Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Nope, I haven't got any tests in forever. So, I can't attest to your claims. But I feel like I'm doing good. Also, a couple of days ago, I started using Estrogel (0.06%, meh) on my hairline and face, because even if my hairline is very round and low, it's not symmetrical and I've got a bunch of fuzzy hairs on the left side of my widow's peak and I want my hairline to come down to the lowest point of my widow's peak, even if it's like 50% scanty so I can use Dermmatch to make is symmetrical and awesome AF.
There's a concern though that's being raised lately about its metabolism to metabolites like estriol and estriol sulphate.
Anyone got any suggestions? (I know, I know, I'm being very petty, and I'm sorry for that.)

I know you are agender. But don't your parents say anything seeing you taking these drugs. You must have obviously feminised.

Enuf of bs, coming to the point, Do you still shed hair?


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Anti-androgens reduces testicular function.
Bicalutamide has a very low binding capacity as compared to regular androgens like testosterone and DHT. The only reason it's able to work for hair loss is because of its elimination half life. Since its elimination half life is around a week, its concentration builds up inside the body and thanks to basic chemical kinetics [the rate of a reaction is the product of the rate constant and (a power of) the concentration of its reactants; the rate constant gives it away for bicalutamide but concentration declares its victory in hairloss].
Now in the gonads and genitals, thanks to the androgen surge due to blockade of androgen receptor in hypothalamus, the concentration of testosterone and DHT is so high that there is no way bicalutamide can bind to even a single receptor.
So, no shrinking of testicles, no other sexual side effects.

I know you are agender. But don't your parents say anything seeing you taking these drugs. You must have obviously feminised.
Yes, my parents do say some things but not a lot. And for that matter, hair loss is a big issue of self esteem, so grave that I was able to convince them to let me take this step, and to my surprise, even my father takes bicalutamide now, hoping his hair would return. I don't have a problem with that, since it can prevent prostate cancer too.
Do you still shed hair?
Well, yes. Never more than 100 (I hate you shampoo days), never less than 10, but I have this crazy habit of constantly combing through my long hairs, so I guess I can't complain. I'm still sceptical of whether this claim of shedding 50-100 hairs a day being normal is really authentic or not. (I can notice all of my shedding because my hair is pretty much all the time in a shower cap.)
Also, I shampoo only once a week, because I've got very less sebum production after starting the treatment.


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Bicalutamide has a very low binding capacity as compared to regular androgens like testosterone and DHT. The only reason it's able to work for hair loss is because of its elimination half life. Since its elimination half life is around a week, its concentration builds up inside the body and thanks to basic chemical kinetics [the rate of a reaction is the product of the rate constant and (a power of) the concentration of its reactants; the rate constant gives it away for bicalutamide but concentration declares its victory in hairloss].
Now in the gonads and genitals, thanks to the androgen surge due to blockade of androgen receptor in hypothalamus, the concentration of testosterone and DHT is so high that there is no way bicalutamide can bind to even a single receptor.
So, no shrinking of testicles, no other sexual side effects.

Yes, my parents do say some things but not a lot. And for that matter, hair loss is a big issue of self esteem, so grave that I was able to convince them to let me take this step, and to my surprise, even my father takes bicalutamide now, hoping his hair would return. I don't have a problem with that, since it can prevent prostate cancer too.

Well, yes. Never more than 100 (I hate you shampoo days), never less than 10, but I have this crazy habit of constantly combing through my long hairs, so I guess I can't complain. I'm still sceptical of whether this claim of shedding 50-100 hairs a day being normal is really authentic or not. (I can notice all of my shedding because my hair is pretty much all the time in a shower cap.)
Also, I shampoo only once a week, because I've got very less sebum production after starting the treatment.
Why do I see all Indians here are extremely educated?

I don't know how would my parents react if spironolactone provides me some feminization. They would hardly notice though, even if they do only mom would say sth if she does.

Re shedding, I have been reading about it. For those finasteride/dutasteride works, they have reduction/halt in shedding/hair loss, whereas most people on AAs continue to lose hair but they have tremendous regrowth that compensate for shedding. Dunno why this happens.


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Why do I see all Indians here are extremely educated?
It's been two years of reading and re-reading and researching and re-researching for me, though I stopped after a year because of my college. I feel like I've missed out on so many cool updates about different types of regimens. Sigh, I'm not that well educated on this topic anymore, but whatever, thanks.
They would hardly notice though, even if they do only mom would say sth if she does.
My parents do notice changes and my father keeps complaining about gynecomastia, but I don't let him win. With all the science I can use to counterargument his complaints, I always win. Just yesterday, he brought me my new stock of bicalutamide for the next five months. So cool, right?
Re shedding, I have been reading about it. For those finasteride/dutasteride works, they have reduction/halt in shedding/hair loss, whereas most people on AAs continue to lose hair but they have tremendous regrowth that compensate for shedding. Dunno why this happens.
This is so wrong, right? I know that people with thick hair shed more than those with thin hair, and obviously, my scalp is much less visible now, so obviously I've thickened up, but on the expense of leaving trails of long hair everywhere I go in my college where I can't live with my shower caps 24×7. I wish there was a way to stop this eternal shedding.


