Baldness Sexual Attractiveness


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ali777 said:
Yes and No.... I don't agree with the examples you gave. Our ancestors were hunter gatherers and before urbanisation everyone slaughtered animals at home. So, seeing blood and guts is more psychological than genetic. My grandfather used to have a farm, and as a kid I was used to seeing blood all the time, it never bothered me. But I haven't seen an animal being slaughtered for more than 15 years and I don't feel comfortable now. The argument that some of our traits could be trained is true.

For me confidence is about working hard and having lucky breaks in life, I don't believe in fate. Sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try, it just doesn't happen. Sometimes, being in the right place at the right time can change your whole life. If you just sit there waiting for something to happen, it won't happen. We have to work hard to keep our body and soul fit, and we need the right training for our jobs. A person that works hard for the correct life style massively increases his/her chances of having a lucky break.

A good job, good looking girlfriend, etc, are some of the characteristics that give us confidence. To get a good job, we all know that we have to work hard and sometimes get lucky. To get a good looking girl, again we need to keep our body and soul fit and hope that we bump into her at the time that she is available and willing to have a relationship. So there is a big luck element when it comes to the right girlfriend.

Luck is in our genes. One night our parents decided to make a baby, and the lucky sperm and the lucky egg happened to be in the right place at the right time. So, our whole life revolves around the probability of something happening, and increasing the probability to our advantage.

I have seen plenty of blood in my life. And I don't mean 15 years ago. But I still get grossed out by it. No amount of seeing blood can change that. That's the point I am talking about. You mentioned our ancestors. First, maybe not every person did what you said. Secondly, maybe many of them did get nauseous from it but when it's about survival you do what you have do. It's different. Yes I care about my lack of hair. But if someone had a gun pointed at my head and was about to shoot, maybe I'm thinking about getting out of there at that moment.

Working hard does sometimes give you more success. But how many rich kids grow up privledged while the blue collar guy works 342343423 times as hard and never gets a break (except for broken bones)? I mean there is definitely good luck out there, as well as bad luck. And in some cases, both of them. Ken Griffey the baseball player was blessed genetically by his father and his ability. He is cursed by constantly getting hurt, while doing the same things every other player does who doesn't get hurt.

I mean if I HAD TO, I guess I could slaughter animals to live. But I don't think I could ever be ok with it. It's just not in my nature.


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ali777 is right.

Its very easy to blame your surondings, your genetics, or anything outside of yourself for you faults and for where you are in your life. Its easy, but its also very counterproductive and - frankly - wrong.

There is no known limit as to what you can do if you set your mind to it and work towards it. Whats known however is that you will stay the same if you focus on staying the same... Wich is exactly what you do if you decide that "this is just who you are". So, yeah, in your reality "luck" and stuff will play the biggest part in deciding who you are. For me, and people like me, different rules apply.


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Libido said:
So, yeah, in your reality "luck" and stuff will play the biggest part in deciding who you are. For me, and people like me, different rules apply.

You didn't get my point. My point was that we have to do our best and hope for the best. I don't believe in faith or religion, but there is a certain element of destiny in our lives. Things are out of our control most of the time. If you think you are completely in control of your life, you are probably wrong. For example, almost everybody in the western world has a house mortgage, imagine a scenario where the interest rates go stupidly high and people start losing their homes. That's not exactly being in control.

Again, working hard is the only way to go when it comes to confidence. If you are overweight, go to the gym. If you are underpaid, work harder and change your job. Etc.... But there are things that we can't control, life has mysterious twists sometimes.

I am in no way implying that luck comes before work ethic. But, work ethic needs a lucky break sometimes. Fortune favours the brave.


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I actually think I got your point; you believe we more or less get the "luck" we deserve alongside with some stuff that just happens beyond our controll. No?

I personally view it as total controll, though we all lack enough informatio to live a "perfekt" life... We arent smart enough to avoid misscalculations or misstakes. Most people doesnt have to have a mortage, but they do anyway. Its a calculated risk they are willing to take as the reward is great and the risk is small. Doesnt really mather if they think along those lines or not, they have all calculated the risk on some level or other before deciding to buy a house.

