life is over :[


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treeshrew said:
oh, and GBOY2K, where do you get the money to go snowboarding for 4 months in New Zealand? Can I come?

I saved alot.
And I'm still working.
I saved money for things I'll like to get,
and this is one of them.


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Smooth said:
GeminiX said:
Can I change it or do anything about it?

Yes - In which case, make a plan and deal with it / fix it / buy a new one etc.

- or -

No - In which case, stop worrying about it and just focus on achieving the things I can do something about.

in which case, what are you doing here?.. :dunno:
(not that i want you to leave or anything, just to make a point, by your logic you should either already beaten hair loss or you just dont give a f*ck...)

Purely to update my progress post and try to help other people who have been in despair.

Take a visit through the majority of my posts, I try to show people that even when things are at their blackest you can get through it and have a great life. I also still get some good advice here on hair transplant surgeons (I still need some work), gym tips etc. and quite like it.

I admit that it's often not easy to post here; there are more than a handful of regulars who have a big problem with me, or rather just don't like transsexuals.

In my free time I do quite a lot of volunteer work, if I can in someway help other people from the self-destructive path I was on, then I will have achieved soemthing worthwhile in my life.

You might be suprised at how many PM's I get from people who are in a similar position to the one I was in.

If you believe the typical negative poster on this board, I should not exist *period*, I was NW6 (full horseshoe), fat and ugly; yet here I am loving my life, a great job, and functioning well in society, and I'm not even a celebrity :)

uncomfortable man

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The Gboy2k8 story; the touching tale of a young man's brave and triumphant recovery from non-existent hairloss. :whistle:


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uncomfortable man said:
The Gboy2k8 story; the touching tale of a young man's brave and triumphant recovery from non-existent hairloss. :whistle:
You know, i really used to sympathize with your situation too bad you come with posts like this... the guy was in worse condition mentally regardless to the degree of his hair loss and got over that (+accepted the fact that he might be complete dome some day), if he has nw2 or a horseshoe doesn't matter at all here, he is losing his hair and has every right too feel sh*t about it, not only bald people get to rant about losing thier hair... i think your jealous.


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quote: "I thought I was entitled to feel worse than everyone, since I was balder than everyone and I used that to keep myself down"

Remember UM. Its the feelings that counts. Not where you are on the Norwood-scale atm. Its understandable for a NW2 to feel as low as a NW5 since he will likely be there himself one day. To know that your heading towards an inevitably increased reduction of your hair over time is something that causes most of the suffering. Its hard to be thankful for what you have on your scalp today when that situation may change in 6 months etc. Its very often difficult to predict the future development. However I understand your reaction when it comes to 40+ with NW1,5 since it may take another 10 years for them to develop a NW2. But that doesnt say they dont have the right to feel bad about themselfs.


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There is always going to be someone who has a physical trait better than yourself and someone who has a physical trait worse than yourself. You will "value" yourself much better if you don't size yourself up with those "traits" you consider better than your own. NW2's will always compare themselves with a NW1. Not a good idea. I do it all the time and it just makes me feel "sick" inside. Life will always deal you some really bad cards but its up to you to play with whatever hand you are dealt. If you decide to fold every time and think life is over you will never be a winner. Sometimes in life you have to "bluff" just to survive.


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uncomfortable man said:
The Gboy2k8 story; the touching tale of a young man's brave and triumphant recovery from non-existent hairloss. :whistle:

haha... truth, truth.

i'm sorry, but this dude starts a thread "life is over" when he barely has any hair loss. big surprise he was able to "recover"

i'm glad he's happy, but let's get some perspective here. this is a hair loss forum after all.


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I'd take that as a compliment.

Many people 1 year ago went "omg... you're going bald"...
Now , (in the meanwhile), that doesn't exist.

What should I say ?
Sorry I caught it up early ?

Tell ya the truth I dont mind going bald when Ill be 30.
I just believe there's an age for every step in life, and that one came too early.
I see nothing wrong with being bald,
I have one problem with that and it's that I have pointy ears.

I can and I will do some kind of a surgery to fix that when I will be bald some day.

When I shaved my head during this year because I was ashamed of the thinning,
I received lots of compliments on how it feets me and that I have a baby face from girls.

If I wouldn't have that problem with the ears Ill stick with being bald,
since my current hair is pretty much the ugliest I've ever seen.
I can't comb it nicely, can't use gel,
it sucks... and thin...
but I dont give a f***...


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small update that I'm sure will make you all feel happy.

I've been shedding terribly for the last few months since I stopped with the nizoral.
If things will continue this way... maybe finally you'd welcome me as one of yours :hump:
Anyway - it looks terrible, damn, I was just too lazy to go and buy a new bottle.

