Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

real kombo

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Hey guys really late to the convo but why bica? Why not spironolactone? Can't someone do 100-200 mg of spironolactone + finasteride?


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Hey guys really late to the convo but why bica? Why not spironolactone? Can't someone do 100-200 mg of spironolactone + finasteride?
You can. spironolactone is an AA on top of being a diuretic. Most take Bica because it is a pure AA, and to be fair, it is more potent than spironolactone (albeit expensive)


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As I understand it, HRT does not stop your hair loss. In what form do you take estradiol? I've seen reports that injections have a better chance of helping.
You can also try adding RU to HRT.
Already on injections. Also dutas bica oral min


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Bruh I'm actually starting to think that you've got a semi Estrogen insensitivity sydrome

But it doesn't make sense, since the Estrogen is doing its work by lowering your T levels to castrate range. Like wtf is going on ?
I think Estrogen insensitivity doesn't have much to do with how much e2 you have or how much it is lowering T but how much it affects the receptors. Like my body stopped E since there is a primary hormone in more quantity so it stopped to produce endogenous hormones but when E2 reach my estrogen receptors it doesn't biologically do much because my estrogen receptors do not work good.


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I think Estrogen insensitivity doesn't have much to do with how much e2 you have or how much it is lowering T but how much it affects the receptors. Like my body stopped E since there is a primary hormone in more quantity so it stopped to produce endogenous hormones but when E2 reach my estrogen receptors it doesn't biologically do much because my estrogen receptors do not work good.
The fact that E2 is suppressing your T levels, means that it is actively binding to your Estrogen receptors and exerting its estrogenic effects. Which leads me to believe that your e2 receptors are at least not damaged when it comes to T suppression


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The fact that E2 is suppressing your T levels, means that it is actively binding to your Estrogen receptors and exerting its estrogenic effects. Which leads me to believe that your e2 receptors are at least not damaged when it comes to T suppression
Exactly, that is what I meant, prolly my e2 receptors are not entirely fucked up but it has very little biological effects apart from T suppression.


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I will probably lower my dosage to 5 mg (I'm on 5.5 mg Een injection weekly). I might aim for 250 pg/ml which is the minimum for T suppression. When my hair was improving my trough levels were at 278 pg/ml despite of bit higher DHT than now, so maybe 300+ pg/ml e2 is not that good at least for my hair, who knows.


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My theory is for those that anti-androgens don’t work, your stem cells in each follicle are clocked to expire early in life - has anyone tried the stem cell therapies in a bottle on the market? Just a gimmick? Some better than others?

For those that AA’s do work, you still lose hair as you age, for the same stem cell reason. Just as your skin, bones, organs continue to age each minute of every day.


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My theory is for those that anti-androgens don’t work, your stem cells in each follicle are clocked to expire early in life - has anyone tried the stem cell therapies in a bottle on the market? Just a gimmick? Some better than others?

For those that AA’s do work, you still lose hair as you age, for the same stem cell reason. Just as your skin, bones, organs continue to age each minute of every day.
Makes sense. My hair is graying a lot in the past months too


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How old are you and is your stomach protruding? How long do your blood relatives normally live to?
I'm 24 and Im underweight with a BMI of 17.5 so my stomach is flat. About my blood relatives it depends. My grandmother from mother side died at 72 from heart dissease while my grandfather is still alive and he is 93. My grandfather from father side died at 73 from cancer while my grandmother from father side is still alive and she is 81.


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I'm 24 and Im underweight with a BMI of 17.5 so my stomach is flat. About my blood relatives it depends. My grandmother from mother side died at 72 from heart dissease while my grandfather is still alive and he is 93. My grandfather from father side died at 73 from cancer while my grandmother from father side is still alive and she is 81.
Put on some weight if possible. It might reignite some aromatase enzymes


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I'm 24 and Im underweight with a BMI of 17.5 so my stomach is flat. About my blood relatives it depends. My grandmother from mother side died at 72 from heart dissease while my grandfather is still alive and he is 93. My grandfather from father side died at 73 from cancer while my grandmother from father side is still alive and she is 81.
So it sounds like the only premature aging/stem cell death, is happening on the scalp. Question is what does it mean and what is the remedy? This beats me but all the best in 2024!

And you never know:



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So it sounds like the only premature aging/stem cell death, is happening on the scalp. Question is what does it mean and what is the remedy? This beats me but all the best in 2024!

And you never know:

Yeah rest of the body is not showing premature aging, just some minor expresion lines on the corner of mouth but nothin alarming. I will need to find out what is happening. I might be getting a scalp biopsy this year.


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I will probably lower my dosage to 5 mg (I'm on 5.5 mg Een injection weekly). I might aim for 250 pg/ml which is the minimum for T suppression. When my hair was improving my trough levels were at 278 pg/ml despite of bit higher DHT than now, so maybe 300+ pg/ml e2 is not that good at least for my hair, who knows.
Has HRT helped you before? Why did she stop doing this, what preceded it?


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In the first year of HRT I used high doses of E, and now I can go 3 weeks without injections, but it does not harm my hair.

I'm going to order RU, testosterone injections and try to get off HRT. RU is giving promising results to people on this forum.

It will really suck if RU will not help, and when I go back on estradiol, it stops working.