All we need to know about Bimatoprost for regrowth

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What concentration would we need? I read somewhere it had to be 0.5%, but could be wrong.


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The study says they used 500 mcg per application. The volume was 1 ml - which makes it a 0.05% solution.

(...) beginning of the 5th month the treatment protocol was altered and a new treatment, latanoprost at 500 mcg/ml, was added.
The dose was 500mcg/0.5ml before that. Is that a 0.5% solution?


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Not to rain on your parade, but:

(...) We observed that latanoprost had a positive action on hair growth. This effect of latanoprost on hair growth was dose-dependent and the minimal effective dose was daily application of 50 mcg/ml (0.005% w/v). At a dose of 500 mcg/ml (0.05%), latanoprost induced signifi?cant hair growth, corresponding to that seen with 5% minoxidil solution in our previous studies. The phototrichographic data showed that 0.05% latanoprost solution induced 10% conversion of the vellus hair to intermediary or to terminal hairs in 2 of 4 macaques. In our earlier studies, 5% minoxidil induced 10% conversion of vellus hair to terminal hairs in the macaque showing the greatest response. (...)
It doesn't seems like this drug is able to regrow anything more than 5% minoxidil, but it seems like it acts faster, and of course it has another side effect profile. It's not bimatoprost, but the drugs are very similar.


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Next quote; 1200 euros; still too expensive. As i said, we need 0.5%.


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You're right, bimatoprost might regrow more, but it's hard for me to tell the difference between the two drugs, from the descriptions of effects and side effects. Which is why I doubt it's more effective.


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finfighter said:
We won't know for sure until the human Androgenetic Alopecia trials are completed with Bimatoprost, but think about it. Do you know how much it costs to get a new drug approved for safety and efficacy by the FDA? We are talking tens of millions of dollars!. Do you really think that they would go to the exspense and time to submit it to the FDA as a new prescription treatment if it were no more effective than minoxidil (an OTC product)? They would not go to the exspense of doing this. They must have a good idea that it is more effective! This will be a prescription treatment, it will have to me superior to the OTC product minoxidil, to be successful in the market! These pharmaceutical companies have market analysts that go to great exspense to determine whether or not it is worth it to submit a new drug!

Completely agree 100%. If we are going to go for a group buy on Bimatoprost at some point you can already count me in.


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Yes, we can expect to see better results from bimatoprost than from minoxidil. Yes, we can expect to see better results from bimatoprost than from latanaprost. If latanoprost was our only choice, this would be a fantastic alternative over minoxidil, but with bimatoprost we have something even better. Minoxidil action is very likely through its stimulating effect of PGE2 synthesis, and with these newer drugs we are essentially using prostglandins directly and cutting out the extraneous harm being done.

There seems to be some question, or negative speculation on the regrowth potential. Well, Minoxidil use by women showed inferior results on eyelash growth than those described for latanoprost (again, which itself is less effective than bimatoprost). We're simply going to see shocking, unprecedented regrowth. Some people are going to regrow full heads of hair.

For those whose unwanted hair growth is a major drawback with minoxidil, the regrowth is going to be in targeted areas only due to the unique and natural properties of prostaglandins. Another hopeful benefit over minoxidil is the results will be easier to retain. A quote from Johnstone M., latanoprost RX induces hypertrichosis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1998;39 (Suppl.):S258

"Minoxidil and finasteride must be used continuously to sustain results, and, once discontinued, the natural balding process resumes. PG analogs have a much more powerful and longer-lasting effect."

The responsibility of testing this has been left to us! For those of us who can't afford to wait around for the trials to finish, let's do a quick group-buy and give this stuff some serious testing.


Bimatoprost offers not only a far better side effects profile than minoxidil (no collegen disruption, facial disfigurements, wrinkles, fluid retention, cardiovascular damage, etc., etc.) but expect to see vastly superior regrowth, confined to only the targeted areas.


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finfighter said:
I wouldn't break out the champane just yet!
True, but gotta stay positive, champagne or no champagne! :fun:

montrose said:
Would minoxidil dependent follicles be retained with bimatoprost though?

Excellent question. It is possible, to the extent that the two may have identical effects on PGs, which has already been established somewhat. The answer really is we won't know until we try. Questions such as this, and even the very basic ones will not be known for quite some time through clinical trials. We ARE the guinea pigs!

I do plan to continue minoxidil in the beginning and incorporate this on top of my regular routine. Of course I do plan to slowly phase out minoxidil completely. :punk:

Enden said:
100 mg equals almost 7 months treatment with 500 mcg a day.

That's $155 if you have a group of 10 people. It's less then you have to pay for 6 months treatment with 5% minoxidil where I live.

BTW, these numbers really are true, for those who are considering joining in the group buy. Looks like we're about halfway there.


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How long would 0.03% brimatoprost in 3ml bottle last? If it is supposed to be used 1ml daily then it would cost me 3ml/5% =50$/month. Which doesn't seem bad


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UunoTurhapuro said:
How long would 0.03% brimatoprost in 3ml bottle last? If it is supposed to be used 1ml daily then it would cost me 3ml/5% =50$/month. Which doesn't seem bad

Correct. These are not astronomical figures we're talking about here.

BTW, if you wanted to match the dosages in the monkey study exactly, as we're aiming to, you'd be using 1.5 times that amount.


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Rabid said:
UunoTurhapuro said:
How long would 0.03% brimatoprost in 3ml bottle last? If it is supposed to be used 1ml daily then it would cost me 3ml/5% =50$/month. Which doesn't seem bad

Correct. These are not astronomical figures we're talking about here.

BTW, if you wanted to match the dosages in the monkey study exactly, as we're aiming to, you'd be using 1.5 times that amount.

The monkey studies used 0.05% NOT 0.5% ... /wolf.html

500mcg/ml is a 0.05% concentration. But that was latanoprost. But they are are considered to be very similar.

Here is a quote from Bauman Medical Group, they own the patent to the drug and are the ones currently testing it for Androgenetic Alopecia right now.

At Bauman Medical Group, we already have a number of male and female patients who are successfully using a daily dose of Latisse (bimatoprost 0.03%) on their scalp for hair growth. None to date have reported irritation and we have measured modest hair growth using the HairCheck Trichometer in those patients and photographed increases in visible coverage of the scalp. It is the author’s personal opinion that Allergan will likely test a stronger concentration for the use on the scalp than the 0.03% bimatoprost found in Latisse.

So maybe a 0.06% strength would be ideal to start with.


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If it's .05% than is it really only .5mg of bimatoprost per ml of solution?

If that is true and even though it seems we wouldn't have to apply every day.. say we did.. that means for every day application for 6 month trial it would only be 6*30*.5 = 90mg?

If 1g is 1200 euros than 100mg is 120 euros for over 6 months of treatment putting us at less than 20 euros a month which is extremely cheap for something possibly more effective than minoxidil...

again this is if we need to use every day.. if it's only twice a week then this stuff is basically free.. and we might even be able to find cheaper labs?

Can we get this ball rolling asap.. would love to try it.


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Yes, keep on watching this thread we are still looking for the best lab, we will need as many people as possible...

will do. Remember though that the best choice may not be to go with the lab that charges the least amount of money. I personally wouldn t mind spending a little more knowing that we are getting genuine bimatoprost. Anyway, i trust you'll find a good product and willl 100 % try it
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