarolling picture and then another one 4 weeks after dermarolling to see if some dark hairs sprout up. im noticing a trend here that alot of the users here always say "ill take post pictures soon" but fail to deliver, with the exception of some users that actually keep their word. best way to post pics is to use your smartphone with flash on the spot u want to focus on, email it to yourself and just post it here, if you would be so kind. it takes all of 2 minutes


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yes the study called for a 24 hour wait, although there are some people who apply minoxidil immediately after, but that was the absorption theory. the theory we're going for is the wounding theory which doesnt require minoxidil immediately after dermarolling. i also suggest u take a before dermarolling picture and then another one 4 weeks after dermarolling to see if some dark hairs sprout up. im noticing a trend here that alot of the users here always say "ill take post pictures soon" but fail to deliver, with the exception of some users that actually keep their word. best way to post pics is to use your smartphone with flash on the spot u want to focus on, email it to yourself and just post it here, if you would be so kind. it takes all of 2 minutes

There are plenty of pics and results here from many different people, some people just need more and more and more like it will help them grow hair faster.


Established Member
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There are plenty of pics and results here from many different people, some people just need more and more and more like it will help them grow hair faster.

umm...yes we do. u do know thats how science works right? the more proof and evidence there is, the better. and in this case we're piercing our heads till it bleeds and every optimistic picture posted here is what helps get through the pain. im sorry but a few pics on page 187 or whatever of this thread isnt all im going to rely on. the point if this thread is progress. prog·ress(pr
, -r
s, pr
n.1. Movement, as toward a goal; advance.
2. Development or growth: students who show progress.
3. Steady improvement, as of a society or civilization: a believer in human progress. See Synonyms at development.
(pun intended on the growth)

This means the more pictures we get, the better. theres never "enough pictures" just cause a few people posted pics 50 pages back doesnt mean thats enough, im clearly baffled at how you would be against more pictures, when you know you, like me, and everyone here would take interest in every picture posted here from here on out.

i really didnt mean to sound off like a dick, i was just genuine in my response. we're all just trying to grow back hair, this isnt a video game or sports forum, we're all just trying to find something that works


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I keep a small glass of isopropyl alcohol by my sink and dip it in that before and after use. Don't know how long they will last but at $15 I think it's one of the cheapest treatments even if you have to buy one a month.

I do the same thing. Rubbing Alcohol in a small glass. I always rinse the derma roller with scorching hot water then dip it in rubbing alcohol after use. Trying to get rid of blood and dead hairs if any.

- - - Updated - - -

umm...yes we do. u do know thats how science works right? the more proof and evidence there is, the better. and in this case we're piercing our heads till it bleeds and every optimistic picture posted here is what helps get through the pain. im sorry but a few pics on page 187 or whatever of this thread isnt all im going to rely on. the point if this thread is progress. prog·ress(pr
, -r
s, pr
n.1. Movement, as toward a goal; advance.
2. Development or growth: students who show progress.
3. Steady improvement, as of a society or civilization: a believer in human progress. See Synonyms at development.
(pun intended on the growth)

This means the more pictures we get, the better. theres never "enough pictures" just cause a few people posted pics 50 pages back doesnt mean thats enough, im clearly baffled at how you would be against more pictures, when you know you, like me, and everyone here would take interest in every picture posted here from here on out.

i really didnt mean to sound off like a dick, i was just genuine in my response. we're all just trying to grow back hair, this isnt a video game or sports forum, we're all just trying to find something that works

Derma rolling works. Keywords are blood, good coverage, consistency and patience. Most of us are still early in the experimental treatment, give it 6-8 months to see more results pictures.


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I'm having a hard time finding info on what type of products you should use on your scalp pre and post rolling as far as preventing infection and healing. Any ideas?


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I do the same thing. Rubbing Alcohol in a small glass. I always rinse the derma roller with scorching hot water then dip it in rubbing alcohol after use. Trying to get rid of blood and dead hairs if any.

- - - Updated - - -

Derma rolling works. Keywords are blood, good coverage, consistency and patience. Most of us are still early in the experimental treatment, give it 6-8 months to see more results pictures.

i totally agree with you, its just that im positive there are some people who's been going at it for at least 3 months and it would help heaps and bounds to see more results. no one owes anyone anything but its the success pictures that i saw early on that led me to buy a dermaroller and try it, as well as post pics of my progress which im hoping other users will do also. thats all im saying


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Don’t want sound like a dick but whats wrong with you people? Why the same questions are asked every day? Please read! Google! And read again! Don’t Post just to post anything!