Anyway I don't know if it's because of the discontinue with nizoral or the effect that I had with rogaine is fading away.

Hope things will get better now but...
really dunno.


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Another small update,
through time I'm getting used to the fact this fight with my genetics is useless.
Still on propecia but I really don't know for how long.
Cutting my hair short lately.

I started going out a lot to parties, drinking and hanging around.
Trying to flirt with a lot of girls over the last months maybe a for a year , with zero success.
Through the last party I went to a couple of my friends got 2 girls to join them into the bathroom . Yeah, you guessed right , NW1's.
It's not the first time it happens to them or any others of my friends , sure is not the last one.
People always tell me it's "not the way you look but the way you talk".
The girls there can't hear sh*t of what you're saying because of all that loud music.
It's just the way you look. PERIOD. end of the line.

I got so pissed the last time it happened,
usually I support my friends but I just couldn't take the fact that everyone else around me is succeeding and I don't even get 1% of what their success in life.
I left the party - back to the car , started fuckin crying there like a baby.
I wish that was the end - but it wasn't.
After a couple of minutes a friend of mine also left and joined me ,
not much of a talking went there but after a couple of minutes he asked me -
"what do you think is your problem ?" .
I answered - well , I guess I'm ugly, otherwise I just can't explain why I'm such a failure.
All he said was - "Maybe you should consider a transplant for your temples" .

Yeah, my life suck.

BTW - I never in my life talked to him about my hair before that situation.

People say - "move on , there are more important things in life than parties and girls" -
I say f*** them.
They enjoyed life.
I started balding when I was 18.
I feel like I stopped being a teen and started being 40 on the same age.

how can I move on if I am missing the best parts of my life all because of my genetics ?

That last event got me so depressed ,
I'm having trouble working , my mind is always about it , I feel jealous and eating myself over every NW1 I see ,
can't look in the mirror, can't enjoy life, can't wake up in the morning.

If I wasn't such a coward I would end this all for good.


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Gboy2k8 said:
Hey, I thought of checking up back with you guys.

1 + year update
I guess finally I can say I'm relaxed.
I'm 22 now.
I have a GF. She's not everything I want in a girlfriend but it's ok for the meanwhile I gues... I'm already planning on the next one. :woot:

I did a GYNO surgery , finally, after 10 years walking like that sh*t.
Chest looking awesome.
+ I'm back to the gym and starting to feel like I'm gonna grow big this time.

I now manage a web-based application for a large manpower recruitment company.

I feel great.
I'm in great shape and taking care of myself.
I'm spending time of enjoying the goods in life, and my love - snowboard.
I'm to to france this winter and then moving to NZ for 4 months of snowboarding.

Though my hair is not that great,
and I guess it will never be, that's OK.
It's still thin ,
I still look at men at all ages with full hair with and curse.
But that's just a part of my routine I guess..

Taking 0.5MG finasteride X4 times a week (2MG) + rogaine every night.

You are young.
These years won't come back.
Enjoy them.
Physical things like hair is sh*t,
we are on this planet for about 80 years - if we're lucky.
In the next step hair won't mean a thing.
It's what we are, how we affect the others and what we take to ourselves that matters.

If you want images i'll upload some.
What happened with the person with this positive attitude? Here you sounded like you were making progress. Your latest update sounds like you are back to square one. Your BDD and low self esteem will always throw you back to square one if you let it. There is no reason girls should reject based on your physical appearance. You have a mature hairline with super thick hair. Your forehead is not big and you have a great head shape. If I had your forehead, thick hair, and head shape I would be extremely happy and my self esteem would certainly be elevated. You must come across as really shy to women because of your inexperience with them. They sense that and reject you. I think you need to use the "pity card" and tell some hot girl you want her to be your "first". Tell her you made a promise to yourself that the first sexual experience has to be with a perfect 10. I am sure eventually some girl will give in. Otherwise you are going to be another CCS.


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DoctorHouse said:
Gboy2k8 said:
Hey, I thought of checking up back with you guys.

1 + year update
I guess finally I can say I'm relaxed.
I'm 22 now.
I have a GF. She's not everything I want in a girlfriend but it's ok for the meanwhile I gues... I'm already planning on the next one. :woot:

I did a GYNO surgery , finally, after 10 years walking like that sh*t.
Chest looking awesome.
+ I'm back to the gym and starting to feel like I'm gonna grow big this time.

I now manage a web-based application for a large manpower recruitment company.

I feel great.
I'm in great shape and taking care of myself.
I'm spending time of enjoying the goods in life, and my love - snowboard.
I'm to to france this winter and then moving to NZ for 4 months of snowboarding.

