Recent content by Shinyscalp23

  1. S

    This guy has a great toupee

    well ibm in terms of regimen/maintenace i wear mine for 4 weeks at a time and just change the tape in the front-i go to an expensive salon..what im waiting to do is actually send one of my old hair pieces to or soemthing and get that replicated..i wash the hair and...
  2. S

    This guy has a great toupee

    i have to admit i agree with michigan baldy..its just like a piece of clothing..its only a lie you live if youfeel that far as im concerned its no one else's business unless i make it theirs..but because mine looksso good and natural i dont care i tell everyone
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    This guy has a great toupee

    Well its been a long time since I posted here-simply because the hair system has solved the hair loss problem. In terms of maintenance it actually only takes me 5 minutes to change the tape and I can wear it up when the tape is fresh...maintenance isnt really an issue..i now change the tape once...
  4. S

    Problem with lace front attachment

    Lace Tape is the way to go I have the same problem as you, its hard to keep the lace down, but I chose t stick with the tape because the glue was a headache.. Hair systems have their pluses and minus and when its real hot and humid out (or if youre really oily like me) its not going to stay...
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    UNDECTABLE hairlines

    RIGHT ON FUZZY I completely agree...and for the guy who said you have to get a lace fron, i agree...but i dont think u need to get one every 3-4 months...mines 3 months old and still looks good, if not better because the hair doesnt look "perfect" but natural
  6. S

    This guy has a great toupee

    it takes me 15 minutes to change the tape in the front and clean my scalp underneath and i often forget my piece is on and i have no shame in wearing one as it was a big and brave step to get one to go from the balding guy with rather short hair to a full head of 3 inch longer hair in less than...
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    Folligraft 3.1

    go for it! dont be fooled by all these bullshit fancy names-veralex , cyberhair and so on...its all the same sh*t they glue a wig on your head-a very damn good looking one though..those fancy names are just names-advertising gimmicks...i just got my "veralex" done almost 2 months ago...changing...
  8. S

    Confessions of a Former Hair System Wearer

    F**k minoxidil with retin a or propecia or msm or toppik or any of helped shrink the bald spot in the back of my head but when i dyed my hair back to dark brown from bleach blond yesterday i saw it did nothing for my hair line...except make it ten times worse than when i started....when...
  9. S

    Being bald combined with having a babyface.

    im 24 and people say i look really young and soemtimes a babyface but its always oh your so cute so i think sometimes being a babyface can be beneficial and counteract your balding..since most people who r balding tend to look older than they are
  10. S

    Will the lost hair grow back after using amphetamines?

    amphetamines will absolutely cause your hair to fallout...i went through a period where i was quite a partier...and obviously if youre already balding taking an amphetamine doesnt help...occasionally i take those 25 mg ephedrine pills u can buy at a gas station or a convenience store cuz i work...
  11. S

    bleaching hair thats 1/8" in length.. think it will wor

    bleaching will make your hair break off which isnt really falling out in the male pattern baldness sense....since it will most likely grow back the same way IF you use minoxidil and/or propecia.....if u just kept bleachign and your hair kept breaking off and you werent doing anything to stimulate the hair follicles...
  12. S

    coloring your hair

    it could make your hair break off very easily, giving the illusion that youre shedding more when its just falling out from being dried out from the bleach or is isnt good if your already thinning severel to have severe breakage like that, nevertheless i still do it cuz my hair does...
  13. S

    Is it okay to highlight/color my hair while on the big 3?

    be careful if you use retin- with your minoxidil and bleach or dye your hair...i forgot once i had it on my scalp when i was coloring my hair and it burned like a big mofo to the point that i started bleeding!---after the fact my scalp looked like a scraped knee...hindered my progress BIG...
  14. S

    shedding question... white bulbs...

    all hair that falls out or breaks fromt he root has the bulb on it 90% of the time pull a hair out of your arm--youll see it as well...i mena it is coming form the skin u know lol
  15. S

    Does male pattern baldness invariably involve increased shedding?

    weird the first time i went on minoxidil i never noticed a shed-EVER-my results were avg, smaller balding spot, mainly maintenance after 8 months of minoxidil 5%...this time 7 months later of minoxidil 5%/retin-a 2x day---started the treatment while experiencing a massive shed, then the shed got worse...