Recent content by DovF

  1. DovF

    Stem Cells to treat hairloss?

    Looking at other forms, I came across an interesting interview on another site, Dr. Lewenberg, whose treatment I do use, talks about using stem cells in hair to reverse miniturization. I wonder what other people think about it. ...
  2. DovF

    Rage's Story (monthly pics included)

    It looks like you have some growth in the front after 3 months. Good for you! Have you tried Nizoral? I sometimes alternate it with T-Gel and it works nicely. What conditioner do you use? I started a Green-Tea condition, that works nicely. (Green Tea not only gets rid of free radicals...
  3. DovF

    Skiman's Story

    Welcome to the club At least the doctor at Bosley was honest enough to tell you to do something first. If you improve the quality of your hair, you may not need the transplants at all. Minoxidil (a stimulant) and Propecia (anti-androgin) are a good start. You might want to do more...
  4. DovF

    I've never peed this much in my life

    See a Doctor, maybe Get a blood and urine test If you are having serious problems, including an enlarged prostate, since starting finasteride, see a doctor. You can go to the perscribing doctor or to a urologist. You will get a prostate exam. (Damn unpleasent proceedure. I'm never having it done in...
  5. DovF

    Roger's Story

    See a dermatologist Two bouts of Telogen Effluvium and weird stuff on your scalp? Go see a dermatologist and have some tests done.
  6. DovF

    Infernolife's Story

    medications You might want to see if some of the meds you take cause hairloss. I heard that Prozac does.
  7. DovF

    David77's Story

    That sucks You are using Propecia and Nizoral and still have hairloss? Have you tried minoxidil or another stimulant? Are you sure taht your hairloss is androgenetic alopcia?
  8. DovF

    Splunk's Story (pics included)

    minoxidil and Vive 1. What is "vive for men"? 2. What do you have against Minoxidil?
  9. DovF

    betterdayz's Story

    dht Dihydro testosterone (DHT) is not evil It is an androgen like testosterone. If you didn't have it, you would be weak, effeminate, and have undifferentiated genitalia. The problem is generally not dht. There are plenty of fully haired 20-year-olds with high level of DHT and 30 year-old...
  10. DovF

    Frunby's Story

    Start combo treatment now Hairloss is progressive. The sooner you treat it the better. I suggest that you use a combination that includes 1) Anti-DHT drug. (DHT is the hormone that tells programed follicles to wither and die. Since we can't reprogram your follicles, yet anyway, kill the...
  11. DovF

    Jblig' s Story

    External and internal treatments You are fine with taking propecia but concerned about Minoxidil and Revivogen? :shock: Propecia is a 5-Alpha reductace inhibitor that is mainly active in your gonads. It affects your entire endocrine system, including the feedback mechanisms. You end up...
  12. DovF

    fred's Story

    So young I certainly empithise. I started loosing hair slowly at 18. It hastened at 22 to the point that I had to change my hairstyle to cover it up. :-x While women generally preffer good hair, confidence and charisma go a long way. Many balding men are hurt by the lack of confidence...