Recent content by getting_back

  1. G

    Taurine With Minoxidil And Sult1a1 Enzyme

    Good for you. As I have said.. I'm not sure if min had something to do with it
  2. G

    Taurine With Minoxidil And Sult1a1 Enzyme

    Perimyokarditis (Heart inflammation) and Pericardial Effusion is a side of Minoxidil. I did needle my scalp and absorption was for sure increased.
  3. G

    Taurine With Minoxidil And Sult1a1 Enzyme

    In my opinion Aspirin effects Minoxidil efficiency because it shuts down COX and therefore PGE1/2 effects are not there. Thanks for the tip with the PPI. I had some deficits and am still on B12 supplements. Struggling to get my health back and I still don't know if Minoxidil caused the heart...
  4. G

    Taurine With Minoxidil And Sult1a1 Enzyme

    Still on minoxidil... Not sure if this is good
  5. G

    Taurine With Minoxidil And Sult1a1 Enzyme

    Was diagnosed with Perimyokarditis one year ago. It wasn't viral nor caused by bacteria. And this was the preferred treatment.. I took also medication to protect my stomach alongside with colchicine.
  6. G

    Taurine With Minoxidil And Sult1a1 Enzyme Aspirin effects Min efficiency. Took 1g daily for 6 months and definitely saw a lot of shedding.
  7. G

    The Ordinary Multi-peptide Serum For Hair Density

    keep me informed.. might be worth considering the low price
  8. G

    Warning: Wuhan Are 100% Scammers! Avoid!

    Please, be so kind and share the results once you have time. It would be really nice to have a conclusion about Wuhan. You would do this community a favor..
  9. G

    Report: Indisputable Proof That Finasteride Causes Sexual Side Effects In Forum Users

    Brain fog is no fun, believe me! But everybody has to make his own experience and for many people this little pill once per day is a game changer. For others it is a nightmare, and that should also be accepted. Respect and empathy are abilities you definitely need your brain for...
  10. G

    Report: Indisputable Proof That Finasteride Causes Sexual Side Effects In Forum Users

    First of all, thanks for the dislike. Perhaps you don't like my experience, but it is what it is... I think you can't relate to this kind of sides as long as you experience them yourself... Having said this, trying finasteride is a major step in everyones hairloss fight. I don't deny this and everybody...
  11. G

    Report: Indisputable Proof That Finasteride Causes Sexual Side Effects In Forum Users

    If you don't get sides or you are just less sensitive to them, good for you and I hope you are doing well for a long time.. But, please stopp to call out people how get sides! I respect people without sides and don't call finasteride poison as much as people should stop saying finasteride gives no sides. Here...