Recent content by 2young2retire

  1. 2young2retire

    yeah bro. buying sh itcoins h r y?

    yeah bro. buying sh itcoins h r y?
  2. 2young2retire

    Prp: Proof That Pro Does Not Work. Prp Rip.

    Not all prp are created equal. Different protocols describe different prp therapies. For example time of centrifuge or rpm.
  3. 2young2retire

    Microneedling Photo Results Summary

    looks like needling works. :D
  4. 2young2retire

    Dexpanthenol May Be A Novel Treatment For Male Androgenetic Alopecia: Analysis Of Nine Cases

    2young2retire 2014: tries Dhurat protocol, gets more hair. 2young2retire 2020: becomes a click byte thumbnail 2young2retire 2020: clicks on thumbnail as it looks promising for regrowth LOL LOL LOL
  5. 2young2retire

    Dexpanthenol May Be A Novel Treatment For Male Androgenetic Alopecia: Analysis Of Nine Cases

    hair talk will never end, it is like an expanding universe! an unlimited donor should have been available by now. society needs a new business ideology. squee what up?
  6. 2young2retire

    Follicular Bisection Promising But Abandoned

    so why this is left out of the scene? Swinehart JM (2001) ‘‘Cloned’’ hairlines: the use of bisected hair follicles to create finer hairlines. Dermatol Surg 27(10):868–872. (thin...
  7. 2young2retire

    Follica Microneedling Protocol Patent Disclosed

    to me this is a refined Dhurat protocol, indeed every 2 weeks seems better for collagen synthesis and indeed so many small holes make sense. is there any dermapen that can oscillate 120hz? (ebay or amazon)?
  8. 2young2retire

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    roller gets more holes they do the same thing. a stamp is a better option longterm. dip the head of the tool in betadine solution until next use. wash scalp with betadine shampoo. (iodine will help your thyroid, plus many studies prove the benefits of iodine in hair loss) anyway . till the...