CBS Philly News Article: Propecia Suicide!!!


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Wuffer said:
Acceptance is really the Holy Grail here, in the interim until a solution to the PFS symptoms has been discovered.
That's not going to happen. I would rather die - than to wait for a solution which may ever come. I don't trust anyone besides myself, and if I can't solve this, no arrogant prick which calls himself a doctor will be able to. I don't need a scientist to confirm that it's irreversible.

G k

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Wuffer said:
G k said:
anyone who thinks underlying depressions cause this have obviously never experienced hard core brain fog.

This could not be farther from the truth. Brain fog (which in itself isn't a symptom, but a conglomeration of other symptoms such as poor mental function, confusion, difficulty concentrating, and sometimes depersonalization - all of which usually go hand-in-hand in people with cognitive dysfunction) is one of the most commonly reported, persistent and challenging symptoms people with Depression and Anxiety disorders have to face.

I'm fairly certain I’ll be ragged on by telling my own personal story again, but please bear with me. I went through over 5 years of extreme depression and anxiety during my early 20's, and experienced brain fog to a degree unimaginable. I agree with you that it’s extremely unpleasant. It’s much harder to deal with than any sort of physical pain I’ve ever had in my life. It’s true; you don’t know what it’s like until you experience it first-hand. My point is that PFS sufferers are not unique to this symptom; millions and millions of other people experience this daily.

Merck added depression to the list of symptoms resulting from Finasteride. There are studies that indicate 5AR inhabitation may result in mental degeneration, which could explain why PFS sufferers are experiencing such extreme anxiety and depression.

I maintain my belief that anxiety and/or depression are the cause of many of these symptoms, most notably, brain fog. I do however admit that Finasteride may have actually been the cause of the cognitive dysfunction in PFS patients, and it makes sense that it would persist after stopping the medication. It’s also possible that due to how Finasteride altered the chemistry in these people’s brains, it may be much harder to treat than an average joe with these conditions. I don’t think this is the whole story, but certainly a large piece of the puzzle. I can almost guarantee that ALL PFS sufferers experience some degree of depression and/or anxiety, which would significantly contribute to the myriad of symptoms being reported. I can guarantee that properly targeted therapy (not traditional ‘talk’ therapy, which would be useless in this case) would alleviate a large number of symptoms, most notably the brain fog.

No disagreement really. My only point is that it feels like a hardcore chemical assault that affects your mind/emotions/psychology, unlike anything that would otherwise be natural. Although I wouldn't argue that its not possible to feel this with out PSD. There are probably aspects specific to both that would help determine what is the culprit. However in the articles case, I would assume that growing breasts and a numb member would imply the brainfog is also from propecia, as it would make sense.


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Okay Enden man; as Dr House said, my PM is always open if you need any advice or support in any way. I really sincerely wish you the best in your recovery. Even though I don't know you personally, I hope you know you've got a friend here.


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monty1978 said:
shut the f*ck up fool

Monty, I sincerely hope you decide to apologize for this post. My post directed at Enden was written in the sincere hope that it may help him somehow, and I feel embarrassed for you that you would respond to goodwill with such a hateful remark. If you disagree with my advice, so be it, but don't be a child.


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Thank you for your apology, I really appreciate that.

Monty, due to the circumstances of this problem, most people (doctors, other forum members and myself included) will not ever be able to understand what you are going through, but we all want to help as much as we can just the same. Genuinely, if I can contribute to helping you guys in any way, I will.

I think we will have to agree to disagree; I’m sincerely not attempting to belittle your situations by my posts, and I apologize if I still come across that way. My personal recovery has turned me into the man I am today, and I quite literally owe my life to the methods I used to recover. Out of any non-pfs sufferer, I believe I have gone through hell very similarly to what you are currently going through. Regardless of what caused it, I feel the symptoms and descriptions of our experiences are almost identical. That’s honestly the reason why I am so passionate about my beliefs.

I was regularly diagnosed as an untreatable severe depressive case. I saw dozens of therapists and specialists, and was almost to the point of having to undergo EST (shock) therapy. My problems were written off as chemical, and they fed me pounds of antidepressants. I tried dozens; sometimes 3 or 4 at once. I was written off as incurable, attended countless hours of completely useless ‘talk’ therapy, and through it all I was just getting worse and worse. I’m not BSing you here. I was literally to the point of holding-knife-to-my-wrist suicide. I have never said that to anyone before, but I’m glad the internet is anonymous.

In the end, I’m not sure if my problem was indeed chemical or just cognitive. But I got out of it just the same.

