Hair Loss Destroys Everything In One's Life


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I find that everything is joyless, meaningless, unsatisfying because of my hair loss. Nothing matters anymore like life is over and i died and just my ghost is living. If i go out i see nearly everyone with hair at my age or people at their 20's they have no hair loss and nothing to worry about and no hair lose is obvious unless someone is over 30. Even being a hermit is a reminder of hair loss everywhere on the internet every movie every TV show reminds me that i'm less than a person that it's odd and unnatural to lose your hair especially at a young age, so i lost my interest in everything now either it's going out or even stay at my room to entertain myself a bit and escape reality. I don't know what to do anymore hair loss is a curse. I was diagnosed with depression before my hair loss now imagine how my depression have become after male pattern baldness. It's unbearable. I just wish i could stay in my room until i die with food to survive, but i'll eventually be forced to go out to work and watch people everyday make fun of me while they enjoy their youth and i'm friendless, sexless, lifeless and full of depression and mental illnesses that's the youth that awaits for me. My teenage years was already destroyed by depression and other fucked up problems now the rest of my life is ruined until i'm like 35 and people stop making fun of me, but i doubt that i'll be even a sane person then.


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I know exactly how you feel man I felt the same way when I buzzed my hair and now that it's grown back out I can feel somewhat normal again . It's only a matter of time before it's unfixable. Unlike you I was diagnosed with depression after hairloss so I can only imagine how it must feel. It feels like your life is being stripped from you. I'm thankful for friends and ex relationships but it doesn't fix anything if you don't feel good about what you see in the mirror. I'm also shorter like you and hairloss just seems like the top of genetic trash with being short. I was a hermit for 6 months and it was the most lonely time of my life. I'm not one to give advice as I bought a gun and was going to end my life but I want you to know you're not alone. You are being faced with what I would guess is the biggest obstacle of your life, at least it was for me. If I lost an arm tomorrow or got severely burned would I still worry about my hairloss ? If I was born In a third world country would I care about my hairloss if I struggled for food everyday ? These are the things you need to tell yourself that it can always get worse. In the end you determine your life regardless of your hair. That may not be something you want to hear but it's the truth. We can only do things that can help wig, hair transplant , meds. But in the end it is our life and I don't want to let something like this ruin my life when I can't even control it. My biggest worry is being alone and having no one. But guess what would be worse? Being alone and having no money. I'm so afraid to be alone but if I have money at least I can travel and do things I love. I was going to let hairloss ruin my career that I worked so hard for which is nursing. I care about you man and if you ever want to vent I'd love to hear your story. Maybe you play computer games or Xbox I have both we could chat over that. Just know you are not alone and this is a curse that we can only hope is cured in our lifetime. Take care and try to get outside and go for a little walk even if it's around the block.
I find that everything is joyless, meaningless, unsatisfying because of my hair loss. Nothing matters anymore like life is over and i died and just my ghost is living. If i go out i see nearly everyone with hair at my age or people at their 20's they have no hair loss and nothing to worry about and no hair lose is obvious unless someone is over 30. Even being a hermit is a reminder of hair loss everywhere on the internet every movie every TV show reminds me that i'm less than a person that it's odd and unnatural to lose your hair especially at a young age, so i lost my interest in everything now either it's going out or even stay at my room to entertain myself a bit and escape reality. I don't know what to do anymore hair loss is a curse. I was diagnosed with depression before my hair loss now imagine how my depression have become after male pattern baldness. It's unbearable. I just wish i could stay in my room until i die with food to survive, but i'll eventually be forced to go out to work and watch people everyday make fun of me while they enjoy their youth and i'm friendless, sexless, lifeless and full of depression and mental illnesses that's the youth that awaits for me. My teenage years was already destroyed by depression and other fucked up problems now the rest of my life is ruined until i'm like 35 and people stop making fun of me, but i doubt that i'll be even a sane person then.
ku f


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I know exactly how you feel man I felt the same way when I buzzed my hair and now that it's grown back out I can feel somewhat normal again . It's only a matter of time before it's unfixable. Unlike you I was diagnosed with depression after hairloss so I can only imagine how it must feel. It feels like your life is being stripped from you. I'm thankful for friends and ex relationships but it doesn't fix anything if you don't feel good about what you see in the mirror. I'm also shorter like you and hairloss just seems like the top of genetic trash with being short. I was a hermit for 6 months and it was the most lonely time of my life. I'm not one to give advice as I bought a gun and was going to end my life but I want you to know you're not alone. You are being faced with what I would guess is the biggest obstacle of your life, at least it was for me. If I lost an arm tomorrow or got severely burned would I still worry about my hairloss ? If I was born In a third world country would I care about my hairloss if I struggled for food everyday ? These are the things you need to tell yourself that it can always get worse. In the end you determine your life regardless of your hair. That may not be something you want to hear but it's the truth. We can only do things that can help wig, hair transplant , meds. But in the end it is our life and I don't want to let something like this ruin my life when I can't even control it. My biggest worry is being alone and having no one. But guess what would be worse? Being alone and having no money. I'm so afraid to be alone but if I have money at least I can travel and do things I love. I was going to let hairloss ruin my career that I worked so hard for which is nursing. I care about you man and if you ever want to vent I'd love to hear your story. Maybe you play computer games or Xbox I have both we could chat over that. Just know you are not alone and this is a curse that we can only hope is cured in our lifetime. Take care and try to get outside and go for a little walk even if it's around the block.

ku f
Yeah man you're 100% right. Thanks for your lovely kind words i really appreciate them you're a nice person you don't even deserve hair loss, but life just isn't fair. I hope you're doing right and someday you reach the goal you have for your career. Best luck for you.