Generally its more effective to look at your own actions that led to a certain reaction. I´ve yet to meet a human whos life turned to sh*t thanks to anything other than their own actions. Yes, stuff happens, people you care about die, you might be injured or whatever.. But generally how you deal with it is what decides whether your life turns to sh*t or not, not what happened in your suroundings.

And anyone that doesnt have a severe condition can avoid being fat for example... Unless they decide their genetics forced them to be that way.

Some people might be extreme "lucky" or "unlucky". But for most people, the luckfactor is actually pretty irrelevant.


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Peronally, I like guys who make me laugh and are good company. For bouns points, well dressed / smart and a nice smell are great too.

I do not care either way about hair, shaved, receding or flowing locks, simply don't care at all.


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GeminiX said:
Peronally, I like guys who make me laugh and are good company. For bouns points, well dressed / smart and a nice smell are great too.

I do not care either way about hair, shaved, receding or flowing locks, simply don't care at all.

What about guys that are smart, casual dressed, smell nice, but are having career problems?

PS: I am straight, but since you are telling us what's attractive in a man.

uncomfortable man

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You need a good hairline to pull of the bald look. This is what many people dont realise.
Metalhead, :shakehead: bald people don't have hairlines let alone any hair on top either, thats what makes them bald. You must mean the "shaved look". Speaking on behalf of every bald man who shaves their head, we only do it because the only alternative is to grow it out and look like a Bozo. It is the lesser of two evils. If Ftank is talking about himself, then it sounds like he has a lot going for him, too much in fact to forsake all because he doesn't have this line across his forehead and anyone willing to do so is the real Bozo imo. Go read your teen beat magazines, trendy little wh***.

There are genetic characteristics that you don't have control over. Just like some people can have charisma. Others want it but just don't have it.
HatPrisoner, I agree that there are genetic traits that we have no control over, but charisma is not one of them. There is no charisma gene. That is like saying happiness is genetic.


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uncomfortable man said:
You need a good hairline to pull of the bald look. This is what many people dont realise.
Metalhead, :shakehead: bald people don't have hairlines let alone any hair on top either, thats what makes them bald. You must mean the "shaved look". Speaking on behalf of every bald man who shaves their head, we only do it because the only alternative is to grow it out and look like a Bozo. It is the lesser of two evils. If Ftank is talking about himself, then it sounds like he has a lot going for him, too much in fact to forsake all because he doesn't have this line across his forehead and anyone willing to do so is the real Bozo imo. Go read your teen beat magazines, trendy little wh***.

[quote:1p4w7wca]There are genetic characteristics that you don't have control over. Just like some people can have charisma. Others want it but just don't have it.
HatPrisoner, I agree that there are genetic traits that we have no control over, but charisma is not one of them. There is no charisma gene. That is like saying happiness is genetic.[/quote:1p4w7wca]



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Im sick to f*****g death of it all.

I really am, f*** me I would have thought it would be common sense.Im f*****g pissed off with uit all.

Lets get things cleared, if your good lookijng, ur good looking with out hair.

If you cant pull it off, your ugly, weclomne to the shitty real world.

Thats fuckijng life.

Get a wig or get a f*****g clueand just f*** of


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uncomfortable man said:
Go read your teen beat magazines, trendy little wh***.
:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:

Hans Gruber

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HatPrisoner91 said:
metalheaddude said:
In my experience a huge percentage of women mostly in the 20-35 range love men who are tall and well built with shaved heads. (as long as you can still see the hairline intact) Im not so sure about NW7 bald, but women who are around 35+ don't care at all about a mans hairloss. But who is interested in 30 something women anyway?

I would love to shave my head down as it really suits me, but my temple recession is much to large now, it just makes me look OLD. You need a good hairline to pull of the bald look. This is what many people dont realise.

You need the line of the hairline to still be visible. There is a big difference with men who shave by choice and men who shave because they have too :nono:

Its the former women are most attracted too :nono:

So by your logic, I wont be attractive until I am an old man. As I am a Norwood 6, with no hairline at all and it's shaved bald completely. Right?

metalhead doesnt ever apply 'logic' he just says the first thing that comes to his tiny little mind and if its a lie then even better.

