life is over :[


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They sound remarkably strong, what were they?

When my depression is at it's worst and I need drugs all I get is just a little nudge from the medication to snap out of it, nothing "out of body" (I feel cheated) :)


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GeminiX said:
They sound remarkably strong, what were they?

When my depression is at it's worst and I need drugs all I get is just a little nudge from the medication to snap out of it, nothing "out of body" (I feel cheated) :)

cheating is the word. I can't remember the name right now but I'll ask my mom and get back to you , I think I have some boxes left over the house.
Anyway I rather die and finish my life than ignoring my life.


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It sounds like you just need to find the right thing which works for you.

Depression is a horrible thing, you feel like you're the only person in the world who understands how you feel and that there is no point even trying to fix things. I came very close to not being here today because of it, and even after 25+ years it never completely goes away. Fortunately it does get much easier to deal with once you find the right treatment and learn to recognise the symptoms of the onset of an episode.

The bad news is that it can be *very* difficult to start taking positive steps, it's so easy to get into a rut.

The good news is that once you get on track, everything gets better.


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hairloss is a minor, minor problem for you...especially if you still look close to what you looked like in your previous pictures....the sad truth're an emotional wreck. Its not surprising at all that even despite the fact you ARE a very good looking guy you don't get girls...they can sense this sh*t man...they know that deep down you're fraught with insecurities and they want nothing to do with that sh*t. doesn't make sense to us as men but women can f*****g tell...and in your case, by reading some of your thoughts its clear what your problem've gotta seek some sort of medical or therapeutic help man or else you're gonna sink deeper and deeper and deeper.

And what I wish people like U-man and other men who are actually bald would realize is that if a man with minor hairloss can freak out to such a point that he thinks his life is over...then how is that really that different from somebody with major hairloss. To me it proves that no matter what...we are capable of reacting to minor problems in such a negative way that we perceive them to be the end of the can come up with a whole list of reasons why ACTUALLY BEING BALD is different from a case like this...but in the end, it all shows how OUR MINDS are the real culprits in this matter...not our physical appearances


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GeminiX said:
It sounds like you just need to find the right thing which works for you.

Depression is a horrible thing, you feel like you're the only person in the world who understands how you feel and that there is no point even trying to fix things. I came very close to not being here today because of it, and even after 25+ years it never completely goes away. Fortunately it does get much easier to deal with once you find the right treatment and learn to recognise the symptoms of the onset of an episode.

The bad news is that it can be *very* difficult to start taking positive steps, it's so easy to get into a rut.

The good news is that once you get on track, everything gets better.

good for you.


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Look, already been said in the past, so you listen close, you one depressive f***!!
Parties, clubbing .. these places, particularly for your age group, is 100% looks based and superficial, girls dont go there to find the man of their dreams and fall in love.. they go there to have fun, get drunk, f***, do drugs and all that sh*t... they dont think with their heads, so they dont care about how you feel or how special you are or sensitive, if they horny or drunk enough, and fancy you, then they will take you to the "bathroom" (toilets).. now if this is what your looking for, then im sorry to break it to you but unless you are famous, filthy rich or very attractive looking guy, your chances drop significantly...
If its a **GIRLFRIEND** you want, then you should look in the right places... i dont know, the best places where i meet the best girls are usually work, collage(!!!) or throw friends and such.. this is how you meet "quality girls"... your wasting your time and money if you set your goals in scoring hot stupid bimbos in the toilets of a fancy club.. go with your friends, focus on having fun, dont set goals, and go with the flow... us baldies need to go with a mature minded girls.. not the stupid shallow bimbo types.

P/s1, in bars and pubs, where its more quite and somewhat stabled atmosphere then the night clubs, you have better chance imo...
p/s2 i have a close friend who loves the club scene (yeah he is nw1) and scores alot, but i tell you what... these girls are so f*****g stupid and easily manipulated, but you have to be a neutral born liar and have no conscience to do what he does + it takes some practice and you have to look good.. so i dont think its worth the effort.. i can barely get my dick on without some chemistry going... he disgust me and he knows that.. think very hard if this is what you want..


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Here we go way back.
When I started going to pubs / dance bars nothing happened , people told me - you should go out more the parties / clubs.
Now I do the same and you tell me to go back.

way to go.

f*** IT
and yeah, I am one fucked up depressed guy.
If only you knew 50% of the things I went through during my life you'd shut up.

Thanks for your reply
helped a lot.
Sure thing.
I now need to DECIDE what to do . WOOHOO.
I don't give a f*** if it's a shallow bimbo or a smart one , I didn't experience none so HOW THE f*** AM I SUPPOSE TO DECIDE.

