Incredible recovery from NW5: the power of super aggressive regimens!


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Dude I've been bald and I'm trans (so I'm pretty well versed on what it's like from both sides) and trust me you'd rather be bald than trans. For **** sake, to even entertain the idea that being bald is anywhere near as looked down upon/as difficult as being transgender is frankly laughable lol.

Go ahead and start your transition if we trans women have it so easy lmao.
not denying that, i mean transgender women have been killed, and you already know my feelings on this.

all i'm pointing out is theres plenty of discrimination against your average bald guys like myself, and no one helps us out or even cares. for gods sake we aren't even allowed to feel bad about the discrimination, on top of people denying it

also have you ever noticed no one seems to talk about and go crazy over trans men like they do with trans women?


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i'm just annoyed at how bald scrawny guys like myself are shat on by society and get zero respect or helping hands from the bleeding hearts but transgenders do.

I would say that transgenders actually get **** on more. It's just that when people **** on transgenders they have to keep it on the down low, but it still happens. Not to say that bald guys don't get **** on because we all know that they do. But look at it this way you put a scrawny bald guy and a transgender person in a room together with a group of people. Who do you think people would be whispering about? I would go on the record and say that in that circumstance the bald guy would pretty much go unnoticed. I think the main place transgender women have bald men beat is on the dating scene. A transgender women would probably have an easier time getting a piece(not hair) than a bald guy.


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not denying that, i mean transgender women have been killed, and you already know my feelings on this.

all i'm pointing out is theres plenty of discrimination against your average bald guys like myself, and no one helps us out or even cares. for gods sake we aren't even allowed to feel bad about the discrimination, on top of people denying it

also have you ever noticed no one seems to talk about and go crazy over trans men like they do with trans women?

I do agree that bald discrimination is real, I just don't think it's fair to even compare the two. Being trans is social suicide (except certain exceptions which I'll talk about in my next reply to Notcool) on a level that baldness just can't compete with lol.

Yeah no one cares about trans men. They literally don't exist to most people. All the people throwing a fit over the whole bathroom issue don't realize that by trying to bar "men" (more accurately, trans women) from entering women's restrooms they're going to force actual men (trans men) into the bathrooms with them. Ever seen a trans guy who's been on T for a while? Almost always indistinguishable from a cis guy other than the vagina and mastectomy scars lol. They're gonna have Buck Angel in the women's room and Bailey Jay in the men's... lol but that's enough political ranting from me, point is trans men suffer from serious visibility issues. Most people literally don't realize they exist while near everyone has heard of trans women.

I would say that transgenders actually get **** on more. It's just that when people **** on transgenders they have to keep it on the down low, but it still happens. Not to say that bald guys don't get **** on because we all know that they do. But look at it this way you put a scrawny bald guy and a transgender person in a room together with a group of people. Who do you think people would be whispering about? I would go on the record and say that in that circumstance the bald guy would pretty much go unnoticed. I think the main place transgender women have bald men beat is on the dating scene. A transgender women would probably have an easier time getting a piece(not hair) than a bald guy.

My dating experience is very similar to most trans women I think. I can have sex with extremely attractive people even though I'm not really outrageously attractive myself because I'm kind of a rare type of person out there in the real world... This attracts chasers and allows me to be super picky when it comes to things like sex since demand is much higher than supply. And this includes women too, surprisingly. I was very shocked to find out there's no shortage of female chasers out there.

This sounds great (and it can be) but it has its drawbacks too. I'm seen as a sex object by most people. Not an actual person. People wanna **** me, but they don't want to date me. They don't wanna be seen with me in public. They don't want to introduce me to their families. I'm a dirty secret, basically. This in and of itself is a pretty ****ty feeling, but it makes finding a real, healthy relationship incredibly difficult for someone like me. It's a nightmare really. I'm a relationship person, I don't enjoy hooking up. It's not who I am. My libido is also different from the hormones, the way I experience my sexuality is not like it was when I was running on testosterone. I don't want to **** just anyone who will give it to me like I used to want to. So this is a useless talent for me and only really serves as a hindrance to my overall goal which is to find a stable relationship.

Probably sounds like I'm bitching about something most people would see as a hugely positive thing here on this forum, but it really does kinda suck when that's not what you want at all.


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This sounds great (and it can be) but it has its drawbacks too. I'm seen as a sex object by most people. Not an actual person. People wanna **** me, but they don't want to date me. They don't wanna be seen with me in public. They don't want to introduce me to their families. I'm a dirty secret, basically. This in and of itself is a pretty ****ty feeling, but it makes finding a real, healthy relationship incredibly difficult for someone like me. It's a nightmare really. I'm a relationship person, I don't enjoy hooking up. It's not who I am. My libido is also different from the hormones, the way I experience my sexuality is not like it was when I was running on testosterone. I don't want to **** just anyone who will give it to me like I used to want to. So this is a useless talent for me and only really serves as a hindrance to my overall goal which is to find a stable relationship.

