Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I think I might be getting a thin spot in the middle



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YOOOO I got unbanned, so ill just use this account until I get banned again for now :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::)

you all know which is my other account correct? ;)shhh


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really, for hair regrowth?? haha, I suspect you're just curious :p
This is why the Japanese are almost immune to baldness. They eat a lot of soy (pro-estrogen), seaweed (pro-thyroid), fish (pro-vitamin B), etc.
me and OP tried the "natural path " before, i used to drink gooseberry juice and smear nettle root and curry every morning but nothing happened plus i would smell like sh*t for few days


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me and OP tried the "natural path " before, i used to drink gooseberry juice and smear nettle root and curry every morning but nothing happened plus i would smell like sh*t for few days
If a good diet was all that's needed for a full head, all vegans would be a NW1, & Obese or homeless people would be a NW7.


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If a good diet was all that's needed for a full head, all vegans would be a NW1, & Obese or homeless people would be a NW7.
actually the healthier a man gets the more androgens he would have and the more sensitive he will be to them, alcohol and drugs lower androgens, fast food lower them too and increase the estrogens, not excerscing and not sleeping kill your testosterone so in therory the more fucked up your health is the slower you will bald, i believe that cleaning my diet and adding raw food accelerated my baldness and Pepsi and estrogen pills are bringing my hair back, dnt forget to add candies they helps too
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@bridgeburn and ALL those HRT supporters:

Given the high risks of HRT and the uncertainty of the rate of loss post HRT stoppage, is it really worth it to subject yourself lifelong to this dangerous treatment?

Let me tell guys something. I am not tooting my horn here. I just have a lot of experience with research, trial error, and turbulent emotions.

Whey protein burned my hair apart. How can one simple supplement escalate male pattern baldness for a man in his 20s???? Think about it. ONE supplement over the course of 1.5 years lead to Androgenetic Alopecia. I was taking 4 scoops per day 5 days weekly.

I mean, I am the perfect example of a youngster who self hacked my hormones naturally without drugs to create the Androgenetic Alopecia offspring.

So why can't we also do the same via natural substances? Why can't we find that one or two or three natural products that is potent to reversing Androgenetic Alopecia fully?

I think that's where the cure lies. Finding natural sources that manipulate our hormonal ecosystem in the direction towards hair growth just exactly like how whey took the best of my hair and personality.

The reason why I am not pro-HRT is because of the detrimental side effects. For me, and based on my research, this can't be the only cure. This can't be the only end point. THERE HAS TO BE something like HRT just without the side effects. I know there is.

I have heard stories of Lugols solution having a substantial effect on the thyroid hormones. We all know hair follicles are direct targets of T3. This is why the Japanese are almost immune to baldness. They eat a lot of soy (pro-estrogen), seaweed (pro-thyroid), fish (pro-vitamin B), etc.

What are your thoughts? I am really curious.
Even if you could do it naturally, what makes you think that naturally won't be just as dangerous, or even more so, than HRT????

snake venom is natural

The reason why I am not pro-HRT is because of the detrimental side effects. For me, and based on my research, this can't be the only cure. This can't be the only end point. THERE HAS TO BE something like HRT just without the side effects. I know there is.
HRT has tons of other benefits besides hair: No more acne, oily skin, hairloss, itchy scalp, dandruff, ridiculous high metabolism and gaunt face, longer orgasms, better skin, enhanced emotions, dramatically reduced body odor, I still have a strong sex drive but Its not a male sex drive which means feeling horny for any stupid reason or even no reason at all.
What are your thoughts? I am really curious.
I don't think a regimen consisting of bicalutimide with estradiol is detrimental for anyone young with a relatively healthy liver.. The same cannot be said, however, for spironolactone and cyproterone.. though personally, I haven't suffered any major health consequences. I feel healthier and look younger too.
This is why the Japanese are almost immune to baldness.


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me and OP tried the "natural path " before, i used to drink gooseberry juice and smear nettle root and curry every morning but nothing happened plus i would smell like sh*t for few days
ahahahha, I remember one time I rubbed turmeric on my scalp cause I read something saying it was good for hair... It stained it orange and WOULD NOT completely come off. The next day at work everyone noticed and asked me about it, so I made up a story that I was trying too hard to open a can of raviolis and the sauce splashed me ><


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actually the healthier a man gets the more androgens he would have and the more sensitive he will be to them, alcohol and drugs lower androgens, fast food lower them too and increase the estrogens, not excerscing and not sleeping kill your testosterone so in therory the more fucked up your health is the slower you will bald, i believe that cleaning my diet and adding raw food accelerated my baldness and Pepsi and estrogen pills are bringing my hair back, dnt forget to add candies they helps too
I think honestly the body reacts to unhealthy choices by decreasing testosterone or increasing estrogen because that's a healthier hormonal state and its trying to counteract the damage.
Correlation is not causation. Metabolism slows as we get older so everyone thinks for that reason that faster metabolisms are healthy but usually in nature, creatures with slower metabolisms live longer.


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@I'mme do other AA's not reduce dhea and adrenal adrogens? If that is true then spironolactone does have one advantage
Bicalutamide, as far as, I know doesn't do much to DHEA.
A study concluded - Conclusions:  Our data show that flutamide suppresses the adrenal androgens in comparison with bicalutamide. The responsiveness and response duration of flutamide can be predicted in patients with a higher baseline androstenediol level and a lower DHEA level. Metabolites from adrenal androgens contribute to the progression of prostate cancer."