I had one girlfriend which I already wrote about, a friend of mine introduced between us. It was for about a month. I didn't really like her (from the start) and felt like I'm doing the wrong thing ,
since the only reason I kept seeing here was I had no other choice and I thought maybe eventually I'll like her.
I didn't.


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qball01 said:
hairloss is a minor, minor problem for you...especially if you still look close to what you looked like in your previous pictures....the sad truth're an emotional wreck. Its not surprising at all that even despite the fact you ARE a very good looking guy you don't get girls...they can sense this sh*t man...they know that deep down you're fraught with insecurities and they want nothing to do with that sh*t.

I am not getting into that medicine sh*t again - sorry.
It's stupid.
If I had women - I'd feel better and more confident about myself ,
therefor as for what you say - women would like me more since they can fuckin SENSE IT feels like fuckin national geographic.
But I don't get any girls - so even though I pretend smiling and happy and sh*t they fuckin SENSE IT so I'm in a fuckin loop ending up with no girls at all.

That's just great,
life is fun fun fun.


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I don't even know you and I really feel sorry for you. You are really in such a "dark" place that no one on here is ever going to get you out of it. I can totally understand why your friends don't want to hang out with you. I told you this before and I will tell you this again, you need to find something you like doing. Can you tell me what interests you? What country are you in now? What type of work do you do? If you would rather PM me and tell me, then do it that way.


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You took Finasteride for a few months, then you sh*t yourself and stopped taking it. You haven't looked into experimental treatments like Copper Peptides or RU so you can't say "I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING" because you haven't.
This even is besides the point because:

You're not bald
You're not balding.

You're on the wrong forums mate.

I think you should go onto the depression boards like uncommonforum.

Or even join the Pick Up Artists boards :)mrgreen: and no, that stuff doesn't work :mrgreen:)

Listen mate, f*****g a drunken slag in a club toilets is f*****g awful. All you can smell is alcohol, BO, and supermarket perfume. You're acting like you're missing out on some utopian dreamscape.

You need to just chill out. Why do you even care what you look like while at work? You're not there on the pull are you?
Losing your job, then sitting at home all day on the dole will just make you even worse.

There is nothing wrong with your hair. The only thing wrong with you is that you are bat sh*t CRAZY. See your GP or it will only get worse, and you'll end up either killing yourself or in Broadmoor Hospital.


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DoctorHouse said:
I don't even know you and I really feel sorry for you. You are really in such a "dark" place that no one on here is ever going to get you out of it. I can totally understand why your friends don't want to hang out with you. I told you this before and I will tell you this again, you need to find something you like doing. Can you tell me what interests you? What country are you in now? What type of work do you do? If you would rather PM me and tell me, then do it that way.

My country isn't relevant.
I prefer not saying it.

I'm a web developer.

I'm only interested in gym and working out.

You wouldn't believe the story I'm about to tell because too many bad things happen in my life but you have to trust me it's true -
I've developed some serious body "mass". 4 weeks ago my weight was almost 200 pounds (not fat - alot of muscle).
3 weeks ago I was hit by a pickup truck while I crossed the road,
the driver didn't see me and I was hit when he drove at about 20 miles.
I flew down the road for about 5 meters and people thought I was dead.
I lost my consciousness and don't remember what happened at all , later on I was told people didn't believe I would make it alive and I made a hole in the truck.
Because the mass I gained , I didn't break any bone.
The doctors at the hospital said it's because my muscles protected me ,
but my shoulder got all the damage and for now on I can't practice anymore , the pain is killing me.

So yeah , I'm alive.
I keep asking myself (if there is god) what was the point of this accident ?
I've heard a lot about people going through situations like this and how it changed them for the good,
so for now on the only thing that happen is that he took me the only good thing I had in life - gym.
My life was around it , it kept me focused and kept me motivated with a reason to live.
Now I have nothing.


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cuebald said:
You took Finasteride for a few months, then you sh*t yourself and stopped taking it. You haven't looked into experimental treatments like Copper Peptides or RU so you can't say "I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING" because you haven't.

OK !
2 things :
1. this is some wrong information , never stopped with finasteride. I've stopped with NIZORAL for 1.5 months.

2. put yourself in my position:

*people who know you telling you you're going bald.
*you can clearly see your scalp and your thin hairs.
*you can't do anything with your hair since it's so thin.
*anonymous people from some web forum telling you you are not going bald at all and you need to STFU.

who would you most likely listen to ?


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cuebald said:

do you need me to mark the thinning or it's the reason you showed it ?
you showed the Norwood SCALE
ever heard of diffuse thinning ?


