Somebody's Story | 25 Finasteride Results | 7 Mo Treatment (pics)


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Can you post this image for us to check the difference?
Have few pictures from that time. I think most of them I have posted before. In 2007 I was still able to "cover" my hair loss issue. In 2008 it was not possible anymore, hair where very thin at that time.


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That's some massive regrowth.
Yep.My point is that its possible to get it all back. I was able to do it. And my hair loss was aggressive and I was balding very fast.


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hey great results keep it up man and thanks for updates 1 question do you have hairloss or shedding any more like how many in shower or brushing ...?


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hey great results keep it up man and thanks for updates 1 question do you have hairloss or shedding any more like how many in shower or brushing ...?
Yeah sometimes, I think there are natural cycles that go on from time to time. Have days when I have like 40+ hair after shower and sometimes just 20 hair. Normally just short hair that are shedding.

I add a picture of hair that fall out after I take shower yesterday. My hair now is long and mostliy its just short hair that shedd.


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how i know if i have scalp inflammation ?
and if i dont have the inflammation and i use the perilla leaves, is it ok?


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how i know if i have scalp inflammation ?
If you have scalp inflammation you will feel discomfort and it itch . It just feels like there is something wrong. And when you scrach hair also fall out.
If there are also external inflammation it will be inching, have a redness, etc. At worst in 2011 my hair fall out and hair root had a yellow lump under.
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Sorry if you already answered these questions.

How often do you use the derma roller? At what point did you change your diet? What do you think is the biggest reason for your gains?


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Bey OP do you think Minoxidil is a good way to refill temples? How effective was it for you? Do you think the dermaroller is absolutely necessary for better results? Do you think dermaroller would help even if not using any hair med?


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Yes, I think so. Very effective. Check pic

Yes. Have pic with only minoxidil few pages back. And you can definetly see difference. At that time I was applying just minoxdil on topp, but in front I was doing also dermarolling. And difference is huge! Scroll back few pages and you will see pic I'm talking about.

I use dermaroller for better absorption of minoxidil. But I know that some users who only dermaroller for collogen production. I have not tried it so I do not know if it works. Other thing is that from youtube I have seen that some combin oils and Dermaroller with good results. I have not tried it.
Im thinking about doing Oral minoxidil & Topical minoxidil. What do you think?


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Im thinking about doing Oral minoxidil & Topical minoxidil. What do you think?
I was thinking about the same back in 2012. But I was afraid of side effects and didn't try it.
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michel sapin

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and to all those who say that ùinoxidil cause facial aging , you prove that they are wrong . you look even youger than baseline .


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crazy result man !
and great body transformation .
Thanks. I week a ago I was at doctor office to renew my prescription for propecia. Have same doctor since 2004, but haven't meet him for long time. Anyway he was really impresed with my results. He even take picture of my hair line and top, and asked if it was okey to show my relults with colleagues and other clients.

and to all those who say that ùinoxidil cause facial aging , you prove that they are wrong . you look even youger than baseline .
Yes, right. My skin is so much better than when I was 25. Part of reason is that I use supplements like omega etc. Other thing is that I do not let Minoxidil run down the face or forehead. Just apply where it need to be applied.


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Do you apply any topicals on your skin?
I take taurine ginger and tumeric extract is that good enough to control inflammation? I don't think I show any sign of having inflammation. I also do intermittent fasting which reduces inflammation. Ginger and tumeric also boosts testosterone. Is that a concern for us male pattern baldness guys?


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I seen your video on oils. I use emu oil sometimes before bed. Is it better to wash it out in the morning or leave it on till the next time I shampoo?