Women Are Not Worth The Trouble Anymore


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OK, forget that idea. You don't make any friends at the gym?

I wish. The gym is weird, when I come into a area people scatter away. Or if it's packed and I bring my Dumbbells over to a packed area in front of a mirror beside someone they just move away to something else.. super weird I must give off a serial killer vibe.


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I wish. The gym is weird, when I come into a area people scatter away. Or if it's packed and I bring my Dumbbells over to a packed area in front of a mirror beside someone they just move away to something else.. super weird I must give off a serial killer vibe.

They might just be afraid of you.

You look like the kind of guy who is going to lift 250 lbs dumbbells to exhaustion and then drop them after the 7th repetition. They're leaving you space to grunt.


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They might just be afraid of you.

You look like the kind of guy who is going to lift 250 lbs dumbbells to exhaustion and then drop them after the 7th repetition. They're leaving you space to grunt.

Lmfao. I only shoulder press 100's.. wish I was that strong David!


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Women always fall for alpha males!.

I have made a GOD like person rule the US. He gets women, yet he only have FIVE hairs on his head?

In fact, so HOT are women for him he has had SEVERAL WIVES. You see, HAIR does NOT make a man.

This is my cousin. As you can see, we have many similarities. For one, we are BOTH WHITE MALES.


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Average? I have seen "that thing" and you are not average unless you are referencing yourself to p*rn stars.:D

Once I'm naked I'm above average :p

Brotzu White

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Hey. I'm the OP. Just answering some of you:
1) Nope, i'm not bald. I'm a diffuse NW2,5, and my hairline is the exact same as my father. I also have a high chance to never go past NW2,5 because of my genetics, which i confirmed since i'm still shedding but no longer miniaturizing.
2) Even if i go bald, i got a perfect head shape, and have a killer beard, so i won't be affected as badly as some others.
3) I'm tall, huge shoulders and hands, and look very manly. I'm no Chad, i'm actually really average, but have had my fair share of women tell me that i'm handsome. I'm also not shy and know how to talk with women, although my technique lacks finesse.
4) I already had some Long Term Relationships and a lot of dates.
5) I'm not a Nice Guy™, actually sometimes i'm somewhat dickish to women.

Now that's out of the way, you can stop saying i'm a bald ugly incel or whatever.

I wrote this post simply because i'm sick of women's bullshit. They are too much drama, i was like you before. I wanted to marry, i wanted to find love. Now i'm no longer interested. Marriage is a scam, my last relationship made me realize that women have no problem dumping men when they no longer have their way. That's why i want to focus on having fun. I'd rather have fun without tying up the knot.


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dante do you have a beard yet?


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Was way to intimidated. Your also right, socially I'm the biggest pussy around.
Your situation fascinates me.
By your look alone you look like the type of dude who just "owns" any situation.
But, inside you're very fragile.

Ya know, this combination would be highly appealing to some women, but I understand that finding them would be extremely difficult.

I wish you luck before too many years pass by, mate.


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Was way to intimidated. Your also right, socially I'm the biggest pussy around.
Never call yourself a pussy, dude.
You're way better then that.
Given your anxiety, I'm sure it takes inner strength for you just to go to work, maybe?

That should be admired.


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I wish. The gym is weird, when I come into a area people scatter away. Or if it's packed and I bring my Dumbbells over to a packed area in front of a mirror beside someone they just move away to something else.. super weird I must give off a serial killer vibe.
People really move away from ya?
Male and female?


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People really move away from ya?
Male and female?

I won't lift near women. Way to hard to concentrate (Srs)

If I try coming into a packed area of other dudes so I can get a spot in front of the mirrior they will move out of my way and go find somewhere else to go. Not every guy does this but a lot of them do.

I don't like using commercial gyms anymore because 80% are using it as a social club instead of putting in any work. 5 guys using one bench spotting eachother (tired of this kind of chit)


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I must admit, seeing good-looking dudes panicking for a slight recession, blaming hair loss for their major issues and wasting their best years over nonexistent problems is hilarious.
Like Fred.


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Find a nice conservative church girl - it's the only hope for us men. But the real ones that go every Sunday and take it seriously, not liberal church girls that do whatever they want and think going to church twice a year during Easter and Christmas is for doing God a favor - lol!

Your answer is basically

find a good looking girl who does not think too much and has been brainwashed by the bible to be submissive in nature and look at sex as a pure thing just for reproduction.

Yes! he and you should go for those types of women..Please do!


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Used to fight MMA in a cage - calls himself a pussy

Is ultra ripped and good looking - calls himself ugly

You need a therapist.

I remember how my slayer friend (he is in MMA or so very jacked and alpha now) was trying to climb on the tree with shouting and tears after a smallest dog run after him from the street.


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You're probably right. It is a lot easier to be happier when you are in relationship.

My problem is I'm returning to teach in Vietnam this autumn so realistically I cant start a relationship now.

As for dating Asians in Vietnam, it is actually quite easy but it makes you paranoid that they only want to marry you as a meal ticket. At least with white girls back home I knew they weren't dating me for my wealth (or lack thereof).

Are you wealthy or is it Asian women tend to assume Americans and Europeans are wealthy?