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You will need to mark it out for me mate because I can't see any thinning at all, and I am viewing this on a large, bright 24" TFT monitor


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cuebald said:
You will need to mark it out for me mate because I can't see any thinning at all, and I am viewing this on a large, bright 24" TFT monitor

Bumped up the contrast so you can look into your 24" and see it.
The photo's too dark , I should take one with flash so you could all see it.

OH and BTW
it's combed down
wanna see it up ? that will satisfy you ?


  • fuckit.png
    494.7 KB · Views: 218


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Pfff, your hair is f*****g fine "yeled"... :jackit: ill show you mine and you go :dropmouth: trust me, if can i get my share, you should have ZERO problems... :smack:


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I don't know whether you're losing your hair or not. It could be a receding Norwood 1, or a mature hairline which will stay the same for years. But I don't think that's what matters here.

What's clear from this thread is that hairloss is not the real problem for you - or at least not the only problem. I don't say this in a nasty or patronising way, since this situation mirrors that of many others on this site, including myself. There are very few folks on here who, when they're honest with themselves, can say they had zero problems before the hairloss hit. Hair loss can worsen existing problems, or, worse, become a scapegoat for our unhappiness, and take the place of them. It can even be convenient. It allows us explain our lack of success, poor luck with women, or continued unhappiness, when deep down many of us know that these problems have as much to do with who we are and how we lead our lives than they do with hair loss alone.

I say this because I really do believe you're in this category. I'm not going to tell you that hair loss isn't a problem for you - because I honestly don't know either way. But having read your story it really does seem that you had problems before, and I'm sure if you're honest with yourself you know this is the case.

I don't have much advice to offer besides what you probably already remember. All I will say is that there is hope for you yet - seriously. Not only are you still young, but you can see from your own success with getting the girl a few months ago that you can get results in the ladies department. And you can see from at least a few posters on this site - many of whom aren't regulars, for obvious reasons - that there is life beyond these worries and obsessions.

You know what you need to do, and it's the opposite of what you're doing now. The path to sorting things out for yourself isn't going to be easy - but it is simple. You need to work hard, push yourself, and get out of your comfort zone, and change can happen - as it has for many people.

Best of luck in getting back on track. There are plenty of people rooting for you at all times who'd love to see you succeed, even if you can't see them where you are right now.


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Sorry to hear about your accident but it was a sign "from above" that you have not completed your "mission" on this earth just yet. I am not religious but I THINK you and I were born into the same religion. You are blessed in someway that you just have not discovered. If I am not mistaken from your past posts, you felt that your life was no longer worth living. I think you almost willfully got your wish but for some reason your life has been spared. I know that the gym was your life but you still can have a life outside the gym. I have been in a situation that I pulled out my back so badly I could not move. I could not work and I could not go to the gym which I do enjoy alot. I thought for the rest of my life I would live in pain and never work out again. Well, I researched alot and found that although pain is physical, it is also psychological. The more negative you feel and worthless you feel will tense your body to produce more pain. After help with a chiropractor and more from massage therapy, I was able to recover from the pain. I still get pain here and there but it only happens when I am stressed or do not stretch properly or warm up. Your body will heal. You may need to look into natural anti inflammation herbs like circumin. Take it easy and eventually work yourself back into the gym. You need to change your attitude because it will cause you more pain than the pain from your accident. I have alot of hangups and BDD and probably some mild OCD. My social life is almost non existent like yours because I chose to be a loner. I sometimes really just don't like "people". I like to be by myself with no confrontations and don't like anyone telling me what do to do. I have alot of bad things happen to me too yet I have had blessings as well. I sometimes can't believe what this world has come to. All the corruption and evilness is this world makes me sick to my stomach. However, there is good in this world too and you just have to rift thru all the trash to find it. Its not easy to find but when you do, you need to take advantage of it. Don't give up on life or it will give up on you.


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Gboy2k8 said:
cuebald said:
You will need to mark it out for me mate because I can't see any thinning at all, and I am viewing this on a large, bright 24" TFT monitor

Bumped up the contrast so you can look into your 24" and see it.
The photo's too dark , I should take one with flash so you could all see it.

OH and BTW
it's combed down
wanna see it up ? that will satisfy you ?

so...your hair looks even remotely close to that picture in its current state (today, April 12, 2010) and you're trying to argue that hairloss is the reason for all the negatives in your life right now, including lack of success with females?

you've gotta be kidding me man....if anything, it proves the exact opposite! If you're struggling socially and with girls (considering you're a very handsome guy and your hairloss is minor at best) then it points to something non physically related as the real problem...TRUST me man.

And even actual bald guys should learn from this as is a man with a handsome face and still nearly all his hair but hes convinced that hairloss is ruining his him it is very HIS MIND. It just shows that no matter what the problem (even if you really ARE bald) WE are the ones who overract and magnify the problem FAR beyond what the actual damage really is.