Hans Gruber

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philly said:
metalheaddude said:
You need the line of the hairline to still be visible. There is a big difference with men who shave by choice and men who shave because they have too :nono:

Its the former women are most attracted too :nono:

What a pile of horse s***.

welcome to metalheadworld


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metalheaddude said:
In my experience a huge percentage of women mostly in the 20-35 range love men who are tall and well built with shaved heads. (as long as you can still see the hairline intact) Im not so sure about NW7 bald, but women who are around 35+ don't care at all about a mans hairloss. But who is interested in 30 something women anyway?

I would love to shave my head down as it really suits me, but my temple recession is much to large now, it just makes me look OLD. You need a good hairline to pull of the bald look. This is what many people dont realise.

You need the line of the hairline to still be visible. There is a big difference with men who shave by choice and men who shave because they have too :nono:

Its the former women are most attracted too :nono:



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I never read this thread until now and I must say it was very entertaining. Metalheaddude always seems to be wearing a bullseye target on his head every time he opens his mouth and posts. Anyway, I decided to give my thoughts. Sexual attractiveness is not always something physical but also can be considered a presence. I have seen some women that are not really good looking but they have such a sexual presence that I find them attractive. I will not deny that looks matter. However, its your presence( the way you carry yourself which has some physical presence to it too like your posture and how you stand) is what attracts a women sexually. Baldness may be a deterrent for some superficial women but its your presence that can overwhelm that deterrent. I have seen gorgeous women who have such poor presence that I would not even be interested in them because I would feel they would be high maintenance and alot of work to keep. Woman feed off of emotional support. They want it from bald guys or guys with a full head of hair. The problem with mostly all of the people on this forum, myself included, is that we truly are not 100 percent happy with ourselves. We don't like our flaws and therefore lack confidence to realize that if you want something really bad, then you must work real hard to get it (without making excuses of why you never will get what you want no matter how hard you try). We all came to this forum because we do not like what we see about ourselves. We don't like losing hair and some of us do not like being bald. Some of us are doing something about it while others are using it as an excuse as why they cannot enjoy life or find themselves a girlfriend or keep one. I know a bald guy that has such a presence about him that he would probably get more numbers from girls in a bar than I ever could even though I have a full head of hair and am better looking than him. He's got sexual attractiveness as a bald man because he has a great presence and confidence to achieve it. I make excuses and I got nothing.


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DoctorHouse said:
I never read this thread until now and I must say it was very entertaining. Metalheaddude always seems to be wearing a bullseye target on his head every time he opens his mouth and posts. Anyway, I decided to give my thoughts. Sexual attractiveness is not always something physical but also can be considered a presence. I have seen some women that are not really good looking but they have such a sexual presence that I find them attractive. I will not deny that looks matter. However, its your presence( the way you carry yourself which has some physical presence to it too like your posture and how you stand) is what attracts a women sexually. Baldness may be a deterrent for some superficial women but its your presence that can overwhelm that deterrent. I have seen gorgeous women who have such poor presence that I would not even be interested in them because I would feel they would be high maintenance and alot of work to keep. Woman feed off of emotional support. They want it from bald guys or guys with a full head of hair. The problem with mostly all of the people on this forum, myself included, is that we truly are not 100 percent happy with ourselves. We don't like our flaws and therefore lack confidence to realize that if you want something really bad, then you must work real hard to get it (without making excuses of why you never will get what you want no matter how hard you try). We all came to this forum because we do not like what we see about ourselves. We don't like losing hair and some of us do not like being bald. Some of us are doing something about it while others are using it as an excuse as why they cannot enjoy life or find themselves a girlfriend or keep one. I know a bald guy that has such a presence about him that he would probably get more numbers from girls in a bar than I ever could even though I have a full head of hair and am better looking than him. He's got sexual attractiveness as a bald man because he has a great presence and confidence to achieve it. I make excuses and I got nothing.

What kind of girls he would atract?


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He ended up with a very good looking wife. Obviously he attracts good looking women. IBM, I thought in your culture, your marriage is arranged anyway.


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DoctorHouse said:
He ended up with a very good looking wife. Obviously he attracts good looking women. IBM, I thought in your culture, your marriage is arranged anyway.

Anyway i dont believe it. I saw a lot of women, considered good looking women, that are the opposite. Perspectives matters DoctorHouse.


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It does not surprise me that you don't believe it, IBM. How can a person who does not even believe in himself ever believe anything to be true. :shakehead: