justin biebers career at stake due to post finasteride syndrome


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Reminds me of Kevin Mann and his lies, most just don't admit it (especially fina copers here) or don't even know their ed and loss of libido is caused by fina.

The most ardent of coping fina defenders all lie or hell lie to themselves for the simple reason they put all their hope in their fina pills, balding is so devestating to them they would rather cope and lie to themselves than admit the truth.

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Tbf that was from like 10 years ago and he has said that he was experiencing nocebo effects, and he's been on video taking finasteride.


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Reminds me of Kevin Mann and his lies, most just don't admit it (especially fina copers here) or don't even know their ed and loss of libido is caused by fina.

The most ardent of coping fina defenders all lie or hell lie to themselves for the simple reason they put all their hope in their fina pills, balding is so devestating to them they would rather cope and lie to themselves than admit the truth.

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Tbh all finasteride does to me is reducing the amount of semen I produce, libido and penis sensitivity and boners are perfect. But its hella better now than on dutasteride that I took for 1.5 years. At least now I can shoot out my sperm but on dutasteride it was rare. I quit dutasteride because I ended up Ejaculating 1 drop of semen and it nuked my hair not just my semen. Nobody should be on dutasteride, because it also nukes brain DHT by half at 0.5mg that finasteride dont even touch.


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Reminds me of Kevin Mann and his lies, most just don't admit it (especially fina copers here) or don't even know their ed and loss of libido is caused by fina.

The most ardent of coping fina defenders all lie or hell lie to themselves for the simple reason they put all their hope in their fina pills, balding is so devestating to them they would rather cope and lie to themselves than admit the truth.

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i just wonder why people who not even take finasteride are so emotional invested in this. i mean i got sideeffects from doxycycline but i wouldnt spend my time arguing with other people if doxycycline super dangerous or not. i simply dont care if other people take doxycycline or not. or what the general opinion is about doxycycline. why do you think that is? do you think you will ever move on? honestly curious


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God damn you're such a fcking retard but I'm glad you're taking fina, you will learn.

I learned what happened when I didn’t take it earlier. I think you’re super jealous there are full heads here starting treatment early and not becoming deformed baldies, admit it, I am jealous too. That’s why you’re fearmongering all day using words like you will “learn” one day to people who aren’t experiencing a single side effect.

I am jealous too, I wish I started early and didn’t lose most of my hair


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i just wonder why people who not even take finasteride are so emotional invested in this. i mean i got sideeffects from doxycycline but i wouldnt spend my time arguing with other people if doxycycline super dangerous or not. i simply dont care if other people take doxycycline or not. or what the general opinion is about doxycycline. why do you think that is? do you think you will ever move on? honestly curious

People make a decision. Then, they try to minimize regret by convincing themselves that the decision has as many upsides and as few downsides as possible. People who don't take finasteride sometimes convince themselves that finasteride is the most unhealthy thing this side of heroin, and that everyone is affected, even people who don't notice side effects. People who do take finasteride often convince themselves that post-finasteride syndrome is imaginary, that no one has persistent side effects and that the whole thing is as benign as baby aspirin.


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People make a decision. Then, they try to minimize regret by convincing themselves that the decision has as many upsides and as few downsides as possible. People who don't take finasteride sometimes convince themselves that finasteride is the most unhealthy thing this side of heroin, and that everyone is affected, even people who don't notice side effects. People who do take finasteride often convince themselves that post-finasteride syndrome is imaginary, that no one has persistent side effects and that the whole thing is as benign as baby aspirin.
yes but i still wonder. why dont we get emotional over stuff like doxycycline. i remember my cousin had no problems with it why i really get nasty sideeffects. yet you wont see each us arguing about this. neither will he tell me that my sideeffects are imaginary nor will i tell him that the next time he takes it he will get super health threatening side effects either. there is simply 0 emotional investment about the whole thing.


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I learned what happened when I didn’t take it earlier. I think you’re super jealous there are full heads here starting treatment early and not becoming deformed baldies, admit it, I am jealous too. That’s why you’re fearmongering all day using words like you will “learn” one day to people who aren’t experiencing a single side effect.

I am jealous too, I wish I started early and didn’t lose most of my hair
yes but i still wonder. why dont we get emotional over stuff like doxycycline. i remember my cousin had no problems with it why i really get nasty sideeffects. yet you wont see each us arguing about this. neither will he tell me that my sideeffects are imaginary nor will i tell him that the next time he takes it he will get super health threatening side effects either. there is simply 0 emotional investment about the whole thing.


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yes but i still wonder. why dont we get emotional over stuff like doxycycline. i remember my cousin had no problems with it why i really get nasty sideeffects. yet you wont see each us arguing about this. neither will he tell me that my sideeffects are imaginary nor will i tell him that the next time he takes it he will get super health threatening side effects either. there is simply 0 emotional investment about the whole thing.

