Today I Was Brutally Black Pilled...


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If you're not a money cuck to women, then you have to be a gigantic human dildo. Otherwise, a woman will never consider you.

In a nutshell, becoming a provider for anyone creates an incentive for them to start leeching off of you.

Pursuing the traditional male breadwinner gender role is setting yourself up as a money cuck for women.

Try going outside more often


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I've had literal nightmares about situations like that. I'm sorry you had to go through it.


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I went for a hair system consultation a few months ago. It was one of the best service providers in the country, I think. One of their Youtube videos is one of the most viewed of all hair system videos. Anyway, the person there told me that I'd have to stop using minoxidil and that I suited the shaved/buzzed look. That caused me to deliberate and be indecisive too much. Then I started a new job. The new job would have been the opportunity to wear the system, but I didn't. Now it's too late to start wearing. And I have heard the stories about what happens to men who wear hair.

For the other part, I am actually going to start writing my will next week. It will take at least a few weeks to complete. When it's done, I'll see how much longer I want.

If I were you I would wear it. Your co workers already view you as an inferior human genetically (your words). At least new people will not view you as an inferior human and fertile women will not treat you as an invisible creature.


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Honestly kinda have a hard time believing this story. Not the part that hairloss is a deal breaker for women but the fact that she saw your hair 3 times prior to this and was fine with it , than suddenly blocks you because you have a bad hair day?

Even if hair is important this makes no sense. There are other factors likely coming into play.


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I can relate to this as i had lived a similar situation. Yeah, it sucks but it is what it is. Most young women are disgusted by the sight of a balding scalp. There is a small percentage of young hot women who do not care about baldness if you are otherwise good looking. Do not lose your hope and live on.