CBS Philly News Article: Propecia Suicide!!!


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He wasn't the first to go, and probably not the last. Unfortunately, this is an easy case to defend against, since he has mentioned use of illicit substances, and more importantly Avodart. In the end, his emotional problems will be seen as the reason for suicide.

Mens Rea said:
4) Mandatory pre-finasteride bloods. This is an absolute must. Up until recently men wouldn't even have thought it important to do this because of MERCK's reports about safety. Now it should be clear to all that this should be a minimum.
I'm working on my personal recovery, and I intend to help others as well if I succeed. Furthermore, I'm planning to use the media to corner Merck; a simple blood test before treatment with Propecia, will reveal any changes in the future. They say they have nothing to hide - well, then recommend a blood test as a gesture of good faith. I've tried to talk to the authorities, but they won't listen. I know solid evidence will be gathered within a year, and the result will be so disturbing in some cases, that the drug will probably get pulled off the market immediately - and I'm going to use that to tear them down in court.


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Enden, Propecia might be taken off the market in the future if there is another evidence to prove that it is harmful but I doubt Proscar or finasteride will. Those drugs treat prostate issues and we don't hear men in their 50's or 60's complaining about sides from those meds. And lets just hypothetically say they no longer allow doctor's to prescribe Propecia, most men will still use finasteride to treat hair loss even if it means getting doctor's to prescribe it off-label. They will get it illegally too. Very few doctors will prescribe Avodart for hair loss because if they do, its considered off-label treatment. That may have legal ramifications for those doctors.

Drug companies are a major business and when one drug goes off the market another one will replace it. Drug companies will always exist. Side effects will always exist. Its a no win situation but maybe every doctor should do pre-blood work on all their patients when prescribing any drug. Not just Propecia. As as a drug is deemed beneficial to some medical diagnosis or disease with very little side effects, it will eventually be consumed by the public. Its only after the side effects are exposed will the drug company consider taking it off the market. Merck is starting to list these newly discovered side effects and to them that is what it is: a NEW discovered side effect that never came up in their studies before it was FDA approved. I am sure this story will get the attention of the FDA . However, I seriously doubt they are going to require Merck to do anything different at this point.

If Merck is smart enough and fair enough, they would finance the autopsy on Randy and find out every thing they can about their drug. However, I don't know if Randy's parents would ever give permission like that to a company they feel may indirectly be responsible for their son's death. If there is enough medical evidence to prove that Randy's medical conditions were caused by their drug, they should immediately publicly announce that their drug can cause irreversible side effects that can ruin the quality of life and give some generous compensation to Randy's family for their loss. I know money will never replace Randy, but at least it shows Merck acknowledges they did create a drug that was responsible for destroying many people's lives.


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Yes, Propecia is probably the only product which will be affected, and that makes me feel better for all the guys who're currently using Propecia with good result, and no side effects. Proscar will still be available for them. However, just imagine how this would affect Merck.

I think Merck knows about the problem. Something is wrong with this company. In a decade; they've brought several, apparently safe drugs, with severe side effects to the market; and what they all have in common, is that it's very hard to prove that the problems are caused by their drugs.

Vioxx, Propecia and Singulair.


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I'm shocked at some of the responses to this young man's tragic story.

Seems like willful blindness on the part of the naysayers around here.

Is the "Big 3" mantra so sacred to you folks that you'll attack anyone who questions the party line?

If Merck didn't believe these stories were true, they wouldn't be re-visiting their product monograph. The list of side effects is getting longer and will expand as nightmare effects are documented.

To the doubters I say, "Keep poppin those pills, Jack!"


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The worst part is, from a medical perspective, this is alright. If a drug changes the lives of 100.000 people for the better, and ruins a 1000 lives in the process, that's acceptable. The authorities won't take any action before people die. I wonder how many people with PFS that will have to commit suicide before they do something. If I should end my life because of this, I'll give my family permission to tell the story to the media. Getting severe health problems because of use of this drug is one thing, being denied professional help because Merck refuse to take any responsibility - makes it a lot worse.


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Enden, I hope you don't and won't consider that. You've got one life; you are going through a rough time which might last a while, but you show a ton of perseverance, and the fact that you are methodically attacking your problem is going to almost guarantee recovery.

The recent events are undoubtedly going to bring a lot of medical experts into this problem, and find a solution. That video was powerful stuff, and it's going to lead to a ton of inquiries into this drug to find out exactly what is going on. I have a feeling progress will move very quickly.


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Not a day goes by without thinking about it. It's the only way out, if I'm unable to solve the problem. I can't live like this.


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Enden, you can still be productive in society even with your disabilities. Many times I question my existence in a world full of hate, crime, killings, destruction, corruption and lets face it "hell". However, I try to remember my purpose in life which was to help people and change their lives for the better. I am glad I have the ability to do that. I even try to do that on this forum. I was lucky to grow up with parents who have always supported me unconditionally so I would never hurt them by taking my life and I hope you would not either. I seriously doubt I have helped anyone here but at least I feel good trying. SAF, if you read this, you have helped me alot and I thank you for that.

Enden, you can do the same. Help others get thru the same obstacles you are facing. Keep posting on here, we still want to hear what you have to say. We will support you. You have a purpose in life. Don't forget that. If not, let me help you find you one. My PM is always open.

optimus prime

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How old are you?

How long have you had that feeling? Do you feel you cannot live like this because of the hairloss? I thought you were maintaining well on RU?

G k

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anyone who thinks underlying depressions cause this have obviously never experienced hard core brain fog.

Most people have suffered some form of depression. Brain fog is like....a chemical castration of your emotions.

