Bald Lobby for Kerry


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I found this on a blog and I think it pretty much says it all:

He can run but he can't hide
Sunday October 17, 2004

Bush says Kerry "can run be he can't hide" with regard to his record in the Senate. He also says Kerry's "record doesn't match his rhetoric."

OK, then.

Since Bush is apparently running on his own record of accomplishment, it only seems appropriate to remind voters of his distinguished record with this final Election Special Update of the Bush Record of Accomplishments:

Rigged an election (and went crying to the Supreme Court when he got caught) in conspiracy with brother Jeb in Florida to take office.

Appointed an administration made up of former executives and government officials who helped Saddam develop WMD, were involved in illegal arms sales, traded with the enemy in violation of U.S. law, and whose companies now profit from war by way of billions in no-bid contracts paid for by American taxpayers.

Stonewalled GAO and Congress request for documents relating to Enron influence of Federal Energy Policy.

Representing party of smaller government and less Federal spending, created largest bureaucracy in U.S. history and signed largest entitlement spending program in U.S. history.

As compared to the day Bush took office nearly four years ago, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 6% two weeks before his reelection bid. Historically, the stock market is expected to gain 10% to 12% per year over the long term.

The S&P 500, the index generally regarded as the most representative of the markets and our economy, is down 17% since the day Bush took office.

The technology (jobs of the future!) focused NASDAQ composite is down 31% since the day Bush took office.

Presided over an increase in consumer debt to all time record high of over $2 trillion and an increase in personal bankruptcy filings to an all time high of 1.6 million households in 2003.

Despite taking over after the longest and largest economic expansion in U.S. history, presided over the loss of more than three million jobs, with nearly nine million people out of work.

Has proposed no jobs programs, instead relying on tax cuts to stimulate the economy (see above for how that's working out). His policies have created only a fraction of the jobs he promised.

Bush is the first president in over seventy years since the Great Depression to preside over a net loss of jobs.

Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy have put a strain on the middle class and working poor. With cuts in programs at Federal, state, and local levels and dramatic increases in tuition and health care and energy costs, most families are worse off than before the tax cuts, especially the ones who have lost their jobs or their health insurance.

On Bush's "compassionate conservative" watch, more people are living in poverty. 1.3 million people fell into poverty during 2003 alone. Nearly 36 million are now living in poverty in the U.S. The poverty rate among children is the highest it has been in ten years.

Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy could pay for hiring all nine million people out of work and pay them $40K for two years instead of benefiting wealthy.

Presided over the largest trade deficit in U.S. history, a record $489 billion in 2003, while the value of the dollar has reached an all time low against the Euro and the Yen. The trade deficit for 2004 is expected to hit a new record of $590 billion, an increase of 19% in the past year alone. Bush's trade deficits represent millions of American jobs going overseas.

Began privatization of Medicare disguised as prescription drug benefit.

Lied to Congress and the American people about the cost of the Medicare prescription drug benefit, intimidates government employees to cover it up.

The cost of health insurance has risen nearly 40% on Bush's watch and overall health care costs have risen by about 50%. Meanwhile, HMOs and insurance and pharmaceutical companies cut back services and rack up huge profits and their CEOs enjoy huge multi-million dollar salaries and bonuses. More than 44 million people are now without health insurance in America, including nearly 10 million children. Five million people have lost their health insurance on Bush's watch.

Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy would fund health insurance for all 45 million uninsured Americans, including nearly ten million uninsured children.

Pushed legislation to eliminate overtime pay for up to eight million American working people.

Pushed legislation to limit medical malpractice claims to $250K, even if an incompetent doctor kills your wife or cuts off your legs instead of removing your appendix.

Installed a new Senate majority leader with ties to health care industry to shepherd through legislation benefiting corporate insurance and pharmaceutical pals.

Pushed legislation to limit bankruptcy protections for consumers targeted by predatory lenders, but proposes no reforms for rogue corporations such as Enron that blow off creditors, employees, and investors at pennies on the dollar.