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You're so right life just isn't fair. I was applying for extra help at school because of ADHD and I told the lady it wasn't fair because my mind would over think everything. I wasn't even really paying attention to the lady she then goes to say life just isn't fair. She was in a wheelchair for life and disabled and ran the disability services building. I know these words won't change much but man you gotta fight. Use the anger at the world to overcome the pain. Just don't sit in the dump to long. Two options let this ruin or life or let it make you stronger. Best luck to you brother. You look a lot like me in your pic haha


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Welcome to the life of the balding, ugly incels.
How do you find joy in anything ? How do you cope and keep going ? I feel like i'm detached from reality, i don't feel alive. It's a strange feeling, but i bet you felt it too at some point or you even feel it every second. Is there anything i can do to make me forget about hair loss even for a second ?


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How do you find joy in anything ? How do you cope and keep going ? I feel like i'm detached from reality, i don't feel alive. It's a strange feeling, but i bet you felt it too at some point or you even feel it every second. Is there anything i can do to make me forget about hair loss even for a second ?
Focus on anything but yourself. I know its hard but baby steps.


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Focus on anything but yourself. I know its hard but baby steps.
How i don't focus on myself when my whole life revolves around me. If i didn't exist my life wouldn't exist, if i'm happy my life will be good, if i'm depressed my life will be sh*t. I'm the indicator of how my life is.


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I gave up on women and sex and social life, and have become a reclusive workaholic.
I gave up on women before i was even balding because i have other shitty genetics i wish that nobody inherits them and for the social life i'm naturally introverted and most of the time i'm alone with no one to talk to even on the internet. I too find the hermit or the recluse lifestyle is the best solution for my problems, but even the hair loss thing still shoved down my throat when i'm in my room on the internet.


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When you look like a rotting corpse and are laughed at even while you walk by the streets you have no other choice. I'm a freak and must accept that, with everything that goes with it. I gave up on girls way before hair loss as well. I haven't talked to a girl since I was 17 I think and never asked a girl out for that matter. I've always known, even before hair loss, that I had a miserable, lonely existence ahead of me.
I'll look horrible bald i'm skinny, short (5'7) + my facial features and head shape, shitty skin will make me look worse than sh*t when i'm bald. I just wish to live one good year just one year without depression without worrying about hair loss and how i look without feeling like a subhuman just one year to live like a normal human.
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How do you find joy in anything ? How do you cope and keep going ? I feel like i'm detached from reality, i don't feel alive. It's a strange feeling, but i bet you felt it too at some point or you even feel it every second. Is there anything i can do to make me forget about hair loss even for a second ?
Few things that may help:
- Try treatment or other ways to stop/reverse the hair loss
- Focus on other things for your appearance like fitness and getting into good shape
- Don't take yourself too seriously, everyone has flaws


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How i don't focus on myself when my whole life revolves around me. If i didn't exist my life wouldn't exist, if i'm happy my life will be good, if i'm depressed my life will be sh*t. I'm the indicator of how my life is.
So when you are playing a video game, you don't focus on that particular activity?


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So when you are playing a video game, you don't focus on that particular activity?
Sure i focus on it, but believe or not even when i'm playing games, watching a TV show or a movie and see this tall, handsome character with perfect hairline i feel worthless and subhuman compared to him tho most of the characters have a good hairline and that's the case if they are not villains or evil thugs and you know what i'm talking about.


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Sure i focus on it, but believe or not even when i'm playing games, watching a TV show or a movie and see this tall, handsome character with perfect hairline i feel worthless and subhuman compared to him tho most of the characters have a good hairline and that's the case if they are not villains or evil thugs and you know what i'm talking about.
I had a feeling you would say that. I would take Christoppp on his offer and play some games with him and chat with him.


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When you look like a rotting corpse and are laughed at even while you walk by the streets you have no other choice. I'm a freak and must accept that, with everything that goes with it. I gave up on girls way before hair loss as well. I haven't talked to a girl since I was 17 I think and never asked a girl out for that matter. I've always known, even before hair loss, that I had a miserable, lonely existence ahead of me.

is it any less depressing after you've accepted it? after my last mental breakdown my friend asked me if i'm afraid of being alone forever. at that point i realized, no, im not afraid of it, i just know that it's a fact and i'm upset about it.


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Mocking me, laughing at me, treating me like dirt, staring in disgust/contempt/fear... the list is quite long.

And this just happens to you randomly or is it from people you are acquainted with? Do you ever tell them to f*** off?


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It happens randomly, but prominently at my workplace in Italy.

LOL I can't do anything, I'm short, frail and bald; besides, they'd tell me I'm overreacting, or probably beat me or insult me more.

Surely you can't be that aesthetically challenged. Are you willing to post a picture of yourself?


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Absolutely not. Especially considering how it turned out that at least a user here has been saving up pics of other users probably for making fun of them. I know I'm hideous, I don't need to satisfy anyone's morbid curiosity, and I surely don't want to find my pictures somewhere online for fake accounts or pranks against me.

Weirdos on forums will do that sh*t. I generally think they're projecting their own insecurities.