Do You Think The Average Balding Guy Would Get Dumped ?


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I'm hoping I still have some hair left at 23 probly gonna be nw6 by then . It's one of the worst things that can happen imo , outside of cancer or losing your legs ( something severe )
Mate relax you have more hair than me chill


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I'm pretty diffused honestly but I hide it with my hair style pretty well at this point
I am as well but I realised that it isnt visible from afar unless under heavy lights. So chill and let finasteride do its work. In one year we will also have brotzu so thats a cure for life. We need to get off our chairs and find woman !!


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I am as well but I realised that it isnt visible from afar unless under heavy lights. So chill and let finasteride do its work. In one year we will also have brotzu so thats a cure for life. We need to get off our chairs and find woman !!

Yea in your pic you look like a full head , but it's same with me

Do you really think it will be cured in a year ? That's to hopeful to believe sort of


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You two severy understate the role of looks in the relationship with women in general. Women choose their male friends, their male orbiters and their male lovers first and foremost by looks and only secondly by personality and social standing, exactly like we men ourselves do when choosing women friends and lovers...

Perhaps I did understate, but I can't disagree with you. It is a reality. For me, I first noticed my receding hairline at 18. I made an appointment with Bosley way, way back in the hair transplant days. Decided it was a poor esthetic choice back then and just dropped it. Lived with it and watched the slow progression of hairloss. But, it didn't impact me too much. I got married at 30 to a beautiful woman and she couldn't care less about my hair. However, did my 5'10" super fit body and better than average looks lock on to her eyes in that nightclub I met her at have anything to do with attracting her and get to where we are now? Undoubtedly and sadly yes.


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Well, yes, it's about being attractive enough and not above Norwood 2. Otherwise, giving up is the only course of action, as it was for me.

You're still in your 20's, you won't feel the same once you hit 30 so you better start planning some short term plans.


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Very risky at the age, no bueno.

My dad looks like a potato while his father looked like an American marine, he looks like a clone of his mother, if I looked like my grandpa I can't imagine how much I would be busting my nuts instead of posting on an hair loss forum. Since I was young I knew I have been dealt the worse cards time and time again, can't get away from it.
yea i know. i've heard its associated with autism and some other sh*t. besides just the fact it took them that long to have a kid in the first place!

anyways i gave you my laundry list of problems, who has it worse? lol

to be fair i think @CaptainForehead can give me a run for my money, no offense. and @Dante92 if he really is as ugly as he says. some classics like hairpieceman had it bad too. but he at least was upper middle class so could LDAR and be NEET and not have to deal with society. however his genes were worse. he was 5'3


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You two severy understate the role of looks in the relationship with women in general. Women choose their male friends, their male orbiters and their male lovers first and foremost by looks and only secondly by personality and social standing, exactly like we men ourselves do when choosing women friends and lovers. Women ARE going to leave you/stop messaging you/ignore you if you only go down with looks, as you would do with them. Are you really going to hang out with a female friend of yours who got severy obese to the point that her face gets filled with lard (which is the female equivalent of balding)? No. Neither would I, I would feel very repulsed and even if I appreciate her personality I wouldn't ever hang out with her anymore. This is a very innocently natural redpill. Sometimes women and men extend this reasoning to same sex acquaintances and friends too. You boys are too naive. Looks are the first thing in any kind of relationship with the other sex. Do you even pay attention to fat and ugly girls? Do you even consider them? Hell no. Neither do women with bald and balding men. Then comes a point in life, which is late age (mid 40s and on), when everyone puts up with body decay and these features become 'acceptable'. Before, they are just a break and a source of opportunity losses and unhappiness. But one thing is truly unfair: the obese woman can 90% get back her old body, returning normal. Balding young men have to fight baldness with huge resources, great risks and a probability of success near zero. Pray for the Cure.
Each individual is different. Your rule does not apply across the board.
Some people are smarter then what you're suggesting.


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Actually, I'm not that ugly. I'm much worse. LOL they call me "living corpse" and "cancer patient" among the other thing for f***'s sake. I'm not just below average. And now that I can't wear a hat and long sleeve shirts people laugh at me in public.
Its time to embrace the cancer patient look



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Worst thing to happen to a young man outside of extreme health conditions. Think about it, you're in your prime and youthful in every single way. Everything is a new experience, it's the time to look your best and be care free - a time you can never get back - that innocence. You want to look your best not just for girls, but for yourself, friends, new people and at least look normal. You are not supposed to be "ageing." Serious baldness between 18-23 robs someone of their formative care free years and you immediately stand out in a bad way. Everyone has a full head of thick hair. Can't even comprehend the psychological and physical damage.