Despite inheriting an $80 billion surplus from the Clinton administration, Bush turned it into a projected $2 trillion deficit with tax cuts, war, and out of control spending. The deficit for 2004 alone hit a new all time record high of $413 billion, a nearly 10% increase in one year.

Gutted clean air regulations, allowing utilities and factories to continue polluting the atmosphere, calling it "Clear Skies".

Rolled back environmental reviews and opens national forests up to the logging industry, calling it "Healthy Forests".

Rolled back wetlands protection, reducing or eliminating regulations prohibiting pollution of wetlands, calls it "Clean Water Act".

Rolled back wilderness protections, opening up wilderness areas to logging, mining, other development.

Despite bizarre rhetoric about a manned mission to Mars and Pentagon ideas for "Space Cadets" armed with ray guns, has virtually abandoned the U.S. manned space program, which is currently without a manned space flight capability.

Opposes stem cell research that could lead to cures for previously incurable diseases on moral grounds, despite the fact that embryos are routinely destroyed (or "killed" as Bush would say) every day during vitro fertilization procedures. In fact, Bush feels so strongly about stem cell research that it was the subject of one of his rare television addresses to the American people, which occurred the day after he received an intelligence briefing entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in US" (one month before he did). Bush's "faith-based science" policies ignore advances in modern science.

Lack of oversight of the pharmaceutical industry as a result of the administration's close ties with the industry resulted in a flu vaccine shortage and rationing. Bush stood before the American people and lied about the most recent problems, saying the contaminated flu vaccine was provided by a British company and U.S. officials prevented it from being imported. In fact, an American company produced it at a factory in England, and British officials caught it and alerted the U.S. who did nothing to secure an alternate supply.

Blames trial lawyers for the flu vaccine shortage, but the fact is that many companies have gotten out of the vaccine business because it is not profitable. And as we all know, profits, not people, drive health care in Bush's America.

Promotes school vouchers to take taxpayer money away from public education and give it to wealthy families to send their kids to private and mostly religious schools. Bush has refused to fully fund his only education initiative, in effect setting public education up for failure by his artificially imposed standards.

Adopted the Project for a New American Century's strategy paper on Rebuilding America's Defenses as the official U.S. National Security policy, a policy that calls for imperialist expansion in the middle east and hopes for a national catastrophe "on the scale of Pearl Harbor" to awaken the public to the dangers posed by not adopting this policy. Bush hires most of its authors to run the Pentagon and develop defense policy.

The worst terrorist attack in history, and the worst attack on U.S. soil occurred on the Bush administration's watch, and Bush undermined efforts to investigate mounting evidence of numerous warnings that could have prevented it.

Claims there was no advance warning of the 9/11 attacks and there was no way they could have envisioned terrorists hijacking planes and flying them into buildings. A month before the attacks, received (while on vacation) a report entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in US." The report mentioned plans to hijack aircraft and al-Qaeda surveillance of Federal buildings in New York City.

Claims counter-terrorism was a top priority in the early months of his administration. Bush proposed no counter-terrorism policies or initiatives, and rarely discussed counter-terrorism in any of his official speeches or press conferences prior to 9/11. In fact, al-Qaeda was mentioned only once during the course of any of Bush's official duties, when he renewed Clinton's executive order imposing sanctions against the Taliban.

Signed the "Patriot Act" that limits civil liberties and violates the Bill of Rights contained within the Constitution he took an oath to protect and defend.

Presided over illegal arrest and detention and physical abuse of criminal suspects, who are held in secret without benefit of counsel or any charges.

Made speeches and signed laws promising more funding for shipping container inspections at U.S. ports to look for nukes and other WMD, then eliminated funding from budget.

Allowed North Korean sale of Scud missiles to Yemen.

Made a deal with Iranian terrorist organization.

Conducted a "preventive", unprovoked military invasion of sovereign state resulting in over 1000 U.S. military casualties and thousands of civilian deaths. He deceived Congress, the UN Security Council, and the American people using "sexed-up" intelligence to justify the invasion.

Claimed two trailers used to make hydrogen for balloons, a vial of botox in some guy's refrigerator, and some junk buried in some guy's rose garden are "proof" of Iraqi WMD "programs", or as they are later termed in his State of the Union, "weapons of mass destruction related program activities".

