Brotzu Lotion (trinov) Progress Pictures And Diary


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I've used the bioschwartz curcumin with bioprene.
Did it lower your TSH levels? My doctor gave me this note with my levels on today -

Thanks again!


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Did it lower your TSH levels? My doctor gave me this note with my levels on today -

Thanks again!
Yeah so you're thyroid is fine, I think that the elevated TSH means you have inflammation. I didn't but @whatevr fixed his TSH, brought it to 1.7 or something with curcumin.
I would use a good curcumin supp once a day


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Yeah so you're thyroid is fine, I think that the elevated TSH means you have inflammation. I didn't but @whatevr fixed his TSH, brought it to 1.7 or something with curcumin.
I would use a good curcumin supp once a day
How could I fix the inflammation? I think the reflex hyperandrogenicity I experienced may have raised my estrogen levels which might play a part in it all, desperately hoping to get this all fixed!

Btw sorry for all the questions lol, all the help is really appreciated.


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How could I fix the inflammation? I think the reflex hyperandrogenicity I experienced may have raised my estrogen levels which might play a part in it all, desperately hoping to get this all fixed!

Btw sorry for all the questions lol, all the help is really appreciated.
Well the curcumin is for the inflammation.
My belief is high TSH but normal T4 T3 means no thyroid issue, but high inflammation. That's why curcumin, a strong anti inflammatory, works


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Im on day 6 now,
I cant really tell if im losing hair because of my short lenght but first my scalp was kind of itchy and now it settled down. I saw someone posting here who had acne because of trinov and i had this too, try washing your hair daily with shampoo thats not nizoral. When i use nizoral the acne stays but when i add just a normall shampoo the acne setlles down.

Any idea of the mechanism behind this side effect of acne? I’ve been really hoping for this to be a product with no systemic sides.


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Any idea of the mechanism behind this side effect of acne? I’ve been really hoping for this to be a product with no systemic sides.
I'm pretty sure its not a systemic side effect i think its because its clogs the pores somewhat. Do you maybe wear a hat regularly? This can make it worse


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Yeah sorry I’m a little confused by it myself lol. The doctor explained it to me at the time but I’ve forgotten the details of what she said, but she gave me a piece of paper with the numbers:

Do those numbers make sense to you?She said that I had an underactive thyroid although not enough to be considered clinical. Do you think that product could help?



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I just want to report after a week of Trinov : no more oily/itchy/red scalp. I think this lotion is doing something with scalp inflammation, but still I don't know if my hair will regrowth (I am a NW2+ and have diffuse hair loss).


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I’m about 10-11 days of using it nightly. Was using it on and off for a few days before that. On close inspection I now have some peach fuzz on my hairline. Not sure if it’s new hair on the way in or old hair on the way out. But I keep an eye on it. My hair doesn’t feel more “robust” whatever that means.


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For the people noticing a reduction in hairloss I’m wondering if that’s a result of the season vs. Trinov product? Would have been interesting to see the response had Trinov been released in October??

Anyone not using Trinov notice less hair shedding this time of the year?


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For the people noticing a reduction in hairloss I’m wondering if that’s a result of the season vs. Trinov product? Would have been interesting to see the response had Trinov been released in October??

Anyone not using Trinov notice less hair shedding this time of the year?

me. Im only using nizoral and LLLT + dermarolling hairline rn.


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I just want to report after a week of Trinov : no more oily/itchy/red scalp. I think this lotion is doing something with scalp inflammation, but still I don't know if my hair will regrowth (I am a NW2+ and have diffuse hair loss).
Stopping scalp inflammation is a very good sign.


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I am on day 7. I hope I am not speaking too soon but my itching is completley gone. I can't believe it nothing has completley gotten rid of my itch in the past year. I am 20 and have only noticed balding starting last February. I have had itching ever since and finasteride reduced it a lot after about a month. I got off finasteride because of sides. I tried Zix witch helped with the itch but not that much. Sandalore also reduced the itch a lot but I would still have the occasional itching during the day.

Paul Gibson

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I am 2 weeks in now, I have noticed regrowth of light/fuzzy hairs and some dark hairs.

I have attached some photos I took last night.

I'd say the results are good, I'll upload more photos in another 2 weeks.


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What daytime do u usually use Trinov? And when do you wash it off? Do you always wash your scalp in between applications? I personally use it in the morning and wash my hair in the evening, or the morning next day before application. I’m already on day 10, i think i the shedding and itching has reduced a little but it could be self suggestion. Awesome news someone already has visible results.


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I am 2 weeks in now, I have noticed regrowth of light/fuzzy hairs and some dark hairs.

I have attached some photos I took last night.

I'd say the results are good, I'll upload more photos in another 2 weeks.

Wow, thats awsome man. I'll be honest my hopes for this product where not high, but seeing your picture gives me a glimmer of hope.
I've tried finasteride, which nuked my sex drive and made me limper then a wet noodle. I started minoxidil about 9 months ago and OMG!!! Did i ever respond to it. It was amazing. I grew back a bunch of hair and starting filling out my pathetic looking hair line. I couldn't have been any happier.
People where noticing and commenting, it was great....... Then the swelling and red raw scalp started. Things started going really bad, really fast. Went to a dermotologist to be told I had developed an allergy to minoxidil! FML!
Seems that everything that works is no good for me. I was devistated, thats when I found this web site. I was trying to find a way I could get back on minoxidil, and it lead me to this lotion.
I've been sitting waiting with cautious optimism that this may be able to stop the inevidable shed that is starting.
I realise from some of the more science minded people on here that this may do nothing for me based on the fact that minoxidil and trinov don't work through the same mechanism, but after hearing lot's of people saying the shed has stopped and now your hair growth pictures I think i'm ready to say f*** it.
I'll give it a try and risk some money. Worse case i look like a bit of a chump and a waste some cash. At this point it's in or out.
Thanks for posting the photos Paul