What an OBESE woman said about her balding blind date.


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I noticed this when he said he could get any woman he wanted.

I'm starting to think he's another sluthater with too much time on his hands.


You have to come up with an excuse not to wear a hairpiece so your excuse is that I'm a troll lol. What a stupid reason for you not to wear a hairpiece. Why don't you just admit the real reason, which is that you are too embarrassed to wear a hairpiece.

And if SM04554 works and we get our hair back you are very welcome to hang out with me for one night and witness for yourself whether or not women are easy for me. I already know the answer to that question.

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"And BTW a hair piece will NEVER be a full head of hair. Period."

Neither a hair transplant, since you can spot it directly.
You mean manschauvinism Fred that lost touch of reality?

He's just making up excuses not to wear a hairpiece. His real reason is that he's embarrassed to wear one.


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Good for you. You're better than the cruel mob.

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You're just scared to wear a hairpiece. You're worried about what other people will say and think if they figure out you're wearing a hairpiece. You're embaressed to do it. Again, lots of people have satisfactory experiences with hairpieces. You just don't want to do it.

I already get hate for balding. Why would I want even more ridicule for wearing a wig? Please think rationally about this. Use logic.


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I already get hate for balding. Why would I want even more ridicule for wearing a wig? Please think rationally about this. Use logic.

Yes there will be times that you will be humiliated but there will also be times that you will pull it off successfully and in those times you are successful you will be women's Prince Charming and they will be flirtatious and you will take the best ones home. It will work sometimes. We all know this.


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Yes there will be times that you will be humiliated but there will also be times that you will pull it off successfully and in those times you are successful you will be women's Prince Charming and they will be flirtatious and you will take the best ones home. It will work sometimes. We all know this.

And what happens after? Do you take off the wig along with your clothes? What happens when she ultimately finds out your a fraud and commited the greatest sin to womankind; inheriting baldness genes. What then?


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And what happens after? Do you take off the wig along with your clothes? What happens when she ultimately finds out your a fraud and commited the greatest sin to womankind; inheriting baldness genes. What then?

Hellouser my point is not that you really should wear a hairpiece. I don't think you should. I'm just saying you could. I understand that the level of embarrassment associated with these things can be nightmarish. But those people who ridicule us for being bald do not understand this because they do not think about all of the ins and outs....the fine details...of what the bald person's situation really is. And BY THE SAME TOKEN you don't know all of the ins and outs...the fine details...of obese peoples situations. I'm just asking you to not be hard on people who don't get to look good since we don't like it when people are hard on us because we don't look good.


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So the shallowness is the same in Canada as the US?

Of course, why else are there so many guys on the forums from Canada? It's north america... shallowness runs deep here.


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Sooner than that: what happens when you can't even enjoy the sex from the heat, the hasty movements threatening your carefully-crafted illusion, the paranoia that might even prevent you from getting hard, the possible itchiness, the girl running her hands through your hair and clinging to it...

Let's be realistic: you're not having a fulfilling sex life with a rug on your head, no matter how many girls you manage to bring home. What happens when she discovers she has been cheated, the look on her face, the shame you will feel. Yeah why don't we all wear hair pieces?!

And obese people have their finite details for why they are in the rut that they are in. I'm just asking you to stop being a cruel hypocrite.


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Hellouser my point is not that you really should wear a hairpiece. I don't think you should. I'm just saying you could. I understand that the level of embarrassment associated with these things can be nightmarish. But those people who ridicule us for being bald do not understand this because they do not think about all of the ins and outs....the fine details...of what the bald person's situation really is. And BY THE SAME TOKEN you don't know all of the ins and outs...the fine details...of obese peoples situations. I'm just asking you to not be hard on people who don't get to look good since we don't like it when people are hard on us because we don't look good.

Could or SHOULD? Don't flip flop and just make a solid argument and stick to it.

Also, these people DO get to look good; HIT THE DAMN TREADMILL.

We don't have that luxury.


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Could or SHOULD? Don't flip flop and just make a solid argument and stick to it.

Also, these people DO get to look good; HIT THE DAMN TREADMILL.

We don't have that luxury.

You can look good anytime you muster up the courage to do so. Just go and get a hairpiece - lots of guy are doing it. I guess they have more courage than you do and they don't get embarrassed as easy as you do.


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You can look good anytime you muster up the courage to do so. Just go and get a hairpiece - lots of guy are doing it. I guess they have more courage than you do and they don't get embarrassed as easy as you do.


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Could or SHOULD? Don't flip flop and just make a solid argument and stick to it.

I was just trying to lighten up on you because I thought you might be smart enough to figure out that picking on obese people (or anyone who doesn't get to look good) is a bad thing for you to do since you yourself whine so much about how people with full heads of hair badmouth bald people. I guess I was wrong.


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I was just trying to lighten up on you because I thought you might be smart enough to figure out that picking on obese people (or anyone who doesn't get to look good) is a bad thing for you to do since you yourself whine so much about how people with full heads of hair badmouth people. I guess you aren't as smart as I though you are. So keep picking on other people over how they look while at the same time whining about people picking on you for how you look since you're not smart enough to realize you're a mean hypocrite.

THAT'S what you managed to deduce from my comments? That because I say fat people have a way out of being fat (and unattractive), mean's that I mock them?

Either your reading comprehension sucks or you are incapable of using logic.


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Man I hate the argument that you should judge someone for being overweight the same as you would judge someone for being bald. I believe you should treat people how you would want to be treated regardless or looks, religion, race etc. However, I just cant rationalize that being bald and being overweight are similar in any way. There is nothing you can do about your genetic predisposition to balding, you will always have the genes to bald regardless of being on treatments or not. Unless you have some sort of serious medical issue losing fat is very possible. I would suggest that 99.99% of people that are noticeable overweight are because of their lifestyles and not some underlying factor. For those remaining overweight people I would say indeed it is similar to balding. If I could workout an hour a day and stop my hair-loss it wouldn't even be a question.


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Man I hate the argument that you should judge someone for being overweight the same as you would judge someone for being bald. I believe you should treat people how you would want to be treated regardless or looks, religion, race etc. However, I just cant rationalize that being bald and being overweight are similar in any way. There is nothing you can do about your genetic predisposition to balding, you will always have the genes to bald regardless of being on treatments or not. Unless you have some sort of serious medical issue losing fat is very possible. I would suggest that 99.99% of people that are noticeable overweight are because of their lifestyles and not some underlying factor. For those remaining overweight people I would say indeed it is similar to balding. If I could workout an hour a day and stop my hair-loss it wouldn't even be a question.

Noones comparing it we just saying pretty much what you said "i believe you should treat people how you want to be treated regardless of looks". Thats it we KNOW the difference. We cant force anyone obviously but all i know is if i hate society dissing me for what ever reason, i wouldnt want to do it to others and make them feel how i feel.


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Man I hate the argument that you should judge someone for being overweight the same as you would judge someone for being bald. I believe you should treat people how you would want to be treated regardless or looks, religion, race etc. However, I just cant rationalize that being bald and being overweight are similar in any way. There is nothing you can do about your genetic predisposition to balding, you will always have the genes to bald regardless of being on treatments or not. Unless you have some sort of serious medical issue losing fat is very possible. I would suggest that 99.99% of people that are noticeable overweight are because of their lifestyles and not some underlying factor. For those remaining overweight people I would say indeed it is similar to balding. If I could workout an hour a day and stop my hair-loss it wouldn't even be a question.

Wilson2 Are you trained in biology and psychiatry? I ask because these are things that affect people's weight. And it's more tha 99.99 who are affected by these things. And neither Hellouser nor Fred know if the obese people they insult have psychiatric or biological problems. And they don't care. Fred and Hellouser just want to hate on them. Also, you seem to be agreeing that its' wrong to insult obese people while at the same time giving Hellouser and Fred some cover as they do so. And I disagree that there is no similarity regard bald versus obese because they both have one thing in common: they both cause you to look worse. And of course that is why Hellouser and Fred badmouth them. You don't see them badmouthing think people who eat bad. They only badmouth ugly obese people who eat bad

And for the record I weigh 16 lbs and I'm 5' 9" tall and after work 'I'm going to McDonalds to get something to eat.


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Noones comparing it we just saying pretty much what you said "i believe you should treat people how you want to be treated regardless of looks". Thats it we KNOW the difference. We cant force anyone obviously but all i know is if i hate society dissing me for what ever reason, i wouldnt want to do it to others and make them feel how i feel.

Perhaps we should? Fat Shaming is frowned upon, but bald shaming is openly encouraged.

The problem with that is that a lot of people won't deserve the criticism because they're genuinely good people. But then, what do you do about getting any respect as a bald man? It's the ONLY condition that openly ridiculed.


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Noones comparing it we just saying pretty much what you said "i believe you should treat people how you want to be treated regardless of looks". Thats it we KNOW the difference. We cant force anyone obviously but all i know is if i hate society dissing me for what ever reason, i wouldnt want to do it to others and make them feel how i feel.

There is one thing that bald and obese have in common. Both cause you to look bad. And when it coms to that one fact I am comparing them. They both DO result in cosmetic damage. And you would think a person of one group would have the brainpower to transpose how he/she feels about looking bad to how the people in the other group feel about looking bad. But I guess that would be like asking a bear to **** in a toilet.

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Perhaps we should?

What do you mean "perhaps we should"? You already are


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Perhaps we should? Fat Shaming is frowned upon, but bald shaming is openly encouraged.

The problem with that is that a lot of people won't deserve the criticism because they're genuinely good people. But then, what do you do about getting any respect as a bald man? It's the ONLY condition that openly ridiculed.

But why would you wanna do it back and be like the very person you hate? noone deserves it but its just the way things are, not just with bald guys/gals but many other things out there, i cant stop you for doing it obviously but like i said i know i dont like to do it cause i know how that feels. Why anyone would wanna listen to someone who is trying to make someone feel like crap i will never know (im just saying in general). You cant stop how people think and feel we just cant.