When U.S. weapons inspectors cannot find 25,000 liters of anthrax, 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin, 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent, tens of thousands of chem/bio warheads, and an advanced nuclear weapons program in Iraq and say that in fact they probably never existed despite Bush telling Congress and the American people they posed a "grave danger" and Rumsfeld saying "we know where they are" and Powell showing the U.N. pictures of them, Bush says "What's the difference?" and blames it on faulty intelligence. Report after report comes out saying Bush was wrong on WMD so he continues to change his justifications for the war.

Presided over serious abuses, including the alleged torture, rape, and murder, of prisoners of war in violation of the Geneva Convention at a notorious Iraqi prison formerly used by Saddam to torture, rape, and murder prisoners. Rumsfeld approved some sort of "enhanced" interrogation techniques and Bush was aware of it because of the Pentagon's request for a legal analysis of whether the Geneva Convention applied. They now claim it was just a few bad apples engaging in some fraternity prank type activity.

Proposed sweeping cuts in veteran's benefits, instructs Veteran's Administration to deceive veterans with regard to benefits available.

Dressed in fighter pilot costume and flew military jet to aircraft carrier for stunt landing and political fundraising/campaign event despite having ticket pulled and being grounded for failing to take required physical and drug test and being curiously absent from his post during the Vietnam conflict.

Declares victory in Iraq, yet soldiers die in Iraq every day, half the country has no electricity or water, attempts to install democracy failing miserably, WMD cannot be found, neither can Osama.

Has destroyed American respect and credibility around the world. Unable to get assistance from France, Germany, or India to provide troops for additional security and peacekeeping in Iraq.

Administration is under investigation for illegally leaking the name of a covert CIA agent in retaliation for her husband exposing lies about Iraq's nuclear weapons program. The CIA demanded an investigation after Bush's denials. A Grand Jury has been convened to pursue criminal charges, and several key Bush administration officials have been subpoenaed to testify. Karl Rove was subpoenaed to testify just this week, two weeks before the election.

Proposes development of tactical nuclear weapons in violation of 1992 Senate ban which Bush worked to repeal.

Says nuclear weapons nonproliferation is a "centerpiece" of his war on terror, yet he is pursuing development of new nuclear weapons systems, withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, and does not support ratifying the Comprehensive Test Ban treaty.

According to a biographer, Bush believes that he was selected by God to lead America and had preachers come to the Governor's mansion in Texas to "lay hands" on him and pray for his future during his campaign.

Appoints as U.S. Attorney General a fundamentalist Christian who believes he receives divine guidance directly from God and anoints himself with Crisco and who was defeated by a dead man in his failed U.S. Senate election campaign.

Pushed legislation to fund faith based social programs, Congress rejected it, so Bush issued executive order (his first) to allow Federally Funded local and state programs to hire or fire based on religion or ideology and to promote religion as part of delivering services.

Declined an invitation to the NAACP convention, but addresses Southern Baptist Convention by satellite, calling them faithful servants and praying for them, while they adopt a policy that "homosexuals can find freedom from this sinful, destructive lifestyle" by accepting Jesus as their savior.

Comments on Supreme Court homosexual rights decision, saying "marriage should be between a man and a woman". Proposed a constitutional amendment in the State of the Union address to eliminate civil rights for an entire segment of the population.

Sends letter to Supreme Court urging them to strike down Affirmative Action programs, celebrates Strom Thurmond's "remarkable life" and says he was a friend.

Allows cabinet member in charge of education to call American teachers "terrorists" and get away with it.

Promises not to use 9/11 for politics, releases campaign TV ads showing firemen carrying remains of victims from ground zero.

Accused Kerry of "flip-flopping" by voting for an $87 billion defense appropriation and then against it, thereby denying troops the supplies and ammunition they need in Iraq and Afghanistan. Fails to mention that the version Kerry voted for included additional funding for veteran's benefits and that the version Kerry voted against had these provisions removed after Bush threatened to veto the bill if they weren't.