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ahahahha, I remember one time I rubbed turmeric on my scalp cause I read something saying it was good for hair... It stained it orange and WOULD NOT completely come off. The next day at work everyone noticed and asked me about it, so I made up a story that I was trying too hard to open a can of raviolis and the sauce splashed me ><
I tried rubbing onion juice on my scalp. lmao
we've all been down that "natural path"


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Bicalutamide, as far as, I know doesn't do much to DHEA.
A study concluded - Conclusions:  Our data show that flutamide suppresses the adrenal androgens in comparison with bicalutamide. The responsiveness and response duration of flutamide can be predicted in patients with a higher baseline androstenediol level and a lower DHEA level. Metabolites from adrenal androgens contribute to the progression of prostate cancer."
DHEA and other adrenal androgens have a 15-30x lower binding affinity than DHT does for the Androgen Receptor.
Testosterone has a 2-3x lower affinity than DHT so its just as bad considering its 10-15x more abundant as an androgen.


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I've used spironolactone for about 10 months now. After the first 4 months I tried increasing my dosage from 100mg to 150mg. But it started giving me dark circles under my eyes and overall kinda just hollowing my face out in a negative way, so I had to cut back to 100mg. Obviously everyone is different, but I've seen this characteristic in numerous spironolactone users. Might have to do with it being a diuretic. Also, whenever I would stand up I would immediately get light headed due to the decreased blood pressure. Not sure I could go anywhere near 400mg without feeling and looking like a zombie.
No no, hollow cheeks looks great. Even if not from front (depending on face), from sides at least.

I agree about its diuretic effect. I never take more than 100mg at once.

People have done that, - maybe our body start taking it well after some days.


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It did the same to me. I am much more knowledgeable about how the human body works than i was before i had hair loss, i wouldn't say i'm smarter though because hair loss kept me from finishing college, i was losing my mind over it and stopped going to my classes to focus on how to reverse balding, a lot of time gone doing research and obsessing, but at least i know how to prevent a bald head now and i can finish school with peace of mind lol.
I did that in +1, +2 but the only difference is I topped both my school as well as coaching. Learn from me. Lol


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DHEA and other adrenal androgens have a 15-30x lower binding affinity than DHT does for the Androgen Receptor.
Testosterone has a 2-3x lower affinity than DHT so its just as bad considering its 10-15x more abundant as an androgen.
Hey mate! How have your results been? Has it completely stopped your hair loss?


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Bicalutamide, as far as, I know doesn't do much to DHEA.
A study concluded - Conclusions:  Our data show that flutamide suppresses the adrenal androgens in comparison with bicalutamide. The responsiveness and response duration of flutamide can be predicted in patients with a higher baseline androstenediol level and a lower DHEA level. Metabolites from adrenal androgens contribute to the progression of prostate cancer."
" concentrations of PRL, total T, A, DHEA, or DHEA-S. No difference was observed, however, in the induction of these endocrine changes between the Diane and Androcur groups"

So ditto for CPA. But even role of DHEA has been found by very few studies and Iirc most of them found its role in prostate cancer. Only two studies found its role in AA


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@bridgeburn @Sonolmn98 Thanks for providing your two cents.

However, I can't help but to disagree. For one, I have seen many bald homeless men and many hairy homeless men. I have seen many vegans with hair and those without. There isn't a 1+1 formula here.

Perfect example is the ancient Japanese people. What happened when the Westernized diet was introduced? The incidences of baldness skyrocketed.

Another example. Greece is one of the baldest nations. Same with Czech Republic, UK, Spain, and U.S. The one striking commonality I see in such countries is, you named it: Dairy. Greece is know to thrive on dairy. They have tzatzkik sauce, greek yogurt, greek ice cream, feta cheese, etc. I won't be surprised if they bathed in dairy.

Sure there are extreme cases of an obese man having a full head of hair and a vegan man having no hair.

I am not saying diet will regrow hair. What I am saying is diet and stress can cause Androgenetic Alopecia and other forms of hair loss.

It did plain and simple for me. Whey destroyed my life and hair. I am an ideal example of Androgenetic Alopecia kicking in at a young age because of diet-manipulation.

When you extrapolate the ANCIENT Japansese diet, you'll come to find that dairy, grains, and red meat aren't commodities. I like to use them as an example, because they have the longest life spans AND, prior to Westernization, they were almost immune to baldness. Plus, the graying of hair is almost non-existent even at a ripe old age. Doesn't this tell you something?????

They must be doing something right in their lifestyle. Eating smaller portions, lots and lots of iodine, lots and lots of soy.... All these tiny changes accumulate over time and as result, because their androgens are low, they pass these good qualities to their offspring.

So their offspring now has almost Androgenetic Alopecia-proof genes thanks to their parents and grand parents and great grand parents.

Princessrambo (a legend in this forum) was a prime example of someone who went from a Norwood 7 to a Norwood 2 I believe via supplements and minoxidil. But all of us know minoxidil alone cannot restore a Norwood hairline in about 8-12 months.

Meanstick on the bodybuilding forum was also a prime example of reversing his Norwood 2 hairline via supplementation and NO drugs.

I also have some case studies from a well known doctor in India who's currently helping his patients reverse Androgenetic Alopecia via supplementation and a natural peptide cream. His work is patented and he has 25 years of experience and surplus of accolades. If you want more info, I will be more than happy to share his work and comparable before and after pics.
I hated dairy for years and was not eating much/any of it when balding started.