Tinder 10/10 Male Experiment


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Quite astonishing how some guys here tell that girls they know would not go for that guy. IMO it is quite simple. First off, it's tinder. This means that a lot of the girls who are these are in for some adventure/meeting some strangers. Then, you only have some images of some guy. This is really superficial but that is the same way advertising works.

If there is nothing else to judge a guy from then his looks, the women responding go for the looks. In real life things look very different. We have charisma, talent or simply just our personality.

It's true that this is tinder, and that it's not a representative sample of "women", and #notallwomen, and so on.

With that said it's still insightful. Even if non-Tinder women are not exactly like this, there will still be this trend. It's also not the case that there is nothing to go on other than looks. This guy wrote a minimal profile, and he wrote very specific messages, going straight to talking about sex in a rude way and with bad grammar, things a lot of women say they don't want.


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But what can you do. As I've said before, if the guy is good-looking enough (for her), all her principles will go out the window.

Just like men do. It's almost like are females are humans with urges just like us. I still don't get why some guys WANT to think otherwise. Maybe it's how they manage to get a good sleep at night.


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Her demands for the last good-looking guy she had sex with: be good-looking. That's it.

With every post you make you sound more and more like a complete lunatic. I feel so sorry for any girlfriend of yours, current or future.

Each argument "Fred: its because i'm not good looking enough isn't it!? I bet you never told your NW1 ex that!!" Her: "you're starting to scare me... and anyway what the hell is a NW1!?"

You need help.


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Because women always insist on having those holy unbreakable principles and shove them down your throat at every occasion they get.

There are also a lot of white knights who also insist on this holy unbreakable principles, those are even more annoying. And I kind of get it, it's hard to say to a dude in his face, "you're one ugly dude, I have no intention in letting you touch me". And girls get hit on every time, it's hard to always be so honest. And they don't own a guy hitting on her nothing. If she wants to **** a handsome tall NW1, then it's her choice. Women aren't special snowflakes, they like to **** as much as much as us if not more lol.


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hahaha... nope, no woman I have ever dated in my history of dating would even touch that man. I have much better taste than that. I can arouse a good woman by simple playing the piano and singing to them. Bald or not, I would never consider someone who has, "The sky is the limit" tattooed across his chest as a threat to the type of women I am interested in.

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plus... Jason Statham would get choke out that man and walk away with HIS woman.

Read the Fox and the Grapes. Thats the gist I get from a lot of guys who say baldness isnt a bother.
Had they looked like that guy and were able to land a different girl of the 9-10 range once or twice a week with no effort they would be loving life. Since they cant they simply take the road where they put the women down by calling them shallow or dumb and saying the women THEY like are of better stature anyway.

Actually its a weird mix of the fox and the grapes and the emperors new clothes lol.

Im sorry but if you say you wouldnt want to be able to have something like this in your room every night


You are a LIAR.

"Oh the women I like have dignity and class"

Yeah but they look like this


and smell like an old shoe

yet in a strange way I commend all your lunacies and wish I could delude myself as well, life would be much easier.
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Read the Fox and the Grapes. Thats the gist I get from a lot of guys who say baldness isnt a bother.
Had they looked like that guy and were able to land a different girl of the 9-10 range once or twice a week with no effort they would be loving life. Since they cant they simply take the road where they put the women down by calling them shallow or dumb and saying the women THEY like are of better stature anyway.

Actually its a weird mix of the fox and the grapes and the emperors new clothes lol.

Im sorry but if you say you wouldnt want to be able to have something like this in your room every night


You are a LIAR.

"Oh the women I like have dignity and class"

Yeah but they look like this


and smell like an old shoe

yet in a strange way I commend all your lunacies and wish I could delude myself as well, life would be much easier.

The irony is that in most cases the girl below won't have "class" and will actually behave without dignity because she is rather unattractive.
I learned that pretty girls are actually much more enjoyable to be around, not just because they are pleasing to the eye, but because they lack the bitterness and constant need to make up for any lack good looks like the second girl. Everything about them is relaxed, laid-back and smooth, while the ugly ones are actually far more complicated to deal with.