Accuses Kerry of voting against defense spending and weapons systems, when in fact it was Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney who at the time opposed the spending and complained that Congress was making him buy weapons systems he didn't need.

Despite being at war around the world and under constant threat of terrorist attack at home, Bush has spent 40% of his presidency on vacation.

Spending more than $200 million to get re-elected against a challenger the GOP says is unelectable.

In summary, it would seem that President Bush's record does not match his rhetoric. We can do better. The American People deserve better.

to verify the sources of these statements, refer to


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What is the white buld at the end of a hair shaft....does this mean its just slipping out of resting phase....hmmmmm.....



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Wish I could find the article I had on it, but the white bulb is what completes what's called the "club hair", it's a flaky residue that builds up on the end of the hair after the hair enters the telogen phase and becomes loose enough to fall out of the scalp. This white bulb is absolutely normal for any hair falling out due to the telogen phase, and from my own experiences, no hair I've ever lost and examined has been lacking this white bulb.


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Thank you my young brother.......

Now, Mom said to be home early this week, no more hanky panky Deaner....




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Wow little tired of hearing all that economic bullshit from the liberals.

Go ask any economist and ask them who they are voting for. Stop spreading liberal properganda.


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Matgallis said:
Wow little tired of hearing all that economic bullshit from the liberals.

Go ask any economist and ask them who they are voting for. Stop spreading liberal properganda.

The Financial Times just endorsed Kerry.


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well hell since i'm doing my econ hw anyways i'll just type this little story out. Really was a slap in the face for me.

David R. Kamerschen said:
Subject: tax cuts- A simple Lesson in economics

Let's put tax cuts in terms everyone can understand Suppose that everyday, ten men go out for dinner. The bill for all ten comes to $100 dollars.

If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this
-The first four me (the poorest) would pay nothing
-The fifth would pay $1
-The sixth would pay $3
-The seventh $7
-Eighth $12
-ninth $18
-The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59

So that's what they decided to do. The ten men ate dinner in the restaurant everday and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owned threw them a curve. "since you are all such good customers" he said "i'm going to reduce the cost of your daily meal by $20"

So now dinner for the ten only costs $80

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes. So the first four men were uneffected. They would eat for free. BUt what about the other 6? How could they divvy up the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his "fair share"? the sixe men realized that $20 divided by 6 is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybodies shaire, then the 5th and the 6th man would each end up being paid to eat.

So the restaurant owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay

ANd so the 5th man like the first 4 paid nothing
6th man paid 2 instead of $3 (33% savings)
7th now paid $5 instead of $7 (28% savings)
8th now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings)
the ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings)
the 10th now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings)

Each of the 6 was better off than before and the first four continued to eat for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men degan to compare their savings. "I only got a dollar out of the $20!" declared the 6th man. He pointed to the 10th man "but he got $10!"

"yea that's right" exclaimed the 5th man "I only saved a dollar too! It's unfair that he got 10x more than me!!"

"that's true!" shouted the 7th man " why should he get back $10 when i only got $2!? "The wealthy get all the breaks!!!! (SOund familiar??)

"wait a minute" yelloed the first four men in unison "we didn't get anything at all the system exploits the poor!"

The nine men surrounded the 10th man and beat him up.

The next night the 10th man did not show up or dinner, so the nine sat down and ate without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even HALF THE BILL!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just might not show up at the table anymore. There are lots of good restaurants in Europe and the Caribbean

David R. Kamershcen. Ph.D
Distinguished Professor of Economics
536 Brooks hall
Univeristy Of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-6254


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I'm voting for my right nut over my left nut, true they are both nuts but my right nut is a little bit bigger and seems to stay in place when I go jogging. My left nut on the otherhand flops around from side to side so much that it could put an eye out if someone was not careful. :freaked2:


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badasshairday said:
yea, but bush still sucks.

Yeah he's a prick Bush 'out, out, out' :evil:

First they complain about where's your evidence, then when they get it they don't want to hear it. This topic has been done to death, bush is a c*** who has no interest in the American people or any other person, except making profits for his cronies,and thats it.