Hmm, I didn't look at it that way. Yeah that is pretty effed up.


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This sounds great (and it can be) but it has its drawbacks too. I'm seen as a sex object by most people. Not an actual person. People wanna **** me, but they don't want to date me. They don't wanna be seen with me in public. They don't want to introduce me to their families. I'm a dirty secret, basically. This in and of itself is a pretty ****ty feeling, but it makes finding a real, healthy relationship incredibly difficult for someone like me. It's a nightmare really. I'm a relationship person, I don't enjoy hooking up. It's not who I am. My libido is also different from the hormones, the way I experience my sexuality is not like it was when I was running on testosterone. I don't want to **** just anyone who will give it to me like I used to want to. So this is a useless talent for me and only really serves as a hindrance to my overall goal which is to find a stable relationship.

Probably sounds like I'm bitching about something most people would see as a hugely positive thing here on this forum, but it really does kinda suck when that's not what you want at all.

Yeah wow, well put. I can't imagine feeling like that. I had a gf ONCE that would try to alter things about my image when going in front of people, and THAT was torture for me. I am sorry you have to live like that.


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Thank you Agustin. I'm sorry if I indulged the trolls too much.

Well I mean yeah. I know all of that. I've made it a point to time and time again say that this isn't something your average guy can do. I don't know why this particular point is a constant source of debate in this thread. It's not something a cis guy could do, and I've blatantly said that 100 times now. I'm sure you can understand my frustration when not only does the very first post in this thread make the very same point you are trying to make, but I've repeated it time and time again for over a year now. I don't know what I have to do or say to make it more clear that I know this isn't something that your average man could do, or to make it more clear to everyone here that I'm not trying to say anything to the contrary by posting my story here for you guys to see. I literally continue to post here only for the purpose of inspiring other trans people such as myself because I'm literally the only trans person on the internet documenting this sort of thing (that I know of, and I've searched a LOT on the subject). There's also the fact that my story undeniably demonstrates that full regrowth on a practically fully bald head is possible, the right angles just need to be tackled. Perhaps one day this will be possible without having to take feminizing hormones. Also why wouldn't cis women be able to take the hormones I am? They can and do every day. It's the same hormones their ovaries naturally produce. Also how do you think things like birth control work? It's all hormones. It's not like what I'm doing is complicated.

To answer your questions:

My hair loss and being transgender are not related. I would not have chosen to continue to live as a man had I not lost my hair or anything like that. If anything my hair loss was holding me back from transitioning, not pushing me towards it (hence why I think my story can be inspirational to other trans women). I've felt this way since I was a child, but I was taught it was wrong and to repress it. In late 2014 I realized that wasn't going to be possible; either I was going to attempt transition or I was going to kill myself. Living in misery was no longer an option.

Most of my regrowth is from minoxidil actually. I'm a very good responder to it. I know this for a fact because I quit minoxidil and went back to barely above baseline for a while. Sure maybe HRT has made every other line of treatment more effective, but my point stands that minoxidil has been the driving force behind most of my success which is open to use by everyone.

I don't know what you mean by extreme rolling. I roll hard enough that I bleed. Not much, but there's definitely a little bit there and it scabs up. Looks fine by the next day. I actually have been slacking on rolling a lot lately, I need to get back into it. I really feel that it was helping my hairline thicken up.

Im not really looking for you to explain or defend anything to me on this. Im sure there are pages where people have said what I said way back but Im not going back to read them. Im just saying my POV on it.
Also women have to be careful on putting more hormones into their body than can be used. There are a lot of side effects to high estrogen in females, just like to much testosterone in men. Im not going to lie and start babbl;ing about birth control but my understanding was the mix of synthetic hormones they introduce simply fake the body into thinking it doesnt need to ovulate, almost like it already being pregnant so it wont create an egg. I dont think its at the calibre of what your taking. I also dont think there would be a "safe" way to put ANY of those hormones into the male body safely lol.
Either way, Im happy youre happy I guess.


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Hmm, it seems my post got lost in the argument as I don't see a reply.

Hi! I'm a transwoman as well. I'm 24 and I've just really started to notice a bit of hair loss. I have no visible balding at my crown area but my sides seem to be cutting deeper quicker and quicker. I start HRT next month and I plan to do an aggressive regiment. I'm at a NW3 right now.