It is an inconvenient truth, but nature does not care for fairness. It is not like you'd get any preferable traits in exchange for your not-so-good looks (not that they would matter anyway).


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Aside from looks, it's widely believed that women are attracted to power.




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Indeed Swingline, it's just a coping mechanism.

Like people who criticized me for having had three girlfriends at the same time.

"That's disrespectful man! I have too much respect for women so I wouldn't be able to do that!"

The guy who said that was an ugly guy (I'm not being mean, girls recoil when they see his face).

Sure, he couldn't ever do that, and that's because he has too much respect. How delusional can people be.

And again....more and more like a lunatic. Genuinely, have you ever taken those personality disorder tests before to see if you have certain tendancies? I'm no psychotherapist but if it's possible to be autistic and absolutely set on fine detail/beliefs and a bit of a psychopath at the same time with a disregard for others/ inability to empathise then you sound not far off it.

I also couldn't have girlfriends at the same time out of respect/principles. I've never cheated and hope I never will. I've slept with and dated a lot of women however so my 'looks' (or ability to attract women sexually in general rather) do not limit me.


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If there's one thing that I find unusual about FredTheBelgian,

It's that he doesn't credit his success with women to his confidence, nor his game, nor his charisma.

He says he does well because of his height and facial structure.

Regardless of accuracy, that's unusual. Most people who do well, in my observation, claim it's their personality.


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Like people who criticized me for having had three girlfriends at the same time.

"That's disrespectful man! I have too much respect for women so I wouldn't be able to do that!"

It's not as much as respect for women but for the girls you were dating. If they were on board then it's fine but doing it besides their back it's not alright.


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The moment we begin to quantify cheating practices is the moment we are lost.
I've seen firsthand how
dalliances in vengeful hypocrisy practices lead to interpersonal ruin; consequences
only a zombie could endure.

Whether you're a walking zombie or just another individual with uncontrollable sexual impulsivity,
everybody knows cheating on your so-called best friend, first mate or partner, will inevitably
lead to disaster.


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And it was also no surprise that it was the ugliest of the three girls that stayed.

I was watching a TV contest and there was a couple of a bald short dude and a nice girl. I said to my girlfriend, "the girl might have some really bad teeth to stay with this guy". When she smiled, it confirmed my theory. My girlfriend was like "how did you know?8O"

If that girl invested a money to get a Hollywood smile she probably wouldn't still be with that dude. Add some professional makeup and she could have been a hot model.

Same with the dude, put hair on his head, style it, a nice suit and we would have look presentable as ****.

The TV host had a hair transplant, porcelain veneers to have the whitest teeth possible and a ton of makeup to hide his age.

But looks don't matter. Just be confident.


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I was watching a TV contest and there was a couple of a bald short dude and a nice girl. I said to my girlfriend, "the girl might have some really bad teeth to stay with this guy". When she smiled, it confirmed my theory. My girlfriend was like "how did you know?8O"

If that girl invested a money to get a Hollywood smile she probably wouldn't still be with that dude. Add some professional makeup and she could have been a hot model.

Same with the dude, put hair on his head, style it, a nice suit and we would have look presentable as ****.

The TV host had a hair transplant, porcelain veneers to have the whitest teeth possible and a ton of makeup to hide his age.

But looks don't matter. Just be confident.

sex sells, and were ALL consumers!


In a way this is a good thing - its easier to work on your looks then it is to be a good human being.


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Read the Fox and the Grapes. Thats the gist I get from a lot of guys who say baldness isnt a bother.
Had they looked like that guy and were able to land a different girl of the 9-10 range once or twice a week with no effort they would be loving life. Since they cant they simply take the road where they put the women down by calling them shallow or dumb and saying the women THEY like are of better stature anyway.

Actually its a weird mix of the fox and the grapes and the emperors new clothes lol.

Im sorry but if you say you wouldnt want to be able to have something like this in your room every night


You are a LIAR.