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ok... and all that junk you just said was purely opinion, rather than fact. You can go around saying "bush is a c*** bush is a c***" all you want but that isn't gonna sway any opinions except to make yourself feel better. So why dont you just save your energy and not say anything. Unless you've got something to back it up.

Yeah he's a prick Kerry 'out, out, out'

First they complain about where's your evidence, then when they get it they don't want to hear it. This topic has been done to death, kerry is a c*** who has no interest in the American people or any other person, except making profits for his cronies,and thats it.

See with comments like that you can easily apply it to just about any rich politician. And don't try to feed me that whole BS that democrats are here to help the poor and the lower class. They are all wealthy, and powerful. Each just has a different sales pitch that are appealing to different demographics. In the world of politics all they do is just try to sell themselves. The more people they can attract (through views and promises) the more successful they will be. The only way you can truely tell a politician is serving the public rather than serving themselves, is by looking at their records, and of all the candidates... Kerry and Edwards certainly does not have the record required.. especially Edwards. I am not saying Bush has the perfect record.. but as a President he certainly has not done all that bad, as opposed to what the Media as portrayed him. So for me it all comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils.


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I'm aware that there's not many genuine politcians out there, but it's like you say yourself, it's chosing between the lesser of the two evils. kerry isn't a miracle cure for poverty. A Persident has only so manly variables to play with, and yes in my opnion Bush hasn't done a good job of it


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Well it just seems to me that (getting back to the point of this post) that the only cure that's even half-way feasible would come from the research that will be conducted using stem cells.

On the ballot in Ca, will be an iniative for stem cell research, and it's backed by Arnold himself, which breaks him from his party. He's trying to use it as a vehicle to bring research, as well as thousands of jobs here.

Now it makes sense that the more scientists and researchers who are engaged in stem cell research, the more likely one of those groups will take a look at culturing stem cells into hair cells. The monitary incentive is there, and that's the reason I think they'd pursue it, and that's the reason that those who want a permanent soultion to hairloss, would be in a situation in which that scenario was much more likely, with Kerry in office.


Spidy182 said:
ok... and all that junk you just said was purely opinion, rather than fact. You can go around saying "bush is a c*** bush is a c***"

bush is a c***, bush is a c***

Spidy182 said:
all you want but that isn't gonna sway any opinions except to make yourself feel better. So why dont you just save your energy and not say anything. Unless you've got something to back it up.

bush is a c***, bush is a c***

Spidy182 said:
I am not saying Bush has the perfect record.. but as a President he certainly has not done all that bad, as opposed to what the Media as portrayed him.

where do you get this information from ?, if you are not getting your information from the media where do you get if from ? Are you a political analyst ? Do you know george ?


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Tynan, tell us all truthfully: what's the general British view of George W. Bush?



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Interesting irony:

Q: What is the difference between the Vietnam War and the Iraq War?

A: George W. Bush had a plan to get out of the Vietnam War


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What is it with all you guys seriously? keep saying Bush sucks and all this crap but to be honest what president hasnt sucked?......inflattion is always raising has since time was keep getting richer ...the crime rate gets higher every gets dick for money every year......
taxes are always going up...and if not yet again inflattion goes up.....and if your the president no matter what subject its on...your gonna get people who b**ch about you being total sh*t,just because their lives arent up to par with what they wanted it to be,and somehow making a bill is gonna change their whole life around....
then what is this about homeless people....f*** the homeless doesnt matter what you do there will always be people who are lazy and that are homeless......then homeland security...thats the most wad of crap ive ever heard.....protecting our*t are you trying to tell me that if more cops are on the streets the crime rate will go down?..hell no i can go buy a gun and shot anybody i want..doesnt matter who it is i could...i wouldnt though but my point is there is no such thing as homeland security just because there are total whackos living on every corner of every street in the us....just because life isnt what we want ...we have to point our finger at someone else(president) besides our own ,cause for some odd reason we forget hes human and that we think one president is gonna make everthing all better.....sorry to burst your bubble but it wont....Kerry will make mistakes that people will b**ch about just like bush and every president before him....i just dont get why people get so emotional about whos president.