Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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Botox injection as a treatement for Androgenetic Alopecia.
Go at 2min45, where he shows the differences mesured in bloodflow before and after the procedure.
Data speak by themselves !
Poor bloodflow is all the cause of our disaster.


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Botox injection as a treatement for Androgenetic Alopecia.
Go at 2min45, where he shows the differences mesured in bloodflow before and after the procedure.
Data speak by themselves !
Poor bloodflow is all the cause of our disaster.

Much more than poor blood flow. Androgens shrinking the hair follicles are the primary mechanism. Don’t kid yourself my friend.


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If Androgen, especially DHT, was the cause of hairloss, then why in a environnement that has DHT but also a greater bloodflow, why does it just do well and don't shrink ?
Don't be blind my friend.

The blood flow just provides more nutrients to an already dying follicle. Like a patient on life support, Just prolongs the life of something that is dying.


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The blood flow just provides more nutrients to an already dying follicle. Like a patient on life support, Just prolongs the life of something that is dying.

Have you red the study i've linked before saying such deep reflections ?
(You know, we're all going to die, but if you shut off blood supply it'll just be sooner.)

Tell me again what you're using against hair loss ?
> A vasodilatator and a process to trigger angiogenesis.
But blood supply certainly has nothing to do with hair loss :)


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I think having good blood flow to the follicles is just one part.

To me, in order for a person to fight male pattern baldness, they have to check all the boxes:
- Good blood flow
- No fibrosis / other blockage
- Reduce/eliminate DHT (especially from the scalp)
- Enough supply of vitamins / nutrients to grow healthy hair and for cells to repair (Vitamin D, Biotin, Collagen, etc)
- Trigger wounding / immune response for severely impaired or "dead" follicles
- Little to no stress or anxiety

Lacking any one of these things could be the reason for hair loss in a person.

There are probably more factors but IMO if you aren't checking all the boxes you aren't doing it right.


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The blood flow just provides more nutrients to an already dying follicle. Like a patient on life support, Just prolongs the life of something that is dying.

To prolong something that is dying is enough, we all are going to die anyway so it's only a matter of prolonging or accelerating. I started smoking cigarettes about 2 years ago and my hair has taken a tremendous hit and my hair loss accelerated really fast. I literally feel a tingeling feeling in my scalp every time I smoke, and we all know how smoking affects blood flow. Now my hair on scalp is diffused thin, feels really bad and I have probably acclerated my hairloss by at least 5 years during those 2 years i've been smoking on. So in my case, lack of nutrients due to the constraints smoking causes in blood vessels seems to be the main cause of my accelerating hair loss. I will try my best to stop smoking now, and then start dermarolling and hopefully achieve healthier hair.
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To prolong something that is dying is enough, we all are going to die anyway so it's only a matter of prolonging or accelerating. I started smoking cigarettes about 2 years ago and my hair has taken a tremendous hit and my hair loss accelerated really fast. I literally feel a tingeling feeling in my scalp every time I smoke, and we all know how smoking affects blood flow. Now my hair on scalp is diffused thin, feels really bad and I have probably acclerated my hairloss by at least 5 years during those 2 years i've been smoking on. So in my case, lack of nutrients due to the constraints smoking causes in blood vessels seems to be the main cause of my accelerating hair loss. I will try my best to stop smoking now, and then start dermarolling and hopefully achieve healthier hair.

I'm not denying that poor blood flow is effecting your hairloss, but i'm saying that it's not the main cause of the hairloss.


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Then f*****g stop smoking!

Here is a method that helped me quit.

And you tend to forget how you used to feel before your lungs could breathe so I can tell you from experience it's night and day.

I will most definitely stop smoking because everything related to my body and heatlh has deteriorated since I started smoking. Thanks for the tip, will look through it for sure.


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I smoke 15 cigarretes a week on average, I Guess that can't accelerate muchas hair loss

I also used to smoke 10-15 cigarettes a week, that slowly became more and more, and the hair loss became really noticeable and accelerated when I reached 10-15 cigarettes per day after a couple of months, almost chain smoking.


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I'm gonna try the roller again in the next session.

Very annoying that I use stamp and it works perfectly and it feels like I did enough to wound, the skin feels tight like it generally does after using a pen or roller, but then the next day I've already recovered.