I just wanted to let you know this thread has been incredibly encouraging for me. My hair loss is something that has truly impacted my normal life. Every single hair that I find on my shoulders/pillow/etc makes me feel so bad. I can't wait to regrow it. Thank you. Don't listen to the haters in this thread. I've been browsing Google looking for things exactly like this. I made an account on this forum strictly to express my gratitude for this post.

Also, I noticed in this thread you mentioned going back and forth from Minoxdil/not. Do you recommend minoxidil? It seems like it is a lot of work to keep up with, costs a fair bit over time, and I've heard that when you stop using it you lose all of it? Do you think Estrogen counteracts this return to baseline with minoxidil?

Last question, did you experience the infamous finasteride-shedding when you started it? I'm wondering if estrogen/spironolactone will stop the finasteride shed.

I have my first appointment with my HRT specialist tomorrow. Really excited to finally start hormones. Also, massive cringe at the people here who think being bald is "harder" than being transgender. I can't believe that is even a thought. Someone in this thread tried to say transgender people are supported with bleeding hearts or w/e.. Are you crazy? Transpeople are disproportionately victims of sexual assault, battery, and murder. About 30% of the US population would love to be able to shoot and murder transgender people. Just go to literally ANY conservative forum/discussion and read about transpeople. But yeah, we have it so easy. LMAO


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Hmm, it seems my post got lost in the argument as I don't see a reply.

I have my first appointment with my HRT specialist tomorrow. Really excited to finally start hormones. Also, massive cringe at the people here who think being bald is "harder" than being transgender. I can't believe that is even a thought. Someone in this thread tried to say transgender people are supported with bleeding hearts or w/e.. Are you crazy? Transpeople are disproportionately victims of sexual assault, battery, and murder. About 30% of the US population would love to be able to shoot and murder transgender people. Just go to literally ANY conservative forum/discussion and read about transpeople. But yeah, we have it so easy. LMAO

Ughh that's annoying. I replied to you and it was a pretty detailed reply but I guess it got deleted. I'll just retype it I guess...

Huge thanks for the kind words. It's good to know there are some trans women out there using this information. The hope that my story can be helpful in some way to other trans women is literally the only reason I even keep coming back to this forum and updating this post. There's a huge lack of information out there for people like us, particularly with super specific scenarios like this. As far as I can tell I'm literally the only trans girl who has taken the time to document this aspect of their story for others to see, which is unfortunate because I am sure many of us have been afflicted with Androgenetic Alopecia at some point.

As for minoxidil, I highly recommend it. I actually attribute minoxidil to be the primary driving force behind most of my success. The reason I know this to be true is that I did try to quit minoxidil and after 2 months I started shedding BAD and within the next month or so I was back to barely above baseline. I do think that HRT and everything else I'm doing to combat my Androgenetic Alopecia has helped, but like I said I am fairly sure minoxidil is the biggest factor for me. Being on HRT does not make the minoxidil dependence go away -- think about it like this: you have the hormonal profile of a cis woman. Do cis women still have to keep using minoxidil to maintain their results? Yes, therefore you would too. Unfortunately it is not as simple as using it until you get the desired result and then discontinuing use. I know it is a lot of work, but if the choice is living with wigs or using minoxidil once a day... Well, you know what I picked. Small price to pay if it works for you like it did me, imo.

As for the question about shedding... I don't really know how to answer this? I didn't have much hair left on my head TO shed so I didn't really notice a difference honestly. However, in the time that I have been going through all of this I have gone through many sheds as a result of one thing or another. They are a thing you will most likely have to deal with at some point. I've learned to breathe through them, because they are usually always signs of good things to come. Every time I've shed so far it's led to better results after things have stabilized. Most of the hairs I shed on a given day show obvious signs of miniaturization, so I speculate that what is happening is these hairs have a shorter hair cycle than the surrounding healthy hairs and so they shed sooner than the healthy hairs. The idea/hope being that every successive cycle will stay in the anagen phase longer and therefore over time reverse the miniaturization process. I'm no expert though so take that with a huge grain of salt -- just my speculation.


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"As far as I can tell I'm literally the only trans girl who has taken the time to document this aspect of their story for others to see"

On this forum, yes. On the Internet, you're not.


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Your results definitely inspired me OP. Do you have any updates on your regimen? Has anything changed?


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This must have been a very heavy time for you. You're more beautiful as a woman than you were as a man (sorry, this is a compliment and a insult at the same time :D ). Wish you all the best!