It tells you something that when women in their late 20s and 30s are told ageing is generally tougher for them, the first thing they say is but you guys lose your hair. It's true. That's the Achilles heal for a man and a great leveller. If balding can potentially destroy a man's aesthetics in his 30s and 40s, what about a teen? Remove this much older guy's hair and suddenly he will lose a lot, right now he looks attractive and distinguished for his age.

Dunno dude I dont wanna be like Gandy I just want hair on top of my head in my 20s and 30s I just dont wanna be disfigured.


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Worst thing to happen to a young man outside of extreme health conditions. Think about it, you're in your prime and youthful in every single way. Everything is a new experience, it's the time to look your best and be care free - a time you can never get back - that innocence. You want to look your best not just for girls, but for yourself, friends, new people and at least look normal. You are not supposed to be "ageing." Serious baldness between 18-23 robs someone of their formative care free years and you immediately stand out in a bad way. Everyone has a full head of thick hair. Can't even comprehend the psychological and physical damage.

It tells you something that when women in their late 20s and 30s are told ageing is generally tougher for them, the first thing they say is but you guys lose your hair. It's true. That's the Achilles heal for a man and a great leveller. If balding can potentially destroy a man's aesthetics in his 30s and 40s, what about a teen? Remove this much older guy's hair and suddenly he will lose a lot, right now he looks attractive and distinguished for his age.


I agree Wolfpack , but what can we really do about it? I still get enjoyment out of life but I am on a back and forth rollercoaster between obsessing about my hairloss and trying to cope. God forbid my hair gets worse idk how I will get out of bed.

I feel disgusting for having it happen at this age , and like you said 99% of people have thick amazing hair at this age


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The hardest part is telling yourself that many situations you'll find yourself in, many experiences you'll have would have been different if you had a normal head of hair, either because the cognitive tax of hair loss wouldn't be there, or because people will view you and respond differently.

You can't really blame yourself for thinking about hair loss all the time and you can't blame people for treating you differently, as it's mostly subconscious. A woman will let herself be swept off her feet way more easily by your NW1 version than by the NW4 one, that's just how it is.

In the universe where you're NW4, she may even view you with disgust while she'd have fallen for you had you been NW1. Are you following me?

To me, that was always the hardest part of dealing with hair loss at a young age: knowing that you will have to live a "sub-version" of the life you were supposed to live as a normal-looking fullhead.

Yea it's really terrible to think about that. I've been told I have OCD and anxiety because of hairloss and I have tried to fix it but I simply can't because the impact is to great

I'm constantly looking at my hair , taking pictures , etc. obessing .somehow I still can't stop though , because even though I know obsessing accomplishes nothing , the alternative is to pretend like it doesn't matter which is Bs

2 months into finasteride and already thinking about duta because of this


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Fred I will say your story is kind of encouraging because even though you didn't respond well to medications you are coping with a shaved head . I have never had a shaved head in my life though so I don't think it would be pretty


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That's why I'm grateful about finasteride sides; at some point, a "mercy kill" is the best you could ever hope for. Ugly, almost completely bald before you're 25? Your options are either suicide or giving up.
Women are f*****g brutal dude I asked a woman if she would date me and showed her a photo and she said a brutal no LuL


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Women are f*****g brutal dude I asked a woman if she would date me and showed her a photo and she said a brutal no LuL

I tried to figure out if you were being serious or not, then I read "basement dweller" in your signature and everything became clear.


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Dunno what "social intelligence" even means. Sounds like something a feminist thought of.

I've actually lived as a basement dweller / hobo gamer for the past 5 years

Social intelligence is something you might have gained if you didn't live your live as a basement dweller for the past 5 years.

Luckily you're still young. My advice would be to go see a shrink as @Dante92 has said, and make small steps to do more social things (without a focus on women). If you have no friends then pick some social hobby you would be interested in and start there.

If you don't try you can't succeed and have no one to blame but yourself.