I fully 100% believe this story. If you dont believe propecia can do this, consider your ignorance to be a blessing because I would never wish brainfog on my worst enemy. It sounds benign enough but it is literal HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

G k

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Dont even argue this sh*t, and BUMP this article to high heaven!!

I am sooo happy I got over my propecia sides(almost completely) but hell I dont know if Ill even be 100%

Brain fog...haahahahaha oh my f*cking god. For those of you who dont know, man....Its like being a literal zombie...Its beyond any type of natural normal depression. PFS sufferers WISH they could be depressed, atleast you can feel. PFS brain fog is like a lack of all feeling. You sit around and have no desire to do anything, no thrill from a video game, no emotional reaction to movies, music...

You try and listen to music and movies, pretending like you are enjoying it. but really you feel nothing and are DEAD.

I would take a full castration over permanent brain fog ANYDAY, cause brainfog IS SUICIDE. You cannot live like that. ANd if you've never experienced it, you simply do not know!!!!

Full blown brainfog is HELL ON EARTH, in your mortal body. Its like you are no longer human.

Mens Rea

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G k said:
Dont even argue this sh*t, and BUMP this article to high heaven!!

I am sooo happy I got over my propecia sides(almost completely) but hell I dont know if Ill even be 100%

Brain fog...haahahahaha oh my f*cking god. For those of you who dont know, man....Its like being a literal zombie...Its beyond any type of natural normal depression. PFS sufferers WISH they could be depressed, atleast you can feel. PFS brain fog is like a lack of all feeling. You sit around and have no desire to do anything, no thrill from a video game, no emotional reaction to movies, music...

You try and listen to music and movies, pretending like you are enjoying it. but really you feel nothing and are DEAD.

I would take a full castration over permanent brain fog ANYDAY, cause brainfog IS SUICIDE. You cannot live like that. ANd if you've never experienced it, you simply do not know!!!!

Full blown brainfog is HELL ON EARTH, in your mortal body. Its like you are no longer human.


Seriously the nay-sayers have no f*****g idea what they're talking about. This is serious, serious sh*t.

As i've said. I've personally met a guy like Randy. We met and he explained everything to me in great detail.


This was after a few weeks of finasteride and a WEEK of dutasteride. A few weeks from completely normality to a swift descent into hell.

As i said, whoever thinks they have ANY IDEA what Randy experienced, unless they are a PFS patient, can go f*** themselves. For me, ignorance is unforgivable in this area....the guy killed himself after explaining, in graphic detail, what many others have described after crashing from finasteride/dutasteride. It's a whole different ball-game to normal depression.

As you said - some PFS patients WISH they could "feel" depressed. They don't feel ANYTHING.


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I appreciate the support. It means a lot to me. When it comes to emotions... I don't know. I've been numb for a long time myself, but I think it's because of what I've been through, and still going through. Just remember that for every time you break, you get stronger. Hormones definitely affects emotions, but so does depression, despair and apathy.


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G k said:
anyone who thinks underlying depressions cause this have obviously never experienced hard core brain fog.

This could not be farther from the truth. Brain fog (which in itself isn't a symptom, but a conglomeration of other symptoms such as poor mental function, confusion, difficulty concentrating, and sometimes depersonalization - all of which usually go hand-in-hand in people with cognitive dysfunction) is one of the most commonly reported, persistent and challenging symptoms people with Depression and Anxiety disorders have to face.

I'm fairly certain I’ll be ragged on by telling my own personal story again, but please bear with me. I went through over 5 years of extreme depression and anxiety during my early 20's, and experienced brain fog to a degree unimaginable. I agree with you that it’s extremely unpleasant. It’s much harder to deal with than any sort of physical pain I’ve ever had in my life. It’s true; you don’t know what it’s like until you experience it first-hand. My point is that PFS sufferers are not unique to this symptom; millions and millions of other people experience this daily.

Merck added depression to the list of symptoms resulting from Finasteride. There are studies that indicate 5AR inhabitation may result in mental degeneration, which could explain why PFS sufferers are experiencing such extreme anxiety and depression.

I maintain my belief that anxiety and/or depression are the cause of many of these symptoms, most notably, brain fog. I do however admit that Finasteride may have actually been the cause of the cognitive dysfunction in PFS patients, and it makes sense that it would persist after stopping the medication. It’s also possible that due to how Finasteride altered the chemistry in these people’s brains, it may be much harder to treat than an average joe with these conditions. I don’t think this is the whole story, but certainly a large piece of the puzzle. I can almost guarantee that ALL PFS sufferers experience some degree of depression and/or anxiety, which would significantly contribute to the myriad of symptoms being reported. I can guarantee that properly targeted therapy (not traditional ‘talk’ therapy, which would be useless in this case) would alleviate a large number of symptoms, most notably the brain fog.


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Enden, your depression, despair and apathy are completely treatable; I guarantee it. It is completely possible and probable you can reach a viewpoint of “I have these problems; it’s terrible, but I choose to move on with my life in spite of them, and to find happinessâ€￾. Acceptance is really the Holy Grail here, in the interim until a solution to the PFS symptoms has been discovered. Reaching a mindset like this to you right now would seem like an impossible feat, but when you achieve this, it will be the most liberating feeling you have ever felt in your life.

Acceptance doesn’t mean saying what happened to you is okay or right or fair, but it’s accepting that it happened and that you choose to live your life in spite of that.

Treating your depression is something you can tackle this very second. I think you agree with me here in saying that Finasteride itself (or the resulting consequences in your body due to taking it) is not KEEPING you depressed. YOU are keeping yourself depressed, even if it is obviously not a conscious decision. There is a way out for you, man. You are the one that needs to take the steps to climb out.