Tinder 10/10 Male Experiment


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I've never been turned on by intelligence, talent, education or loyalty but a fine *** always does the job. I have no idea why some guys think women are that different. Those are of course things you want in a relationship but I don't see their values in getting turned.

A mere glimpse of a chick in a p**rn can get a man aroused but I don't think many get aroused by an academic lecture presented by a woman.


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Intelligence turns women on.

Talent turns women on.

Educated men turn women on.

Loyalty (this is my favorite by far!) turns women on!

This was gold. I'm saying this for your own good buckthorn: you're going to suffer a lot in the future if you keep thinking women like these exist.

They don't. They just don't. Even with my girlfriend, I thought I had found a girl like that. Women are human, and they're weak just like us men.

Stop idolizing women like that. You're talking about perfect beings with no flaws that aren't real. You'll be looking for these women a long time. In vain.

Did you actually read this? Because, you chose to leave out the very critical words AS WELL. This is what every one does on this thread. They try to engage in a debate by picking and choosing what gives them ammunition against the other person, while leaving out the critical details. All my girlfriends in my twenties were hands down the hottest girls you will ever see, hand down. I am not bragging, rather trying to reinforce my point. They obviously turned me on instantly, but I don't even think about them anymore. They never became important or substantially impacted my life. Why? because they didn't have that intelligence, humor, kindness. SO, if you're looking for a quick lay, then yes, all of you are 100% correct. Looks dictate everything. If you're looking for a partner, then no, they absolutely do not. Intelligence, humor, kindness, loyalty and stregth are important AS WELL. They will turn on a good woman AS WELL. O.k... now it's your turn to make up a bunch of sh*t I didn't say for a rebuttal. And Fred, I don't need your advice to better myself. My ability with women is stronger than your mind can comprehend. And swingline, no need to use small words man. I had my masters degree in molecular bio at 23, was a full time professor at 24 with published research, and built my own successful business from the ground up at 26.


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Don't listen to what women say, watch what they do.

Parisienne probably hooks up with tall, hot, NW1 strangers with a bland personality on the regular.

But of course here she will say that no, she's not shallow, despite not providing any evidence to the contrary.

If I say I'm not shallow, I would say that from time to time, I've dated girls who were a little overweight, or that were barely passable.

But notice what Parisienne does, she just shouts: "I'm not shallow! That guy would have no chance with me. Dot." And then no justification.

It's because she can't give any, because hypergamy dictates her choices. Girls from Paris are like the girls in every big city: extremely hypergamous.

And then of course, you have the white knights coming to defend her. But she cannot be blamed for what she's doing. It's the environnement that's doing that to her.

It's no surprise at least 90% of my ex-girlfriends come from the countryside, it's just impossible to date a woman from my city.

They have better-looking guys with more hair immediately available who are a phone call away. Why would they choose the half-bald above average guy when she can have the hot NW1?

Anyway, stop trying to be holier than thou and to pretend that you're not like any other girl, it's just tiring. All men know the truth now, especially thanks to these experiments.

It's not my place to comment on dating/hooking up/whatever you guys are into, no matter what age group, since I'm married.

Regarding Parisienne, she has shared some aspects of her private life with me. I can tell you that she is altruistic and currently involved in a cause that will help less-fortunate people greatly. She has never been negative about her hair loss, vowing to make wigs work for her, and I have to confess that I feel ashamed of how badly I'm handling this compared to such a young, pretty girl with dreams to fulfill. She has goals in life to pursue, and a BF is far from her top priority. That being said, whether she has casual sex or not or whether she's only interested in good-looking guys for any type of relationship, I can't say. I wouldn't think she'd bother with any guy who lacks substance and has low self-esteem. I could be wrong, but I do think she is an exception to the rule, and, unfortunately, I think she is rare. I know you have a lot of experience with women, Fred, so you, indeed, have heard them say one thing and then have seen them do another. Did you ever meet just one woman who was unique and genuine in her words and actions?


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I do what I can with women, we're all limited by our looks there, so congratulations, you were born good-looking.

It's funny that this is what you took away from that. I have seen your pictures, and actually you are better looking than I am dude. This has nothing to do with this. Once again, it's a complementation of multiple factors that turn a woman on. Looks are extremely important, I am NOT denying that. and, you're correct, I cannot get turned on by a woman that is very overweight. I could definitely, however, even get turned on by a bald woman or a woman that is not completely gorgeous in the face, if she has a good body. So, yes, I am not denying that there ARE physical pre-requisites. They are like drywall, paint and moldings, while, in a relationship, the soul is the brick and mortar.


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Yes, my current girlfriend, until two weeks ago.

Hear her out before you write her off. It was a tough situation, one no one wants to be in and no one knows for sure how he/she would handle unless it happened to him/her (like baldness). Unfortunately, you didn't get the opportunity to be part of the final decision.


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She comes back on Friday.

