80/20 Rule Confirmed... Actually More Like 95/5. This Is Why You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On Women.


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"Most attractive" 0%
Goddamn lol

Now this is a brutal truth right here.
This just goes to show what i always say: women are a complete waste of your time.
Even if you're SUPERCHAD NORWOOD 0 SUPER SAIYAN 4 you will still not be enough.

Please stop obsessing about your hair because of women. Women are a waste of time, focus yourself on more productive things.
When you get the urge, bang an hooker.


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A woman in NY invites 200 Tinder dates at the same time:

I do not know yet if this is some art project or a commentary on society or what not, but this is outrageous - acting like an entitled queen and wasting everybody's time.

To be honest, those guy are total simps.
They should have bailed out as soon as they saw what was happening. Instead they competed for a sniff at a diseased pussy.
Goddamn, manginas are the f*****g worst. They should just cut their balls off and hand over their man card.


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Online dating works fine and has worked well for many of us on here.

Stop doom mongering and give it a go.

If you need help pm a member you trust who is good with women and ask for advice.


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Wolf Pack

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Another gem (sorry - I am in an extremely upset mood today):

This guy supposedly has sex with 3 women per week and his girlfriend reluctantly approves. I call bullshit on this one, but it is easy to imagine him getting laid constantly.

Maybe the use of some sensationalist language by the newspaper, after all it's the mirror too. But nothing surprising in the story itself regarding the leeway offered in the relationship which she grew to accept it and perhaps even like. It's not just about looks though which is obviously the qualifying factor but having an attractive personality. A good looking person who is odd won't get the same benefit. It's that package which resulted in her investment and not being able to let him go. I've seen this many times and creating chemistry is something real and natural. It's not about "being nice" or "treat them mean keep them keen" and is difficult to put into words. Except to say that some people can leave a lasting positive impression, simple as that and people do this in their own unique ways. That's why his desires were taken on board by her. His relationships don't end badly in the traditional sense, instead with enduring positive emotions and connection. Exceptions are just that, exceptions.

However, the personality aspect is not independent of looks though. Many studies have shown that good looking people have their personality and behaviour scrutinised (in an advantageous way) which allows better qualities to stand out more. While an average looking or below person may have those same qualities missed out or played down.

If this was a run of the mill guy in terms of looks, he wouldn't be walking in those shoes. Regardless of his hair status or social skills/mental health. There are many girls shedding tears in tough relationships and it isn't just men struggling on the dating scene. In my experience I've noted it's harder for girls since they make big sacrifices and really devote themselves once in a relationship. For a minority of guys, the problem is finding a partner which is just as emotionally taxing as a girl struggling within a relationship. On this forum it's expected that the girl issue will be downplayed with a "they chose him" mentality and while that may be true, genuine attraction is biological and beyond their control. People learn eventually with age and experience if they can't find the package and compromise.

Interesting what some of you guys google lol. Groundhog day for the forum.


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You will select vice versa in this case then,

View attachment 96745

Wyr:Would you rather..from college humor fb page.

Yes I would, maybe she has a good personality and if it doesn’t work out you can go back to being a slayer. Being outclassed in a relationship would make you insecure and dependent on the other hand.


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Online dating does not work. A guy could be in top 5% of physique, top 2% of perceived intelligence, top 3% earning potential and still be considered completely undateable. Why? It's because women care only about a man's hair and his height. Online dating is to blame. I mean, could you imagine a guy who is even in the top 5% of money earners in his demographic struggling, regardless of his other characteristics, in a world without online dating?

This story just illustrates what we already know, but an even more extreme case. A woman would rather be with a NW1 who gives her half of his attention than a NW6 who gives her most of it and earns more, is in better shape, dresses better, is of higher status etc.


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Online dating does not work. A guy could be in top 5% of physique, top 2% of perceived intelligence, top 3% earning potential and still be considered completely undateable. Why? It's because women care only about a man's hair and his height. Online dating is to blame. I mean, could you imagine a guy who is even in the top 5% of money earners in his demographic struggling, regardless of his other characteristics, in a world without online dating?

This story just illustrates what we already know, but an even more extreme case. A woman would rather be with a NW1 who gives her half of his attention than a NW6 who gives her most of it and earns more, is in better shape, dresses better, is of higher status etc.
Totally wrong.

I've had a ton of success - literally over 30 sexual partners from tinder and pof alone - and I am no male model. I'm not sure if I'm a 6 or 7 (you can see my picture in the success thread) but its working fine for me.

We had a few posters here last year who had done well on tinder and they were not elite guys either.


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Totally wrong.

I've had a ton of success - literally over 30 sexual partners from tinder and pof alone - and I am no male model. I'm not sure if I'm a 6 or 7 (you can see my picture in the success thread) but its working fine for me.

We had a few posters here last year who had done well on tinder and they were not elite guys either.
You have a huge advantage besides your looks that does matter so that brings you up a point or two. :D


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Totally wrong.

I've had a ton of success - literally over 30 sexual partners from tinder and pof alone - and I am no male model. I'm not sure if I'm a 6 or 7 (you can see my picture in the success thread) but its working fine for me.

We had a few posters here last year who had done well on tinder and they were not elite guys either.
Honestly it depends on your location. A lot of people who are struggling with online dating just live in areas where those apps aren't popular, or there's too much competition, etc.

My main pic was a shirtless mirror pic (not in a bathroom, mind you) and I have some muscle mass and visible abs. I smiled and showed my teeth and dimple for trust points. Instant matches. I know online articles tell you not to do that but it works. I go for raw attraction, girls aren't gonna date me just for having friends or hugging a dog lol.
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Just having presentable looks are enough.
No need to be hot 10s for impressing girl.

Surprisingly,balding somewhat affects presentable looks in boys.
Still there are girl's who are ready to look pass beyond this.
All you need is luck....


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Just having presentable looks are enough.
No need to be hot 10s for impressing girl.

Surprisingly,balding somewhat affects presentable looks in boys.
Still there are girl's who are ready to look pass beyond this.
All you need is luck....

There aren't really girls who are willing to look past baldness. Maybe if you are a millionaire yes. But if you're only earning in the top 3% of your country, for example, then it won't be enough. You need top 0.1% or movie star status or something.
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There aren't really girls who are willing to look past baldness. Maybe if you are a millionaire yes. But if you're only earning in the top 3% of your country, for example, then it won't be enough. You need top 0.1% or movie star status or something.

Somehow I have found many examples around me where guy is balding yet got looking wife,I don't know they made it.

While playing 8ball pool game,I have taken screenshot of many couples dp in a game from around the world in which husband was young,bald..

One needs solid evidence to claim bald men don't get girls,but I have seen hope many many times.