Recent content by damien_p_watermelon

  1. D

    Zeroheat's Story-(Temple loss, Big 3, 962 days update pg37)

    I had this experience. Take yourself down to a half dose. If your libido comes back to normal (as mine did) keep in the half dose for a month then take a 3/4th dose for another month and then after those two months graduate to the full dose. With the exception of watery semen my libido is as...
  2. D

    1st year anniversary

    Good work!
  3. D

    zzzzz's 1 year dutasteride results

    Re: still near blood vessels... Do the blood vessels die off?
  4. D

    male pattern baldness research: Black tea reduces DHT 72%, Propecia 70%

    If black tea lowered DHT then no British people would lose their hair ever.
  5. D

    quitting propecia, maybe minoxidil too

    Are you having full, rock hard erections that are actually shorter? And is it shorter in the flaccid state? I don't see how a pill can carve 1/2" of length from a tendon.
  6. D

    0.5mm dermaroller just for minoxidil absorbing?

    I know that the epic dermaroller post was eventually locked (because people were essentially bleeding themselves to encourage break damage) and I am in no way advocating that, but has anyone experimented with just using the less intrusive 0.5mm dermaroller during daily or twice daily minoxidil...
  7. D

    Mini Success Story after 4 months on Min and finasteride

    So the s.o. was cutting my hair with clippers last night (7/8") and said "It looks like you've got way more coverage than before!?". I've actually kept the finasteride a secret so I know it wasn't a supportive compliment. Other than that I lose between 0-5 hairs in the shower. Which is nice.
  8. D

    25 - balding - starting regime finasteride&min

    Have you had any gains in your hair line? Do you actually have a 'edge of the forest' hairline?
  9. D

    More evidence for topical finasteride

    Does topical finasteride work as an alternative to oral, or as a new weapon in the arsenal?
  10. D

    5+Years on finasteride. Starting minoxidil.

    I thought people usually try minoxidil before finasteride, not the other way around.
  11. D

    0.5 mg finasteride

    I have read that finasteride in lower doses (than 5mg / 1mg) is almost as effective in lowering DHT. And I also understand that most people see results from the big free around the 3-6 month mark. Is this the same for people taking lower finasteride doses? I don't see that many people in the success...