What I am trying to convey is much more than simply thinking positively; it is a complete re-engineering of your belief system, the remodelling of your core, and focusing on techniques that literally reprogram the connections in your brain. I thought it was all crap too when a therapist first told me about it. Again, I literally owe my life to this stuff, and I will still be singing its praises on my deathbed.

I know you guys might think I’m a quack with this stuff; but I genuinely hope that even one person will decide to try it out on their own. I’ve turned dozens of people onto CBT, and they have all been absolutely amazed by their results. It’s not going to cure your PFS, but I fully expect it to help with many of the mental symptoms.

I’ve read many stories of people (anecdotal as they are) successfully treating SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome, which has symptoms that are almost identical to PFS. Another condition, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can also successfully be treated with CBT. This is a disorder that has almost no other treatment. I think it’s worth some serious consideration. Especially because there is currently nothing else available to treat PFS, I sincerely hope it’s considered by some people.


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I've solved a severe psychological problem myself (without any anti-depressants); mainly social anxiety which led me through a heavy depression which lasted for years, and PFS isn't comparable. It's mainly a physical problem - which makes it so f*****g hard to deal with.


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Social anxiety was a huge problem for me also; it took me years to get over this. I'm curious, how did you go about solving that?


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It feels like another life, and it's hard to remember at this point, but basically - it was about understanding WHY I felt the way I did, and exposing myself to situations which triggered the anxiety. It changed my perspective.


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Yeah, exposure works well for most people.. Unfortunately that didn't work for me when I had it, but thats good that it did for you..

BTW did you start on the Keto diet? One of my buddies did that almost exactly a year ago; he was 275, and he's now down to 190. It's insane; he's smaller than I am now, lol.


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No, I've to pull myself together. I've tried to induce ketosis a couple of times the last weeks, but it feels like I'm going to throw up when I eat meat. I think I've to eat more like normal people do on this diet, this time.

Yeah, the diet is very effective.

How did you solve the problem, btw?


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Yeah... Less than 20 grams carbohydrates a day, or was it 16?? I don't remember.

Mens Rea

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I can only imagine the darkness that Randy felt.

The mental issues are one thing but that combined with the physical problems - especially his, sounds like utter torture to me.

I don't think non-PFS patients realise just how apathetic doctors are to these things either. Believe me, they f*****g useless with private and ambigious stuff like this, they don't want you bothering them.

It's complete hell and nobody either emphatises or really cares. When you become "damaged" people lose interest in you and you are labeled as "messed up". That's the wordly reality.

Enden, do you like sugar? Like in your tea and stuff?


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As lame and seedy as it sounds, I purchased this:

My therapist recommended it to me. I worked on it for 6 months; it does include exposure as part of the program, but it's mostly CBT and relaxation/stress management skills. The narrator (the doctor who produced the program) sounds dry and boring, but it's seriously great stuff. He personally suffered from severe social phobia when he was younger. After he recovered, he went to school to become a therapist and now helps others with this problem. I still use many of the tools this program gave me, and I gained a level of confidence when dealing with other people that I have never had before. This was a useful program in my own recovery (since on top of my anxiety/depression, I had severe social anxiety) but only part of it...

My problem was that Exposure was not helping, no matter how many awkward and uncomfortable situations I voluntarily threw myself into. Like you, I had to gain some sort of significant personal perspective to begin to get over it.

Back to Keto; are you a vegetarian or just sensitive to meat in general? My gf is a vegetarian; she's gets physically ill when she eats meat, so it's not a moral choice. I think some people just can't digest meat like others can, but it might be something you need to slowly introduce into your diet.


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Hell no, I love meat! But I've been in ketosis twice, for several weeks, and I didn't eat anything but meat. That's the reason.

Mens Rea

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Enden said:
Mens Rea said:
Enden, do you like sugar? Like in your tea and stuff?
Yeah, I don't drink much tea, but who doesn't like sugar?

Haha, yeah.

Why i asked is because I love sugar with tea etc. But too much sugar obviously isn't good for any diet.

Check out xylitol. It's a 100% natural sugar replacement. It tastes just like sugar, too. Pretty amazing that it isn't more popular. I just got two bags of it delivered today and its a win - no more real sugar in my tea ever again.


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The only sugar replacement I use now is Stevia. It taste great in tea.


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I can't believe some of you are doubting that Propecia and dutasteride caused his suicide!! Didn't you read his side effects!!! Don't you see most of the side effects he mentioned have been mentioned time and time again on Propeciahelp!!!

G k

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timallen45 said:
I can't believe some of you are doubting that Propecia and dutasteride caused his suicide!! Didn't you read his side effects!!! Don't you see most of the side effects he mentioned have been mentioned time and time again on Propeciahelp!!!

Lol I know right....OK sure he grew breasts and his dick went numb...but his depression was due to something else...Whatever.