Super Shed Just Began, Lost 158 Hairs In 5 Minutes With Pics.


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Admittedly despite my ridiculously long shedding I've experienced so far, I've lost less hair than I thought I would have at this point which I guess is positive. Something tells me this 'super shed' is due to me switching up the minoxidil ( I really f*****g hope it is ) I started drinking the liquid about 38 days ago and this shed started about 4 days ago.. So I guess it falls within the period of shedding associated with minoxidil. Since making the switch I am a lot hairier ( on the body ) and my beard is growing faster/thicker and new hairs ( on my face ) have popped up, two being extremely thick.

Did you try topical minoxidil first?

Is oral minoxidil proven to be better in anyway? Is there anecdotal evidence that it's better even?

I'm reaching close to Norwood 2.5 again and need to change something. I've upped my minoxidil usuage to 1.5 times as much (topically) but haven't noticed anything.


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Did you try topical minoxidil first?

Is oral minoxidil proven to be better in anyway? Is there anecdotal evidence that it's better even?

I'm reaching close to Norwood 2.5 again and need to change something. I've upped my minoxidil usuage to 1.5 times as much (topically) but haven't noticed anything.
There's no way I could commit to applying minoxidil topically, so I started on oral without ever touching the topical. I do believe there is evidence to suggest oral minoxidil is significantly more effective than topical, this is because when you digest the minoxidil it is more efficiently metabolised into Minoxidil Sulphate ( that's the chemical that does the regrowing )
From my experience with oral minoxidil when it was working my results were nothing short of great.. My whole head thickened up, thicker than it had ever been! My hair got darker, and I was regrowing my hairline and temples!! Good times.. I hope that will happen again due to my insane burst of body hair since I made the switch to drinking the topical.


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There's no way I could commit to applying minoxidil topically, so I started on oral without ever touching the topical. I do believe there is evidence to suggest oral minoxidil is significantly more effective than topical, this is because when you digest the minoxidil it is more efficiently metabolised into Minoxidil Sulphate ( that's the chemical that does the regrowing )
From my experience with oral minoxidil when it was working my results were nothing short of great.. My whole head thickened up, thicker than it had ever been! My hair got darker, and I was regrowing my hairline and temples!! Good times.. I hope that will happen again due to my insane burst of body hair since I made the switch to drinking the topical.

Any thickening of your eyebrows out of curiosity?

I really want to thicken my eyebrows.


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Any thickening of your eyebrows out of curiosity?

I really want to thicken my eyebrows.
Yeah definitely. My eyebrows were pretty thin before but now they are noticeably thicker! My eyelashes also got thicker and longer, apart from in the mornings oral minoxidil made me a bit more attractive.. And I was already attractive before lol


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Yeah definitely. My eyebrows were pretty thin before but now they are noticeably thicker! My eyelashes also got thicker and longer, apart from in the mornings oral minoxidil made me a bit more attractive.. And I was already attractive before lol

I seriously go up by a full point with darkened eyebrows.(my gf applied her eyebrow sh*t on my brows).

I could just dye them but my mates would slag the sh*t out of me. I'd love for them to just thicken up like my brothers are. They are the right shape, just to thin, looks like I only have half of my eyebrows.

I might look into oral minoxidil. I'm sure there are side affects I should be wary about.


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There's no way I could commit to applying minoxidil topically, so I started on oral without ever touching the topical. I do believe there is evidence to suggest oral minoxidil is significantly more effective than topical, this is because when you digest the minoxidil it is more efficiently metabolised into Minoxidil Sulphate ( that's the chemical that does the regrowing )
From my experience with oral minoxidil when it was working my results were nothing short of great.. My whole head thickened up, thicker than it had ever been! My hair got darker, and I was regrowing my hairline and temples!! Good times.. I hope that will happen again due to my insane burst of body hair since I made the switch to drinking the topical.

How long did your shed last with oral minoxidil? i just washed my hair and noticed a ton of hair on my hands, always gets me down but im hoping for the best. I strangely don't get bloated face with 5mg of minoxidil taken at night whereas with foam and dermarolling it was noticeable. No dark eyes either.


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How long did your shed last with oral minoxidil? i just washed my hair and noticed a ton of hair on my hands, always gets me down but im hoping for the best. I strangely don't get bloated face with 5mg of minoxidil taken at night whereas with foam and dermarolling it was noticeable. No dark eyes either.
So far 9 and a half months and counting. 5mg shouldn't give you a bloated face, but I'm on 10mg - 12mg.