At least she asked me if I was OK as soon as she saw what happened in Brussels.

I really thought that maybe she just didn't care about me anymore.

You would be SHOCKED at what women are actually thinking. If she wanted to be done with you, she would. She would take the passive aggressive route of texting, or FB messaging you, "I love you and care about you, but I can't do this" type of thing. In one respect or another, she's definitely not done. Good luck bro. I know how hard it is.


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She comes back on Friday.

At least she asked me if I was OK as soon as she saw what happened in Brussels.

I really thought that maybe she just didn't care about me anymore.

I'm thinking she's feeling a lot of guilt now, with the time that's passed, and maybe she's trying to cope by avoiding you. She knows there's going to be a lot of hurt in your eyes and in your voice, and she could be feeling sick inside thinking about that. She may or may not be having regrets about the abortion, but I do think she is having big regrets about not informing you of the pregnancy.


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This are the words what i see in my country..
i am talking about 9s 10s guys,they have long list of girls that are too beautiful still they will marry the women with qualities...not looks..

i have seen average looking wives not holding their children( infants) in mall...
they will give their child to husband,mother /mother in law,anyone close one and walk like she did not have responsibilities at all...

i will never want such person in my life...

life should be 50---50.. u do half,i will do half..

This type of women will always land with best husband possible...remember marriage is once in a lifetime matter here(mostly)


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Hahaha I was just kidding. Of course Shakira is a pretty woman, I'm not blind :) She's not the prettiest I've seen, but a beautiful woman nevertheless.

I think we compare everyone to our girl Candice, who's a 10+. Actually, Monica Bellucci, still a 10 to me, was even prettier than Candice in her day.


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I think we compare everyone to our girl Candice, who's a 10+. Actually, Monica Bellucci, still a 10 to me, was even prettier than Candice in her day.

I might agree with you there. Monica Bellucci in her day was effortlessly beautiful. She has aged now but gracefully, and she's still very beautiful. I remember being in awe the first time I saw a picture of her. But then again, I was in awe the first time I saw Candice too. I think Candice has got the better body of the two though (just my preference). But I think I might agree with you that Monica Bellucci in her prime beats almost all other faces I've seen.


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When the women say they don't care about looks they lie.

Like Fred has said (I think?); don't listen to what women say - watch what they do.

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I think we compare everyone to our girl Candice, who's a 10+.

Anyway Joan, did you know our girl Candice is pregnant?! I follow her on Instagram, and she announced her pregnancy a few days ago. I'm happy for her, just hope she won't lose her body and get loads of stretch marks!


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The good looking guy clearly has good game based on his chat log feedback from other women.

game is legit!


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This is all kind of pointless unless we know what the women look like, how the **** has nobody mentioned this in this entire thread? Does everyone just need to believe these women are 9/10 goddesses so we can cut ourselves and feel like beta-cucks? That's the impression I get.

Of course he'll do better with goddesses as well but normally fat or ugly chicks will swoon shamelessly at any guy who has abs, even if he isn't actually that good looking.


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My ability with women is stronger than your mind can comprehend. And swingline, no need to use small words man. I had my masters degree in molecular bio at 23, was a full time professor at 24 with published research, and built my own successful business from the ground up at 26.

Well aren't you a fuqing super star! Ill say you're smart enough to shoe horn in some unneeded self touting but dumb enough to not see a generic joke that was in NO WAY directed at you.

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This backs up everthing I think and say. When the women say they don't care about looks they lie. Don't listen to it...it's the devil talking through them.

so the next time you ask her and she says so just spray her with holy water and say "the power of christ compels you!" over and over



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At what other age does someone usually get a masters degree? What the eff. As for being a full time professor at 24, we can all be whatever we want on the baldness forum.


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At what other age does someone usually get a masters degree? What the eff. As for being a full time professor at 24, we can all be whatever we want on the baldness forum.

Wasn't bragging dude, was just responding to an unnecessary, passive aggressive comment regarding my intelligence, That was in direct response to my post.

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Obviously, I am not too proud of myself, letting hair loss dictate my damn life. haha :whistle:


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Wasn't bragging dude, was just responding to an unnecessary, passive aggressive comment regarding my intelligence, That was in direct response to my post.

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Obviously, I am not too proud of myself, letting hair loss dictate my damn life. haha :whistle:

yeah read my comment above this


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As for being a full time professor at 24, we can all be whatever we want on the baldness forum.

Can everybody please chill out with the lying accusation game, as there is no ****ing interest in lying in a place where everyone post anonymously


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yeah read my comment above this

Alright brother, that's my bad then. I have been getting frustrated and unreasonably defensive lately. Product of quickly losing my physical identity and trying to find comfort in hair loss forums. :freak:

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Can everybody please chill out with the lying accusation game, as there is no ****ing interest in lying in a place where everyone post anonymously

and thank you. Good point.