Yeah I'm not sure dude... Maybe hair loss is an especially emotional topic. I wonder, how much rage is there / has there been over SSRIs for example, and their alleged persistent side-effects? SSRIs have also had this interesting history where their sexual side effects had originally been dramatically underestimated in the trials, by like an order of magnitude. I wonder, how much rage is there / has there been about that stuff?

Hard to say. With finasteride some of the sides are really controversial, like PFS, which I think is most likely real, and yet many credentialed people more or less go "OLOLOLOLOLOL, nothing to see here, lol."


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Yeah I'm not sure dude... Maybe hair loss is an especially emotional topic. I wonder, how much rage is there / has there been over SSRIs for example, and their alleged persistent side-effects? SSRIs have also had this interesting history where their sexual side effects had originally been dramatically underestimated in the trials, by like an order of magnitude. I wonder, how much rage is there / has there been about that stuff?

Hard to say. With finasteride some of the sides are really controversial, like PFS, which I think is most likely real, and yet many credentialed people more or less go "OLOLOLOLOLOL, nothing to see here, lol."
i think ssri and finasteride f*** the body the same way, as both interact with neurosteroids

anyways some get it, some dont. it just how it is


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Hard to say. With finasteride some of the sides are really controversial, like PFS, which I think is most likely real, and yet many credentialed people more or less go "OLOLOLOLOLOL, nothing to see here, lol."
It is imaginary and a scapegoat for some losers to blame their problems on.

Just look at any finasteride trial and you will see people getting side effects from sugar pills. That’s just insane that you will get watery semen from a sugar pill or have ED but that just shows the power the mind has over body. There’s even some people who get PERSISTENT side effects from sugar pills lol

Does that mean the sugar pills/placebo pills they use are bad and should be stopped?

People taking finasteride actually has the drug in their system so it’s not imaginary so it’s way easier for any crazy person to experience nocebo effect. Even when they stop, they still believe the effects are there because they heard this bullshit from you and plenty others that PFS is real so they will keep imagining it.

Unfortunately there’s no cure for people imagining things. Even if they know they’re imagining things it’s not easy to stop imagining. I saw this fact proven to me when I started having some nocebo effects, my logical mind knew it was bullshit but that was no help until I saw a hot ficking girl that I wanted to pound and bam the nocebo effect was gone.

And I am not some crazy mindless idiot so imagine what a medically illiterate person who believes random posters on internet more than doctors will experience


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Bro, you're what a NW5-6? Fina won't save you anyway, it's only for maintenance at best, if you're lucky your hair gets a bit thicker but that's it. Try minoxidil and needling combo if you actually want to have some regrowth.
Surely he wouldn’t take finasteride if he’s that far gone lol


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Keep coping bro, the internet is full of doctors talking about PFS.

Definitely seen this a lot and believe it's real. Anecdotally feel symptoms are worse the younger they started on finasteride. Clomid has helped on a few pts with lower T / FSH/LH levels...


And I’m 100% certain this effects older guys as well...it’s just more obvious in the younger guys who typically have no co-morbidities.

(so the typical cope of "you're just getting older bro" is nothing more than that in this Doctor's eyes, pure cope)


Post finasteride syndrome is so real! Hundreds of patients coming to #sandiegosexualmedicine with this. Often have low t. Make sure to check dht also! Some recommend andractim, available in Europe (and online). Shockwave therapy for ED. Can take years to get better for some!

There are even doctors themselves who have PFS like this one: https://twitter.com/SimonBreidert

Finasteride has been added to the 'list of drugs to avoid in 2021' by a French Medical Journal

Translation from the Journal 'Drugs to be Avoided for Better Care 2021 Report'

'Finasteride 1mg, a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, has a very high efficacy in modest androgenic alopecia in men: it increases hair density only slightly on the top of the head (by about 10%), and only for the duration of the treatment. It exposes particular sexual disorders (e.g., sexual dysfunction in erection and ejaculation, decreased libido), depression, suicidal ideation and cancer of the breast. When a drug is the chosen option, local minoxidil used with care is less dangerous.'

(Finasteride is on page 6 of the journal)

The journal is called Prescrire, a medical journal that 'addresses developments in diseases, medications, and in medical techniques and technologies' and 'contains no advertising'.

According to their website their 'editors are healthcare professionals, specially trained in Prescrire's editorial methods and free from conflicts of interest. Exacting quality control procedures are applied to all editorial content.'
Do you have tips for other medications ?
To be honest, I think my d*ick is affected by finasteride, but have somehow given sh*t about it recent year