UK1's Story - (NW2, pics inlcluded)


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I experimented with Couvre again this weekend but it's just not for me at this stage, it's messy and smelly and makes me more paranoid about being spotted than ever before.. I couldn't leave the house with it on. I finally went for it and bought a 3 month supply of Rogaine foam last night which I should be starting next month, not sure if I'm going through another finasteride shed at the moment but there are hairs on my pillow in the morning again and the front of my hair is looking worse than ever, saying that.. it is also longer than it has been for a long time so it could be partly that. Anyway.. as of next month I will officially be on 'The Big 3'. :)


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UK78 said:
I experimented with Couvre again this weekend but it's just not for me at this stage, it's messy and smelly and makes me more paranoid about being spotted than ever before.. I couldn't leave the house with it on. I finally went for it and bought a 3 month supply of Rogaine foam last night which I should be starting next month, not sure if I'm going through another finasteride shed at the moment but there are hairs on my pillow in the morning again and the front of my hair is looking worse than ever, saying that.. it is also longer than it has been for a long time so it could be partly that. Anyway.. as of next month I will officially be on 'The Big 3'. :)

Just get on minoxidil already. No need to wait till next month, lol. Trust me, once it starts working you would have wished you started using it when you were 12!


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My foam arrived today, the bottles are much smaller than I thought and I think that the 1/2 capful recomendation is not enough if you want to cover a larger area, so it'll be intersting to see how expensive it actually works out, I was quite excited and tried it straight away, I thought it had a nice smell and it was easy to apply, I think I'm getting more on my hair than on my scalp though.. I tried spraying it straight onto my scalp then rubbing it in eventually, I think that worked a bit better. Anyway.. fingers crossed. :D


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UK78 said:
My foam arrived today, the bottles are much smaller than I thought and I think that the 1/2 capful recomendation is not enough if you want to cover a larger area, so it'll be intersting to see how expensive it actually works out, I was quite excited and tried it straight away, I thought it had a nice smell and it was easy to apply, I think I'm getting more on my hair than on my scalp though.. I tried spraying it straight onto my scalp then rubbing it in eventually, I think that worked a bit better. Anyway.. fingers crossed. :D

On the manual it says apply half a capfull to the balding area. Where does it say "only" half a capfull? If your applying it to your crown, both temples and hairline its going to be more than half a capfull


WorldofWarcraft said:
UK78 said:
I experimented with Couvre again this weekend but it's just not for me at this stage, it's messy and smelly and makes me more paranoid about being spotted than ever before.. I couldn't leave the house with it on. I finally went for it and bought a 3 month supply of Rogaine foam last night which I should be starting next month, not sure if I'm going through another finasteride shed at the moment but there are hairs on my pillow in the morning again and the front of my hair is looking worse than ever, saying that.. it is also longer than it has been for a long time so it could be partly that. Anyway.. as of next month I will officially be on 'The Big 3'. :)

Just get on minoxidil already. No need to wait till next month, lol. Trust me, once it starts working you would have wished you started using it when you were 12!

what is the hurry? it will be just as effective in a year and that way he can accurately judge whether it's the proscar or the minoxidil giving the regrowth.


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what's the hurry you ask?
we need hair now that's the hurry
being thin sucks ***


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roki said:
what's the hurry you ask?
we need hair now that's the hurry
being thin sucks ***

Plus, the longer you wait, the less chance of regrowing a good amount of hair in certain areas. While waiting, a very thin area could go almost slick bald.


haunted-ballroom said:
roki said:
what's the hurry you ask?
we need hair now that's the hurry
being thin sucks ***

Plus, the longer you wait, the less chance of regrowing a good amount of hair in certain areas. While waiting, a very thin area could go almost slick bald.

well if that happens while on finasteride/dutasteride then minoxidil won't do sh*t for you anyway because you're already fucked lol. all im saying is that if finasteride/dutasteride holds you steady, minoxidil will be just as effective in a year. minoxidil does nothing for some people and it would suck to have to apply it for the rest of your life thinking that it actually did something when that was actually the result of finasteride/dutasteride.


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JayMan said:
haunted-ballroom said:
roki said:
what's the hurry you ask?
we need hair now that's the hurry
being thin sucks ***

Plus, the longer you wait, the less chance of regrowing a good amount of hair in certain areas. While waiting, a very thin area could go almost slick bald.

well if that happens while on finasteride/dutasteride then minoxidil won't do $#iT for you anyway because you're already fucked lol. all im saying is that if finasteride/dutasteride holds you steady, minoxidil will be just as effective in a year. minoxidil does nothing for some people and it would suck to have to apply it for the rest of your life thinking that it actually did something when that was actually the result of finasteride/dutasteride.

True, im pretty much stuck on finasteride and minoxidil now because I started them at the same time. Presuming that I am a good responder in the first place.
But, I felt I had to start minoxidil right away because my hairline is fucked and I want to try to grow hair in some slick areas


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JayMan said:
what is the hurry? it will be just as effective in a year and that way he can accurately judge whether it's the proscar or the minoxidil giving the regrowth.

I was going to do that originally but responded to finasteride quicker than I thought I would, i don't seem to lose much hair at all now. I think that even if I experienced mild regrowth from it that it wouldn't be enough for me personally and I haven't heard of many significant hairgrowth stories from it alone. I kept hearing so many good stories about the foam that I couldn't help myself. :p



that's fine. i just try to clear up misconceptions that i see on here. finasteride and dutasteride are the drugs that are better started early, but minoxidil can be started at any time.


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JayMan said:

that's fine. i just try to clear up misconceptions that i see on here. finasteride and dutasteride are the drugs that are better started early, but minoxidil can be started at any time.
you say it like you know its right ,i want to see the proof please


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I'm now on day 111 for Proscar and have been applying Rogaine foam twice a day for 12 days also, I am definately still losing a little bit of hair but the foam is thickening my existing hair really nicely and it hasn't even started doing its real job yet so I'm pleased. A mixture of my hair getting longer and the foam holding it in place more has definately detracted from the fact that I'm thinning, I'm using no product in the photo.



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Your hair looks great, you can't really tell your thinning from that picture. You've responded well to the treatments!


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Wow, you have responded so well, your hair looks much thicker. And surely that's from finasteride + nizoral alone since you've only been on minoxidil for a few days? Honestly, why add minoxidil? Your hair looks great! Congrats mate.


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uk78 your hair looks much better!!!
ive counted the hairs in the pic and measurd hairline and i would say you are Norwood 1.6452345341


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looking good my friend... it gives us all hope wen we seeing people doing so well... i've been on finasteride for 5 weeks, i've ordered some foam, but i'm gonna hold out before using it though...


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gooner said:
looking good my friend... it gives us all hope wen we seeing people doing so well... i've been on finasteride for 5 weeks, i've ordered some foam, but i'm gonna hold out before using it though...
dont bother using it ive heard its so good people grow hair just from looking at it :freaked2:


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Thanks guys, I've been really pleased so far, I didn't think I would even grow my hair this long again at one point but the finasteride and nizoral has definately stopped the majority of the itching/ hairloss whilst the foam has thickened the existing hair and helped the texture allround, it's a good styling product too, if/ when I get reasonable regrowth from it I will be very pleased.

roki said:
uk78 your hair looks much better!!!
ive counted the hairs in the pic and measurd hairline and i would say you are Norwood 1.6452345341