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I had exactly the same problem when I temporarily quit minoxidil at one point.. Jumped straight back on it 5 months later after losing half my density on top


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That feel when you consider going trans because you want it all back so much :>

I know your mostly joking but I wouldn't recommend it. If you don't feel gender dysphoria now, by transitioning you will start to then you'll be stuck, essentially doing the opposite of what transgender people do.


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I'm starting to hear Bruce Jenner is having regrets about his transition, maybe he'll be coming back soon to a male figure. Wondered if he got a bit of a hair transplant at the front or is that hair extensions.
But if he gets off the HRT will his face go all wrinkly again.


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I'm starting to hear Bruce Jenner is having regrets about his transition, maybe he'll be coming back soon to a male figure. Wondered if he got a bit of a hair transplant at the front or is that hair extensions.
But if he gets off the HRT will his face go all wrinkly again.

That's a baseless rumor that the media has clung onto in order to make it seem like transition regret is a common thing. The truth of course being the exact opposite. People very rarely detransition and in the vast majority of cases where they do, the reasons cited are not because they legitimately regretted transitioning. Usually it's because of social/employment/housing/medical discrimination, lack of resources to continue transition (not easy to pay for everything when most insurance companies have blanket exclusions and you have to travel hundreds of miles just to see a doctor who will see trans patients), inability to pass as their desired gender making living life with any degree of sanity/safety next to impossible, loss of support networks (family/friends), etc.

As for Caitlyn though... As much as I dislike her and feel like she's a TERRIBLE example of your average trans woman... She's never said anything to that effect. Quite the opposite actually, she seems pretty happy now. Her publicists have repeatedly commented that it's blatantly untrue as well.

- - - Updated - - -

I know your mostly joking but I wouldn't recommend it. If you don't feel gender dysphoria now, by transitioning you will start to then you'll be stuck, essentially doing the opposite of what transgender people do.

Seconding this. I know it's just a joke but it needs to be said.

A cis male who feminizes themselves like this would probably start to feel a lot like a pre-transition FTM does. You'd get acquainted with the concept of dysphoria pretty quickly.


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That's a baseless rumor that the media has clung onto in order to make it seem like transition regret is a common thing. The truth of course being the exact opposite. People very rarely detransition and in the vast majority of cases where they do, the reasons cited are not because they legitimately regretted transitioning. Usually it's because of social/employment/housing/medical discrimination, lack of resources to continue transition (not easy to pay for everything when most insurance companies have blanket exclusions and you have to travel hundreds of miles just to see a doctor who will see trans patients), inability to pass as their desired gender making living life with any degree of sanity/safety next to impossible, loss of support networks (family/friends), etc.

As for Caitlyn though... As much as I dislike her and feel like she's a TERRIBLE example of your average trans woman... She's never said anything to that effect. Quite the opposite actually, she seems pretty happy now. Her publicists have repeatedly commented that it's blatantly untrue as well.

- - - Updated - - -

Seconding this. I know it's just a joke but it needs to be said.

A cis male who feminizes themselves like this would probably start to feel a lot like a pre-transition FTM does. You'd get acquainted with the concept of dysphoria pretty quickly.

Yes I know. Thank you for taking
your time to warn me doe it's nice of you. I would hit the regimen if I wasn't concerned of the mental outcome,the other sides don't bother me that much but my mental health is something I learned not to **** with the hard way. Again thank you for taking your time to reply ^.^


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Soo I'm changing a few things about my regimen so I figured I would update you guys on what I'm going to be trying.

Switching from 6mg estradiol pills to a biweekly IM injection of 0.5mL of 40mg/mL estradiol valerate. I'm hoping this will make my results better as far as feminization goes, as my estrogen levels currently leave a little bit to be desired (104 pg/mL, I want around 150-200 pg/mL ideally).

Changing from Nizoral to Regenpure DR. Gonna stick to using it 2-3x a week. nizoral dries my hair and scalp out so I'm hoping this will help that although I'm sure it is small in the grand scheme of things as far as regrowth goes.

Adding Lithium Chloride into the mix. Gonna use it once a week on wounding day, just on the temples.

Adding a miconazole nitrate 2% cream into the mix. Just going to be using it on my temples once a day.

I'm really hoping this will boost my results to where I want them to be as I'm really getting irritated with how slow things are progressing on my temples. I feel desperate to try anything that might thicken that hair up because then I could pretty confidently say that while my hair is not 100% like it was before hair loss (lower overall density and it grows slow as **** on top) I would feel like I have beaten my Androgenetic Alopecia and could move on from this part of my life. If PGE2 were not so expensive/hard to come by, I would be on that as well :/ maybe that is the next step if this doesn't get me to where I want to be.