Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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How could I possibly use that against you? I’m just an online stranger who will never have any real interactions with you. I’m genuinely curious and thought you’d be proud to mention some things about your relationship. I’m sure everyone here could only benefit from your story.
You will not interact with me but you could easily make fun of me like you do with the users on this thread with your friend @losingbattle88


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They are just online jokes, it’s nothing to be afraid of

The only thing I want to share is that I'd like to break the taboo of dick not working on HRT. I swear I keep my function the same as before HRT, like fr. You just need to maintain your dick jerking off like every other day or every day if one would like and everything will be the same. Also my libido didn't decrease. Idk if it is just me personally but I use every f*****g sh*t and I didnt lose half a cm or libido. Heck my balls are almost the same, but might be because they were big af pre hrt who knows. For me HRT downside is just sperm production which I still have but less, because well, for me fat distribution didnt happen and might be just because I had very manly body after all and hrt is not what people think. Breast is something that I will get rid by surgery, but it didn't grow so much to beging with, easy fix if you ask me. All that said, this is ofc not a solution for everyone, but for me based on my body composition, I didn't get affected much from HRT.


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So you're saying it's normal to cons00m adderall, meth, daily as per perscribed by so called "doctors" but if I wanna shoot me up A LITTLE horse piss for a prettier face, I have to fight an epic and lengthy battle against a potatoe and a robot? It's OVER!


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I mean, I can agree with that. I think people should utilize estrogen if hair loss is ruining their lives enough, but i don’t recommend it unless you’re actually trans. Every non-trans person here ended up stopping HRT and lost their results, including bridgeburn and that other guy
Did Bridgeburn actually lose all his results? Last thing I remember him saying was his hair wasn't as great as his HRT days but he still had most of it.


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Did Bridgeburn actually lose all his results? Last thing I remember him saying was his hair wasn't as great as his HRT days but he still had most of it.
Not all of his results, but if you're stopping estrogen, you need an anti-androgen to provide some help.


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Ur a male and what ur doing to your body is mutilation and isnt natural. Very abnormal. I feel sorry for your body.
The norm is determined by the majority. This is not an argument. It used to be considered the norm to be a eunuch.
The fact that this is a mutilation is also not true. You don’t have any arguments, at your age it’s time to learn to defend your point of view. You are adults, but you don’t know how to argue your point of view. Repeating “bro, you’re mentally ill” over and over again is a weak argument for people over 10 years old.
Just because it is not natural does not logically mean that it is bad. Also, depending on the definition, any surgical or medicinal intervention can be called unnatural. Are you familiar with the basics of formal logic, bro?
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