"Oh the women I like have dignity and class"

Yeah but they look like this


and smell like an old shoe

yet in a strange way I commend all your lunacies and wish I could delude myself as well, life would be much easier.

black and white. that's all I am getting from this thread. If you noticed in my posts, I emphasize balance between your two perspectives with women, and this is what I am referring to. Women that sleep with douche bags, right off the cuff - yes, they are dumb and shallow. I am not saying they are horrible people. I am saying they are probably young and need to learn how to respect themselves. The women I date do, indeed have class. Because those are the women I seek. Yes, they are into looks, BUT other things, such as intelligence, talent, education and loyalty turn them on as WELL. Once they have a guy that is a 6 or a 7, that exhibits all these traits, they would NEVER cheat behind their back with douche's like this. I see that there is simply one way of thinking with most of you, which is FINE because, you're right it's mostly accurate. MOST women and MOST men are entirely dictated by looks when it comes to relationships, but SOME are influenced by a lot more. THOSE are the women I look for.


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and, please site where I said things like, "baldness isn't a bother" Once again, it seems that I am not the deluded one here. All my posts remind you what a horrible curse this is, how I am dealing with it horribly and how it greatly effects my self esteem... obviously that's why I am on here.


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black and white. that's all I am getting from this thread. If you noticed in my posts, I emphasize balance between your two perspectives with women, and this is what I am referring to. Women that sleep with douche bags, right off the cuff - yes, they are dumb and shallow. I am not saying they are horrible people. I am saying they are probably young and need to learn how to respect themselves. The women I date do, indeed have class. Because those are the women I seek. Yes, they are into looks, BUT other things, such as intelligence, talent, education and loyalty turn them on as WELL. Once they have a guy that is a 6 or a 7, that exhibits all these traits, they would NEVER cheat behind their back with douche's like this. I see that there is simply one way of thinking with most of you, which is FINE because, you're right it's mostly accurate. MOST women and MOST men are entirely dictated by looks when it comes to relationships, but SOME are influenced by a lot more. THOSE are the women I look for.

I disagree, you are saying dumb and shallow but in the end you are using them to reinforce negative feelings towards women who may not want to sleep with YOU, regardless whether you emphasize whether they are horrible people after.
There are plenty of intelligent successful women who partake in one night stands or casual relationships. There is nothing wrong with that. Sex is sex is sex. That is the discussion most guys here are having. Its legitimate "guy talk". Ive always said a guy can get a girl friend or a wife depending on the compromises he is willing to make, same for a woman. Sometimes those compromises are settling for less or self improvement. Sometimes its just patience and persistence.
In the end the sex is dictated by the looks yes, the relationship might not be, but it all depends on what you are looking for. Personally I have very little interests anymore in relationships. If I ever become single again it will be a LONG time before I lock down again. The problem with that is my look have taken such a huge hit by hair loss most women with the same interests will not look twice at me. Ill be attracting the more bland types looking for that guy who doesnt resemble their last fun time BF and "looks" like life has made him ready to settle down. Sex will more than likely be little interest to them until they know Im ready to commit.
Ive had female "fool around" friends in the past who were def interested in my looks but we had a lot of fun and good conversation, they were college educated or in college and most had very interesting talents.
You say everyone on here is stuck in a single way of thinking but it seems you are to so whats the difference. You claim to under stand my point then reinforce how its wrong. Im not debating, maybe Im personally misinterpreting your posts, Im really not interested in a massive 3 page overhaul of our differing opinions.
To say all women who might sleep around with hot guys are dumb, shallow and of no interest to you is very wrong. I would say if they spent their time in a real committed relationship with the douche bag simply because of his looks or great sex THEN they are dumb and shallow but if they are only using him to satisfy a carnal need than who really is the stupid one? For all you know they are getting a really good plowing (back to small words) then meeting up with their friends at the book store to talk about the super hot idiot shes crushing on the side and laughing behind his back.

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^ Shakira isn't even that pretty.

Evil Locks I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE NECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Evil Locks I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE NECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha I was just kidding. Of course Shakira is a pretty woman, I'm not blind :) She's not the prettiest I've seen, but a beautiful woman nevertheless.