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I seriously go up by a full point with darkened eyebrows.(my gf applied her eyebrow sh*t on my brows).

I could just dye them but my mates would slag the sh*t out of me. I'd love for them to just thicken up like my brothers are. They are the right shape, just to thin, looks like I only have half of my eyebrows.

I might look into oral minoxidil. I'm sure there are side affects I should be wary about.

Definitely look in to oral minoxidil, i wish i had looked in to it when i first started tackling my hairloss in January. It's really not as dangerous as it is made out to be at the right dosages imo. My blood pressure and heart rate are fine at 5mg.


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How long did your shed last with oral minoxidil? i just washed my hair and noticed a ton of hair on my hands, always gets me down but im hoping for the best. I strangely don't get bloated face with 5mg of minoxidil taken at night whereas with foam and dermarolling it was noticeable. No dark eyes either.
Oh wait did you mean the initial shed? If so about 3 - 4 weeks.


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Yeah i meant the initial shed, thanks Andy. Im really hopeful this will work and i can put this hair loss nightmare part of my life behind me lol.
If its Loxidil you've got then you're in good hands, that sh*t is really amazing! Shed can be brutal though, but ride it out!


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If its Loxidil you've got then you're in good hands, that sh*t is really amazing! Shed can be brutal though, but ride it out!
I ordered 10mg of 100 tablets from Thailand. It arrived today and am surprised to see it is Loxidil



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@CrownBalding as promised. The black edits are with wet hair and the red edits are dry hair. You can see the thinning at the sides of my hairline in the top down pics.. Especially in the 5th wet one.


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@CrownBalding as promised. The black edits are with wet hair and the red edits are dry hair. You can see the thinning at the sides of my hairline in the top down pics.. Especially in the 5th wet one.

Your hair looks very good to me, i thought it would be worse than that. I would be more than happy to take it off your hands lol


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Your hair looks very good to me, i thought it would be worse than that. I would be more than happy to take it off your hands lol
I think it looks a bit worse in person. My recession is a bit weird as my hairline seems to recede in a higher angle than most peoples so from the sides it looks like I only have slightly receded temples but from the top down view you can see it is a sharp V shape. Thanks though, I know I still have most of my hair but I pretty much had all my hair when I first started treatments so I'm upset that I've lost ground.


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Oral Minoxidil is definitely stronger. I got mine from Thailand Pharmacy and I take 2.5mg in the morning and 5 mg in the evening. Im two months and one week in and I haven't seen regrowth yet. Started losing a ton of hair from donor areas too. Be careful.

I just started oral minoxidil, 5mg at night, are you still shedding after 2 months? i thought it would have subsided by now.


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it blows my mind that you lose as much as hair as you do and still have that head of hair haha.
It is pretty weird, but I have thinned out a bit upfront because of the shedding. I'm hoping this bad shed is due to switching minoxidil brands and I get some nice gains eventually, using concealer sucks!


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@CrownBalding as promised. The black edits are with wet hair and the red edits are dry hair. You can see the thinning at the sides of my hairline in the top down pics.. Especially in the 5th wet one.
Just saw this. Damn Andy for how much you shed you still have great hair, I don’t understand it. Sure your temples are a bit receded (nothing I would’ve noticed before I was balding) but density wise it looks like you’re on point. I can see the very slight thinning in your hair line in those wet pics but dude your hair’s wet lol.

I’d definitely like to see pics in a month or so. But to me, your hair looks great and I seriously wouldn’t have realized I was balding if I had your hair (I saw new freckles pop up on my temples over the past two years and never thought about balding, f***).


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Just saw this. Damn Andy for how much you shed you still have great hair, I don’t understand it. Sure your temples are a bit receded (nothing I would’ve noticed before I was balding) but density wise it looks like you’re on point. I can see the very slight thinning in your hair line in those wet pics but dude your hair’s wet lol.

I’d definitely like to see pics in a month or so. But to me, your hair looks great and I seriously wouldn’t have realized I was balding if I had your hair (I saw new freckles pop up on my temples over the past two years and never thought about balding, f***).
Thanks man, it is strange. I'm shedding a f*** tonne so eventually it will have to affect my hair appearance-wise. I'll give updates in late October.