Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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The second someone brought up that keep cool my babies uses Cpa it had me questioning my decision to use bica.

@keepcoolmybabies wya? How is the mane doing in 2024? We are struggling here


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Bica just freaks me out. I followed @Adri23 to a 12.5mg dosage last week because I was scared of the shedding and poor appearance and things haven’t really turned around. But then I look at pictures from pre bica and my hair actually just wasn’t good as I thought it was. The first month of bica 25mg was so good for my hair that it drastically raised my standards and now it seems to be going back to its estradiol only state and it’s pissing me tf off
It is difficult to compare the effectiveness of AA with taking E. Because in any case, most of the effect is achieved due to estrogen. I'm not sure there is a difference for hair between taking E only and taking E + Bicalutamide. I also stopped taking finasteride. Considering that E itself has antiandrogenic properties and prevents the binding of androgens to receptors, finasteride does not affect the result in any way.
Perhaps all this debate is meaningless and in practice there is no difference between taking E + CPA, E + Bica and only E.


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This sounds like the fantasy groomers want to instill. "Oh no, you'll last longer, how bad."

For me it was the opposite on HRT mono. Basically impossible to get erect and became too sensitive.

I am saying this so some people considering HRT do not get only this extremely biased perspective
You literally use nothing because everything you tried killed your dick instantly after the first pill. Have you considered that your brain damage and mental illness could be causing these placebo side effects? losingbattle's dick still hasn't recovered from taking saw palmetto once 13 years ago, you should form a support group together instead of scaring people away from potential treatments


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You literally use nothing because everything you tried killed your dick instantly after the first pill. Have you considered that your brain damage and mental illness could be causing these placebo side effects? losingbattle's dick still hasn't recovered from taking saw palmetto once 13 years ago, you should form a support group together instead of scaring people away from potential treatments
My dick works fine. Come to daddy boi and I will show you ;)


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You literally use nothing because everything you tried killed your dick instantly after the first pill. Have you considered that your brain damage and mental illness could be causing these placebo side effects? losingbattle's dick still hasn't recovered from taking saw palmetto once 13 years ago, you should form a support group together instead of scaring people away from potential treatments
Post-palmetto syndrome


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Suppressing 30% dht for a day causes your dick to die but somehow no one else has this issue even while blocking all androgens for years. At this point you should cut it off, it's just holding you back, your entire life is based around maximizing the performance of your dick while neglecting everything else, it turned you into a mentally ill bald grandma. There's more to life than having a rock hard dick on demand especially when you're a virgin and it's not like you're ever going to use it anyway