Recent content by Thomaseg1975

  1. T

    Finipecia or Propecia..Is there a difference in quality?

    I did propecia by merck last year. Month 3-9 had a horrific constant shed and hair got WORSE! . Then When I thought things couldnt get any worse. About month 10 I noticed a real difference. Hair was thicker and didnt shed as much. I had to stop taking the drug due to medical reasons. Now I have...
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    Good and Bad Results! Please help

    Heres my story..About 2 years ago I started proecia. Didnt see too much change in the first 3 months, then in month 4, I shed like crazu for about 4 months...Hair just falling out everywhere! Rode through it, and about month 9, I started to see some real results. I added minoxidil about month 7...
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    Couple of questions!

    Why is it that whenever I start propecia again it alwys gets worse the first 3-5 months..Hair looks thinner..Weird part is I do see more black hairs on head tho..strange.. And has anyone had a condition called epiditimys? Whenevr I am on prppecia my left nut hurts! The sac the holds the sperm...
  4. T

    Whats best for diffuse thinning on temples or hairline?

    I have increase diffuse thinning in temples and crown..Whats the best for those temples abd thr front? Ive heard xandrox, spironolactone, dutas, finasteride...What route do I take?
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    How do I get spironolactone?

    could someone tell me how to get spironolactone?
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    Propecia or minoxidil?

    Is it possible that rogaine works better for some people than finasteride? or vice versa..Everytime i take finasteride, my body hair and the hair on my head grows a lot slower...My scalp gets irritated when I apply rogaine when Im on finasteride. I stopped using finasteride and just went on Drlees minoxidil and i noticed a great...
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    XANDROX 15 or DR LEES minoxidil 500?

    I have diffuse thinnning in front and in crown area..No bald or slick spots just simply diffuse thinning in those areas. Was just wondering what kind of luck anyone has had with those areas..Been using minoxidil 500 for about 3 months and havent really seem much results..Also been on propecia 4...
  8. T

    Low sex drive question....

    My sex drive isnt the same since i started taking propecia...Should I take every other day or cut my 1mg of Propecia in half daily...Will either effect the results of my hair?
  9. T

    What does this mean?

    I started propecia about a year ago and after month 3, I always had a continuous shed and my hair up front was easy to pull out with my fingers(3-4 hairs per pull) My hair did thicken up about month 10 but didnt really have any regrowth. I had 2 quit propecia about month 10 for 3 months..(BAD...
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    Anyone with some knowledge.....

    Took propecia for about 9 months and had to stop because of a medical condition..Was off for 3 months, and in that 3 months my body hair gre a lot faster as did the back and sides of my hair.. At 9 months my hair had finally started to look thicker and fuller. During the 3 months I was off my...
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    Dr Lees minoxidil or regular 5 percent?

    I dont mind using minoxidil but often makes my scalp irritated. Is Dr lees 5 percent much more effective in not irritating the scalp?
  12. T

    Heres something odd as well...

    I posted a message earlier that i was an idiot for stopping Propecia for 3 months. Heres something worth mentioning. My body hair grew faster and thicker when i was off and my hair on the sides and in the back grew faster. But my hair on top and on the crown seem to get worse. When I was on...
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    Can someome with some knowledge please answer..

    I was using 5 percent..What works best for temples and on top..Xandrox or regular 5 percent?
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    Can someome with some knowledge please answer..

    I read some post where guys say minoxidil messed up temples and I read some posts where it is effective. Can anyone shed some light on this topic before I decide to try minoxidil on my temples and hairline again. I stopped propecia and minoxidil for 3 months because I was an Idiot. I had been on it 9...
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    Propecia and muscle growth?

    Been taking propecia for 9 months now and Im also an avid weight lifter. Is taking propecia gonna hinder my muscle growth? I have read on the net that no dht to muscless is bad too? ANyone have some input on this?