Success on KSR [with pics]


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Casper, did you just starting using hair loss treatments in 2007 or did you use any prior treatments before your KSR?

Tried minoxidil alone about 10 years ago for six months to a year with little results and I stopped. At the time
my only loss was at the hairline. In November 2007 I started looking for info on hair transplant's and came here. That is
when I started KSR. I really did not expect much due to my lack of success with minoxidil by itself.

casperz, can you post your latest pics?

Yea I really need to get that done to see where I am, the problem is I get home from work after dark
and I need to take the pictures outside to get good ones. Weekends are always crazy and I forget to do it.

I'm interested to see where things stand, the last pictures did not show much improvement over the last
ones I took here so I did not bother to upload them.


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You definitely must be responding to the finasteride ALONG with the minoxidil since you did not in the past with just minoxidil and minor thinning. So most likely the finasteride helped you the most.


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I've read here that some people don't do well on either minoxidil or finasteride alone, but together they
get results. I'll never know for sure what was the trigger, just that I did respond to something.


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Time for your next photo update, Casperz! Do you have an afro yet?! Keep us all posted with that amazing progress...



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I just took a bone over that booty in caspers avatar... looks like the finasteride sides havent got me yet.


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Looks like the large version of my avatar was deleted by moderators
but if anyone would like to see it google "epic booty" and you will
find it at


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hey man. just started fincar myself and keep hearing bad things about it. how have you found it. def legit?


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hey man. just started fincar myself and keep hearing bad things about it. how have you found it. def legit?

Fincar works well for some. You may be one of the lucky ones that has
no sides and great results. But the thing is you cannot tell if you
will be one one of the lucky ones or ones with terrible side effects.

And most of the responders with great results will tell you that their
hair is not as good as it once was, they are just less bald than they
were. I went from NW4 or 5 to maybe NW2 but I still think of myself
as balding. I want the CURE not all this crap we all go through for less
than 100% recovery.

I'm not dissatisfied, in fact when I first got results around 6 months
I posted here I was really happy, but what i found is that once you
recover somewhat you want more... and now I want 100%.

So give yourself 6 months see it it works and monitor any side effects
and adjust your plan as you go. Take lots of pictures.


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Re: Success on KSR [new pics 03/2009]

Well I finally took some new pictures this weekend. These are 16 months into
my treatment regime.

The last pictures I took were around month 12 and I did not see much
improvement over the 8 month pictures. I was not expecting much change
this time but I do think thinks have gotten a lot better. The crown and vetex
continue to lead in the recovery. But the frontal/hairline area's are slowly
recovering as well. I did start Glycolic acid peels on my scalp in the past
four months so that may have something to do with the improvement the
past four months.

All these pictures are taken in bright sunlight so there is more scalp showing
than normal. This is a closeup if the crown, I'm amazed that the thinning
area's continue to shrink.


The frontal area:


The Vertex:


The crown again from the side


Crown again from the back


From a slightly different angle and lighting


Another angle closeup of the crown:


A closeup of the crown:


And here is were I started in November 2007:


Overall I'm pretty happy, I've posted before that I wanted 100% recovery and
that is probably very unrealistic given today's technology and the fact I was
already a NW4 or 5. I think if I can maintain this for a few years I'll call this
successful based on current technology.

I'll take new pictures in July at month 20. My goal is simplify my
regime the next four months and then reevaluate.

I also want to thank everyone for the support and advise the past year and
a half, if it were not for this website I'd still be a Norwood 4 or 5.


Established Member
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Good job on that! :punk:

What is you current regiment?


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You can click the button "View my regime" after everyone's message to
see what their regime is. I never noticed that button until a couple of
weeks ago.

Here is my regime:

As of 02/2009:
1.25 finasteride daily (1/4 of a 5mg Proscar)
1.5ml mixox twice daily (.75 front, .75 back)
.05 retin-a cream nightly (3 pea size globs)
Tricomin every day
1% or 2% Nizoral every day
Daily vitamins: 1 1000mg Salmon oil, 2 GNC MegaMen vitamins,
2 300mg l-carnitine, 4 1000mg MSM, 4 1000mg vit-C and 2 250mg alpha-lipoic-acid daily.
Monthly 30% Glycolic Acid scalp peel (started 11/08)

Since Nov of 2007 I've been on finasteride/min/nizoral/retin-a and the vitamins without
missing a dose.

I've taken away a few things and it has not seemed to matter. Some of the
things I've dropped include emu oil, hydrocortisone cream, topical spironolactone (at
least for now since I'm out), nizoral cream, copper peptides, 15% minoxidil
and topical caffeine. I also did scalp massage for the first 6 months or so.

The Glycolic acid scalp peels are the latest addition and I've gotten some
new re-growth since starting, so I'm hopeful that it is increasing absorption
or maybe just improving the scalp skin.


Established Member
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great results....

where did you orderd the Glycolic acid scalp peels ?

how many times do you use it ?
does it not irritate the scalp ?


Experienced Member
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Thanks man.

I use it once a month and my scalp is tender and red for a day or two,
but after that it feels smooth and healthy. I have had several sunburns
on my head over the years and the skin around the hairline was looking
like a burn victim before I started. I've done about 3 peels and the skin
looks a lot younger and very healthy and has lost that burn victim look.

Not sure where to get it, my wife uses it on her face and I just use hers. I
did a search on google and found a lot of sellers. I use 30%. loss=en&q=glycolic+peel&btnG=Google+Search


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I've not been on here in a while, but yep, still going strong. The gains are still coming but more slowly and only on the top/vertex. Front center has had some regrowth but has not changed much in the last 3 months. Looking at hair transplant options for the front but I'm hesitant to go that route with some of the newer things coming.


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No, I've never had a shed.