0.5mm-1mm don’t work tested by people all over the forums years ago study states 1.5MM so buy that, and stop vining its painful

Where to buy: Google it: 1.5mm dermaroller

Yes, 540 dermaroller pulls loads of hair so use 192 or even better Dermastamp (been using for 6-7 times, great stuff 0 pulled hair!, takes longer though.

Yes, wait 24h after roll for minoxidil- it will f… up heartbeat, pulse big time (was stupid enough to try)

If you roll like in the study it is literally impossible to roll more than once a week! My experience, best every 10-14days. I can barely touch my scalp without causing pain for 3 days after roll so how can you roll every day?

Yes- I bleed quite a bit after roll/stamp

Yes, I get results, much stronger hairline! Few new hairs, loads of vellus hair (not sure they weren’t there before) still not much of regrow but looks like its defiantly worth of trying im on 3-4months

I posted few pics in weeks5-6 don’t remember exactly, will post more later on (thinking roll 15) so don’t ask
All the above is based on my own experience and what I absorbed reading the hair forums for years!

So if your story is different and it works-good for you!

Sorry if I offended anyone but c’mon people we should concentrate on more interested stuff then repeating same answers again and again.


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I have an almost painfull male pattern baldness itch sometime it feels like a weak acid is burning my scalp. Has anyone had any success removing the male pattern baldness itchy feeling with dermarolling?


Established Member
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Don’t want sound like a dick but whats wrong with you people? Why the same questions are asked every day? Please read! Google! And read again! Don’t Post just to post anything!
0.5mm-1mm don’t work tested by people all over the forums years ago study states 1.5MM so buy that, and stop vining its painful
Where to buy: Google it: 1.5mm dermaroller
Yes 540 dermaroller pulls loads of hair so use 192 or even better Dermastamp (been using for 6-7 times, great stuff 0 pulled hair!, takes longer though.
Yes wait 24h after roll for minoxidil- it will f… up heartbeat, pulse big time (was stupid enough to try)
If you roll like in the study it is literally impossible to roll more than once a week! My experience best every 10-14days. I can barely touch my scalp without causing pain for 3 days after roll so how can you roll every day?
Yes- I bleed quite a bit after roll/stamp
Yes I get results much stronger hairline! Few new hairs, loads of vellus hair (not sure they weren’t there before) still not much of regrow but looks like its defiantly worth of trying im on 3-4months
I posted few pics in weeks5-6 don’t remember exactly, will post more later on (thinking roll 15) so don’t ask
All the above is based on my own experience and what I absorbed reading the hair forums for years!
So if your story is different and it works-good for you!
Sorry if I offended anyone but c’mon people we should concentrate on more interested stuff then repeating same answers again and again.

Totally agree with this, it's getting tiresome reading people asking for instructions and advice every two or three posts. I appreciate this thread is lengthy and there is a lot of info to take in, but please read the study properly and check through the thread before jumping in and asking questions that have already been answered several times. It really is just heart laziness on the part of some people.

Perhaps a new thread should be posted summarising the information these people need, so they can stop clogging up this thread with the same boring stuff and the rest of us can concentrate on new findings, results and advancements.
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Got an idea to help out all those people who don't want to read 1000+ posts to find out where to start with rolling. Rather than tell them to get reading let's encourage new users by footer-ing all out posts with a copy/paste of what we are collectively doing.

[1.5mm dermaroller 1 evening a week until bloody. No minoxidil for 24 hours after rolling. minoxidil 2/day as instructed otherwise. *personally I'm trying twice daily .5mm dermaroller before minoxidil for absorption*] [10 weeks in]


Senior Member
My Regimen
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If you've been following us then you should be able to answer those pretty basic questions :sleep:

This thread is over 250 pages... I dont think thats a fair remark. I read like the first 20 and still have questions.

Why dont you more knowledgeable guys make a new stickied "how to" thread with some info.

Don’t want sound like a dick but whats wrong with you people? Why the same questions are asked every day? Please read! Google! And read again! Don’t Post just to post anything!

0.5mm-1mm don’t work tested by people all over the forums years ago study states 1.5MM so buy that, and stop vining its painful

Where to buy: Google it: 1.5mm dermaroller

Yes, 540 dermaroller pulls loads of hair so use 192 or even better Dermastamp (been using for 6-7 times, great stuff 0 pulled hair!, takes longer though.

great after I just bought a 540 pin. I read a post of another guy using this, after I had asked earlier. If someone would have answered then perhaps I would have known what to pick up. Does it hurt to just answer a question. Try and google and see the THOUSANDS of opinions and false info you get. Make a sticky post with some details like any other forum on the web and then you prob wont have people asking "basic questions"
Seriously, well Im going to try it and go slow I guess. Pain is not really an issue for me but pulling out good hairs is. Maybe I can do it in the shower while my hair is wet and very matted. Hot shower might open and loosen the skin anyway making it easier.