There is just very little tenderness. It obviously means that the stamp isn't thorough enough. I'm gonna do a little session with just 1mm stamp mid week to cover for the lack of thoroughness and after that I'll try the roller again to see if I feel what I used to when I did my very first session where the recovery process took 48-72 hours.

I feel that a roller is the best tool to use. I had better results with a 1.5mm roller than I did with a stamp or with a Derminator. The roller causes more "damage" to the scalp and the body's attempt at repairing that "damage" is what causes hair growth. That's my theory at least.

Balding curse

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Have you guys considered hanging upside down as well as quitting smoking?

I hear it can work wonders especially if combined with onion juice or olive oil. Really crunches the fibrosis away imo

This is a good way to increase the blood flow, and get rid of DHT.


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It's really sad how, after so many years, so many things are discussed over and over again because new users don't read the old threads and knowledge is just lost.

DHT is not the root of the cascade. DHT is a response to inflammatory processes. DHT is an element in the chain reaction. By breaking the chain through eliminating/reducing DHT, balding is stopped. But DHT is still not the root cause. The process can also be stopped by stepping in at a different step in the chain reaction - it just so happens that DHT is the easiest to control.

The reason why balding/miniaturizing hair is still dying off or not after transplantation into mice or non-scalp skin is due to neighborhood signaling. That is also why studies with FUE reported different results than studies using FUT when trying to find out if transplanted follicles continue miniaturizing after being transplanted to non-scalp tissue.

The environment is the initial culprit. We just don't know yet which processes are happening in the environment, and why. These processes which are not understood right now (but which have inflammatory effects) lead to the summoning of DHT as a response.


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I also used to smoke 10-15 cigarettes a week, that slowly became more and more, and the hair loss became really noticeable and accelerated when I reached 10-15 cigarettes per day after a couple of months, almost chain smoking.
Fortunately, It is usually the average amount i smoke since 2015, I don't consider myself an addict, I always smoke 7 cigarretes in friday and 7 in saturday while drinking beer or scotch, that's It,I never feel the need to smoke more, I guess the impact of that level of smoking is very small to my hair (and hopefully to my health)

Squeegee 2.0

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Much more than poor blood flow. Androgens shrinking the hair follicles are the primary mechanism. Don’t kid yourself my friend.

Can you care to elaborate? Growing hair in Androgenetic Alopecia is not a on/off switch. There is actual DNA , physical damage through fibrosis/calcification/fat infiltration/lack of brown adipose tissue, broken arrector pili muscle degeneration...You guys need to study the actual biopsies in Androgenetic Alopecia models. f*****g hell .I left this place a few years ago and people on here still think that Androgenetic Alopecia is just your hair that stopped growing due to DHT haahahahahahahahaha It is sad and funny at the same time. The lack of circulation is a piece of the puzzle due to chronic inflammation.



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Attached you find my report
- my profile (age, regime)
- my dermapen procedure (start 03.01.19, 135 days in, 20 sessions done)
- my dermapen documenation
- before and after photos
- recommendations for other users
- next steps

I hope you enjoy and benefit from it.

Please comment on the presentation constructively.
Please respect effort, time and sharing these private details with the community.

Best regards


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I know I'm one of those who have repeatedly said that people doing micro-needling should be patient and commit to it long term but I'm starting to suffer from those fallacies that people who don't get early results or those who get very slow results suffer through. I understand their frustration now.

It's been maybe 6 weeks since I started doing this and already my hairline and the entire front part has atleast 30% increase in density and if all those tiny hairs that continue to grow longer I'll have recovered almost all of the original density in front.

But the back is exact opposite and I think I'm losing hair on my crown. The pictures look worse or as if there hasn't been any improvement. Here I am and it's not even been two months of doing this after having tried multiple different things before and I'm worried that my crown will never recover because usually you see people regrowing crown first because hairlines are stubborn.

In spite of getting good results I'm officially worried that my crown will never recover and I'll have to get a transplant and since crowns require more hair density and therefore more follicular units to look good I will have to spend a fortune and deplete my donor area. f*****g logical fallacies are so annoying.
You're not completely unjustified in feeling that way. The temples are notoriously difficult to gain back, if not almost impossible - which is why I usually just tell people to accept losing their temples and keep what they have. The crown really responds well to Minoxidil. But... don't quote me on this, but I remember reading that hair transplants for the crown are useless because they get destroyed by shock loss.