Though my hair is not that great,
and I guess it will never be, that's OK.
It's still thin ,
I still look at men at all ages with full hair with and curse.
But that's just a part of my routine I guess..

Taking 0.5MG finasteride X4 times a week (2MG) + rogaine every night.

You are young.
These years won't come back.
Enjoy them.
Physical things like hair is sh*t,
we are on this planet for about 80 years - if we're lucky.
In the next step hair won't mean a thing.
It's what we are, how we affect the others and what we take to ourselves that matters.

If you want images i'll upload some.
What happened with the person with this positive attitude? Here you sounded like you were making progress. Your latest update sounds like you are back to square one. Your BDD and low self esteem will always throw you back to square one if you let it. There is no reason girls should reject based on your physical appearance. You have a mature hairline with super thick hair. Your forehead is not big and you have a great head shape. If I had your forehead, thick hair, and head shape I would be extremely happy and my self esteem would certainly be elevated. You must come across as really shy to women because of your inexperience with them. They sense that and reject you. I think you need to use the "pity card" and tell some hot girl you want her to be your "first". Tell her you made a promise to yourself that the first sexual experience has to be with a perfect 10. I am sure eventually some girl will give in. Otherwise you are going to be another CCS.

What happened ?
Maybe because I started thinning again, badly.
I can't remember the last time in my life when I had super thick hair,
even with the best results I had with my regimen it was still very VERY thin and that what's driving me crazy.
I don't give a f*** about my temples , I don't give a f*** about anyone who says anything about them I have temples since I was about 17 and I can live with them.
The problem is my thin hair , I can't do anything with it and if I don't comb it down I look 40.

About using my pity card
sorry but that's bullshit.
I believe women judge you by the way you look and by the way you talk.
If you're not much of a talker but you look like brad pitt, you'll get into their pants.
If you don't look good but you can talk deeply into them , you might just as well get in there too.
If you got them both -
you're a lucky , lucky guy.

I have none.
I'm the worst talker in this planet , I barely have friends so whythefuck should girls want me if I'm a total balding looser.

I'm in the lowest point of my life , feeling even worse than when I started writing this thread.
I have no reason to live.
I keep asking myself why should I wake in the morning and I can't find the answer .
So I don't.
I miss a lot of work days because I feel like sleeping is the only good thing I have in life and soon I'm about to get fired.
When I do get to work I have to hear from my colleagues about "how girls are b****s" and "you should treat them like w****s that's what they want actually",
hearing about the last girls they've been with (and sadly for me I know they're not lying) and stair at their fuckin thick NW1.
f*** them.
god made life easy for them they don't even understand the gift they got .
So I can't focus, I can barely work , my mind's always thinking .
I'm out of solutions , only tons of questions.
I tried everything.
All came to failure, success reaching 0.

I try to do my best hiding it from other people, especially around girls since I know that attitude won't get me anywhere.
So I lie to myself , telling me everything's gonna be alright and it's just a matter of try and failure before I'll find someone I like that would like me back.
So I try, and fail.
and try again, and fail.
and again again and again , for months and fail.
And my "hot friend" tries - and succeeds, and again , and again , and again.
It hurts me a lot.
It's getting deep inside my bones and nerves , I can't stand the fact I'm such a looser.


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Have you spoken to a GP about how you feel? You seem to be experiencing symptoms of depression (or BiPolar as the hip kids call it these days).


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GeminiX said:
Have you spoken to a GP about how you feel? You seem to be experiencing symptoms of depression (or BiPolar as the hip kids call it these days).

I went to about 5 shrinks totally in my life,
none of them did anything,
It's the biggest money-sucking bullshit I have ever experienced.
(each and everyone for about a year)


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Gboy2k8 said:
GeminiX said:
Have you spoken to a GP about how you feel? You seem to be experiencing symptoms of depression (or BiPolar as the hip kids call it these days).

I went to about 5 shrinks totally in my life,
none of them did anything,
It's the biggest money-sucking bullshit I have ever experienced.
(each and everyone for about a year)

Ok, but have you spoken to a GP? That is someone who works with medicine, not quackery.


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GeminiX said:
Gboy2k8 said:
GeminiX said:
Have you spoken to a GP about how you feel? You seem to be experiencing symptoms of depression (or BiPolar as the hip kids call it these days).

I went to about 5 shrinks totally in my life,
none of them did anything,
It's the biggest money-sucking bullshit I have ever experienced.
(each and everyone for about a year)

Ok, but have you spoken to a GP? That is someone who works with medicine, not quackery.

I tried 2 types.
I don't like the affect,
it feels like you live in another planet and all your troubles are just erased,
totally ignoring reality.