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What do you guys think of oil mixtures ,especially for temples?

i thought of oils like : lavender oil,thymian oil,jojoba oil,grapeseed oil,olive oil,tea tree oil,castor oil ?

not good bc some of them are anti inflammatory?

just saw this vid again,they re talking bout herbal stuff also


New Member
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I have an almost painfull male pattern baldness itch sometime it feels like a weak acid is burning my scalp. Has anyone had any success removing the male pattern baldness itchy feeling with dermarolling?

Hey, i´ve got that too, everytime i dermaroll, the itch disappears for about 1 week and then it´s starting to itch again. But i have to admit, that most of my itch is coming from the minoxidil, but still dermarolling is helping me with that...


Established Member
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This thread is over 250 pages... I dont think thats a fair remark. I read like the first 20 and still have questions.

Why dont you more knowledgeable guys make a new stickied "how to" thread with some info.

great after I just bought a 540 pin. I read a post of another guy using this, after I had asked earlier. If someone would have answered then perhaps I would have known what to pick up. Does it hurt to just answer a question. Try and google and see the THOUSANDS of opinions and false info you get. Make a sticky post with some details like any other forum on the web and then you prob wont have people asking "basic questions"
Seriously, well Im going to try it and go slow I guess. Pain is not really an issue for me but pulling out good hairs is. Maybe I can do it in the shower while my hair is wet and very matted. Hot shower might open and loosen the skin anyway making it easier.

Well said. I know it can be irritating of the daily viewer of this thread since day one, but if there isn't any simple guidance one here people WILL ask the same questions again and again. People won't read a 250 pages thread.

Thanks! That's easy and simple.

Btw. Does everyone here clean their dermaroller with alcohol? where do you get that? Is it really necessary?

Last question; is it that necessary to use recovery oil on the scalp after the dermaroller use?


Established Member
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Maybe its time to create a separate sub-forum for the topic of dermarolling?

That way there could be posted 'sticky' threads that contain FAQs for people who do not have the time to read 250+ pages (I can certainly understand why people don't have the spare time for this. This thread is like a whole book by now.)


Established Member
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Btw. Does everyone here clean their dermaroller with alcohol? where do you get that? Is it really necessary?

Last question; is it that necessary to use recovery oil on the scalp after the dermaroller use?

Recovery oil?... what's that?... You don't need to put anythig on your scalp after rolling. I have never used anything and I have never had any problem, I just take a shower before using the dermaroller and rinse with plain water the blood on my scalp after I'm done...

But yeah, you do need to clean the dermaroller after and before using it. A dirty dermaroller can easily give you an infection....

Can't you get alcohol on any drugstore? (I don't know, I'm not from the USA, in my country you can get it everywhere)...


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This thread is over 250 pages... I dont think thats a fair remark. I read like the first 20 and still have questions.

Why dont you more knowledgeable guys make a new stickied "how to" thread with some info.

great after I just bought a 540 pin. I read a post of another guy using this, after I had asked earlier. If someone would have answered then perhaps I would have known what to pick up. Does it hurt to just answer a question. Try and google and see the THOUSANDS of opinions and false info you get. Make a sticky post with some details like any other forum on the web and then you prob wont have people asking "basic questions"
Seriously, well Im going to try it and go slow I guess. Pain is not really an issue for me but pulling out good hairs is. Maybe I can do it in the shower while my hair is wet and very matted. Hot shower might open and loosen the skin anyway making it easier.

just go for stamp/pen with 540 even how careful i was i still pulled quite few hairs with every roll.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Maybe its time to create a separate sub-forum for the topic of dermarolling?

That way there could be posted 'sticky' threads that contain FAQs for people who do not have the time to read 250+ pages (I can certainly understand why people don't have the spare time for this. This thread is like a whole book by now.)


This thread is over 250 pages... I dont think thats a fair remark. I read like the first 20 and still have questions.

Why dont you more knowledgeable guys make a new stickied "how to" thread with some info.

great after I just bought a 540 pin. I read a post of another guy using this, after I had asked earlier. If someone would have answered then perhaps I would have known what to pick up. Does it hurt to just answer a question. Try and google and see the THOUSANDS of opinions and false info you get. Make a sticky post with some details like any other forum on the web and then you prob wont have people asking "basic questions"
Seriously, well Im going to try it and go slow I guess. Pain is not really an issue for me but pulling out good hairs is. Maybe I can do it in the shower while my hair is wet and very matted. Hot shower might open and loosen the skin anyway making it easier.

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