I still don´t think spato is a scammer. What pisses me off is his lack of doing sh*t about lost lotions. I was talking with my friend about it (I just said I was about to get parcel from Italy, not good friends enough to tell him about desperate attempt to get black market lotion of theoretically working hairloss potion). He told me, that when he was in Milano to buy some clothes he was stupid enough to use poste italiane. After 3 days he got information your parcel was sent. After two month he got nothing. Poste italiane was incapable to help to track it. So he went himself to Italy and played some Sherlock and found his package in a storage...
I tried to ask spato about the same thing. To try to find it. No answer. The only quiet italian person in the world.
Don´t know what to say. Of course, I hope you are right. But doesn´t it sound strange that he claims to be able to produce his own hairloss treatment, but is unable to speak even basic English or send expensive parcels with a tracking number?