Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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In the first year of HRT I used high doses of E, and now I can go 3 weeks without injections, but it does not harm my hair.

I'm going to order RU, testosterone injections and try to get off HRT. RU is giving promising results to people on this forum.

It will really suck if RU will not help, and when I go back on estradiol, it stops working.
Are you a tranie?Probably you don't know yourself.


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Has HRT helped you before? Why did she stop doing this, what preceded it?
I've been on HRT for 1 year and 7 months. The first 7 months I was on sublingual pills, CPA and dutas and my hair was very bad.
Then I switched to bica + Injections + keep the dutas an my hair started to improve slowly. My peak of hair on this regimen was from april to june. Then I had some major stressor for 5 months + Covid in june + I increased the Eatradiol dosage which lead to a massive shedding. Now I'm left with bad density all over my head and the most important, very very sh*t texture that I can't fix with anything. It has been 7 months since I got covid and 2 months since I have no anxiety but my hair gets worse every month.


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In the first year of HRT I used high doses of E, and now I can go 3 weeks without injections, but it does not harm my hair.

I'm going to order RU, testosterone injections and try to get off HRT. RU is giving promising results to people on this forum.

It will really suck if RU will not help, and when I go back on estradiol, it stops working.
Be careful with T. Hope RU is enough for you!