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It's been two years of reading and re-reading and researching and re-researching for me, though I stopped after a year because of my college. I feel like I've missed out on so many cool updates about different types of regimens. Sigh, I'm not that well educated on this topic anymore, but whatever, thanks.

My parents do notice changes and my father keeps complaining about gynecomastia, but I don't let him win. With all the science I can use to counterargument his complaints, I always win. Just yesterday, he brought me my new stock of bicalutamide for the next five months. So cool, right?

This is so wrong, right? I know that people with thick hair shed more than those with thin hair, and obviously, my scalp is much less visible now, so obviously I've thickened up, but on the expense of leaving trails of long hair everywhere I go in my college where I can't live with my shower caps 24×7. I wish there was a way to stop this eternal shedding.
What is wrong? You said, that is wrong and went on to explain what I said was right?! Sorry I did not get this. :)

Did your father see any improvement?


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What is wrong? You said, that is wrong and went on to explain what I said was right?! Sorry I did not get this. :)

Did your father see any improvement?
It's so wrong that even after such extreme regimen, we have you suffer this eternal shedding, while those with finasteride don't experience this forever.
Also, my father did experience improvement, but he goes on and off because of his gynecomastia, and he loses all the progress. Sigh!


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I think a topical AA would do. Somebody has to take the plunge to try topical Bicalutamide.
That's too much of a commitment for me. I couldn't started minoxidil, but didn't because of the commitment issues, it'd ruin my hairstyle that I keep intact for a week, has apparent aging effects, hypertricosis, etc. I have no time for any topicals on the scalp. Just Estrogel for the hairline is possible.


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Nope, I haven't got any tests in forever. So, I can't attest to your claims. But I feel like I'm doing good. Also, a couple of days ago, I started using Estrogel (0.06%, meh) on my hairline and face, because even if my hairline is very round and low, it's not symmetrical and I've got a bunch of fuzzy hairs on the left side of my widow's peak and I want my hairline to come down to the lowest point of my widow's peak, even if it's like 50% scanty so I can use Dermmatch to make is symmetrical and awesome AF.
There's a concern though that's being raised lately about its metabolism to metabolites like estriol and estriol sulphate.
Anyone got any suggestions? (I know, I know, I'm being very petty, and I'm sorry for that.)

You should add Estrogel as part of your routine, to lower your T!


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You should add Estrogel as part of your routine, to lower your T!
Yeah, but I don't know how much I'll require since the only concentration available is 0.06% and I need to think about the areas of application and its metabolite formation too.
Got any suggestions?


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Yeah, but I don't know how much I'll require since the only concentration available is 0.06% and I need to think about the areas of application and its metabolite formation too.
Got any suggestions?

Use 2mg/day of estrofem buccally! I am doing that currently, and from my last blood test my T was 136 ng/dL. And whilst you are doing that, you can use estrogel on your stomach to maintain more consistent levels, although it might not be entirely necessary... Feminisation isn’t bad, it’s minor!


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Although I don't entirely regret taking Accutane, I do regret not making myself more knowledgable on it. I didn't realise how truly damaging it is on our bodies; I was mainly caught up in the mindset that it clears acne, and I only wanted that. I believe fate was signalling to me that Accutane is not great, especially when it bought my ALT levels to above 170...

Accutane is the worst drug I've ever taken that I've never completely bounced back from. Still always have to use chap stick. And I never had any sign of hairloss prior, but about 7 months into an accutane course my scalp started unbearably itching and hair was falling out like crazy, which didn't subside after stopping it.


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So basically, a boy becomes a prettyboy with soft, supple skin, cute looks, clear skin, better complexion etc??? (and of course, better hair - how the heck could I have forgotten this!!)
That's kinda what's happening to me


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Accutane is the worst drug I've ever taken that I've never completely bounced back from. Still always have to use chap stick. And I never had any sign of hairloss prior, but about 7 months into an accutane course my scalp started unbearably itching and hair was falling out like crazy, which didn't subside after stopping it.

I was also on accutane when i started shedding profusely, ive tried to blame my hair loss on a lot of things, but maybe its all coincidental.


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I was also on Accutane from three months into Bicalutamide for six months. I thought that the shedding was supposed to stop after those three months, but then Accutane happened and here I am now. It's been one year since I stopped Accutane, but I'm still shedding. I can't really say if it was Accutane or Bicalutamide that helped my acne, but I hate that drug so much. My lips were destroyed, my hair was everywhere, it's the worst drug ever.
I'm using other retinoids (Adapalene and Tretinoin) on my face for some uneven skin texture and obviously the bonus anti aging benefit, and I love use them. Even my under eyes and eyelids love them, although they were supposed to be sensitive.