I Thought Game Was Everything With Girls ...


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Hi guys, 36yo male here.

Since I learned a bit of game around 12 years ago, I could do well with women, before I was a 0 and only attracted ugly/fat. I am 6', 78kg, medium built, not muscular not skinny, 7 in looks, dress well.

I can't attract women anymore, my game is not working, have no results, I am invisible, only a couple of ugly/fat interested, which I am not anymore after being able to be with 8+ years ago, I am even in better shape and more muscular than few years ago.

So what changed? ... Hair. I cannot point to anything else. Been thinning slowly but surely on the front for the past 3 years, and is quite noticeable now. Girls put no value on me now, I am no one, I am invisible. To top it up, last week I got a buzzcut at n1 to see how it suits, disaster. Been on 1mg finasteride EOD for few years, but I think I need to add some minoxidil.

Anyone else noticing similar results?


My Regimen
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"game" will only get us mere mortals (like 95% of the population) so far if we are already able to physically attract around that target level we want, which for you sounded previously like 6 or 7+, but hair loss means you can't yield much higher than 4 now.

If you were getting 8s before then you may have been an 8 yourself, or in some girls eyes, but as we know for certain guy's baldness can be devastating. Aesthetically you could have dropped to a 6 or even 5, and the stigma of being a balding guy (important distinction from being a totally bald guy, as when viewing you women subconsciously associate with how it's going to get worse, not just your present state) can drop even another point or so further.

Either get a hair transplant or admit to face up to the idea you can bang average at best now, sorry to say. Even then you'll still need to deploy that "game" to get anywhere, and hope for the best. It only worked before on 8s because you were near that level, simple as, and I'm starting the obvious which you know.

Unfortunately you need to attract around your physically level AND then also appeal in a personal way, if you aren't prepared to lower yourself and do the latter with 4s then get a hair tranplant, sex doll or VR p**rn.


As far as game bring everything with girls? Ah c'mon. This is why red pillers think any notion of personality should be stomped upon, ridiculous statements like that. It's not even near the most important factor in nearly every situation with females.

You never looked at your average or ugly friends and wondered "hey I never see him chatting up super hot babes, maybe he isn't trying!" Well yeah he's not trying because she wouldn't give him the time of day if he did, best spare the humiliation. I'm sure you realise this yourself now if you tried to attract 8s.

And "be persistent?" As an ugly guy chatting up hot women? Not only will you not get the time of day, but mace and an early night kicked out the clubs side door.


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you don't need these shallow people in your life, find someone who loves you for what's inside babe!!!

or get a transplant and resume 8/10 puss crushing


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look at it like this, the norwood scale will work in reverse for you. If you are a 9 and Norwood 3 you are now a 6. If you started a 7 and hit Norwood 7 well then, it should speak for yourself. The only way to dodge this is by offsetting the number with fame and/or money


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Thanks guys.

Of course game was not everything, there was the improved personality and the looks, but now that looks are diminishing I can clearly see they were more important than I thought. Been hitting the gym even more to compensate for hair, but looks like it is not cutting it.


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You know the problem right now?
The problem is that this is adding to other areas of my life where I am having no results either, so all put together is eating my confidence away. And I think confidence comes from achieving, from winning, so when you don't achieve you enter a downswing loop, which is difficult to get out from.


My Regimen
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Rudiger is pretty much right. Game can maybe work, in best case, high end game scenarios, a couple points above your level. Your level must be pretty low now. Also, you're getting older, father time isn't kind to some of us in that department, even aside from the mighty hair.

Get a transplant n hope you can still have success. You'll be even older by the time you do that and it grows back sufficiently; hopefully the good father spares what's left of your looks.

Yeah when I say 95% (or more) of us mere mortals don't have that natural charisma to punch above our weight, the very small majority have something that's practically unobtainable. Roosh v isn't teaching it (and he doesn't have it himself).

Inevitably for some strange reason there are guys out there who are average and somehow regularly do better than what genetics dictates, and most of us who know a variety of people socially (or just observe the world socially) will at some point stumble upon these rare men. Somehow they have an energy and intrigue to them that can actually get regular interest from women a point or 2 higher.

Unfortunately these rare breeds are what encourage the much more common, less talented average and ugly guys to go "women don't give a sh*t, I know this short bald Indian guy who gets loads of pussy". It's not that this doesn't happen, it's that it's a very rare case, and if you're the type of self-reflecting introvert to acknowledge how crazy it is that such ugly guys can get laid, it's incredibly unlikely you will be one of them.

So what I'm saying, and I'm always saying, is that even to pull women around your own aesthetic level, you need to do something on a personal level as well as particularly turning them on lookswise. Women can easily pull guy's on their level or above, of course they can also be picky about being stimulated mentally too (unless we're talking dumbfuck women, which of course also exist but I think it's unfair to blanket all of them in this predictable way as red pill theory tends to).

The irony with red people theory, is the cope is actually that looks are everything and if you're 8/10 you can easily f*** a slim cute 7, nope! It's actually harder than that. In the same way a lot of average 6 guys never get laid, even with 4s.


My Regimen
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If 36 yo women still care about f*****g hair on my head I'm sooooooo fucked

They care about making a safety nest for a kid. If you're a good parent, or you have lots of money, they will
OVERLOOK uglier qualities. (In their forties/ sometimes fifties, things change as they go through menopause).

As we (men) get in our forties, we have to lower our standards to. Let's be honest.

We won't have the muscle mass (unless we take steroids), and our necks and other muscles turn into fat. (True fact).

Also our skulls will not be as "round" shaped, as they were in our twenties/thirties.

Everybody is different, and some people are more "thicker" boned then others.

If you're not married in your forties, f*****g an uglier woman definitely beats masturbation.