slybaldguys forum


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HairPieceMan said:
well when people see you bald they assume you wont have hair again and it's genetic.

so your best telling people its for a role and you have hair, otherwise they will be surpised to see you with hair again later.
And the poor guy has been completely typecasted thanks to that

I agree that I look at him with his hair grown back and he looks really weird, but it's just because I first knew him bald and grew accustomed to that look.

People don't want to see Rosenbaum, they want to see Lex Luthor. The same way people still see Clooney as that ER guy. First impressions matter a lot.

About SBG, I agree with Nene, the best path to fight baldness is just acceptance. But I think growing delusional is just a side-effect of investing too much time into that.

Anyone heard about "70's Big"? One thing is being into training and eating tons. But some people who live by that philosophy are very delusional about their self-image, claiming they are not fat even when they wear 40 size jeans just because they can lift a lot


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uncomfortable man said:
I remember an interview with lex frrom Smallville and how he felt about being bald for the role. He said that older women would approach him all the time and tell him how sexy he looks on the show. He had to stess the point that he wasnt bald and indeed has a full head of hair....he talked as if baldness were a bad STD or something.

Yeah, he never accepted his shaved look unfortunately.

His self image is very different from Lex Luthor. In real life, he is a kinda goofy, silly man. Completely different from his character. Tom Welling has commented on this and on how great of an actor Rosenbaum really is. That people dont realise how different Lex is from Rosenbaum.

If you view yourself as goofy, being bald doesnt work.


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HairPieceMan said:
piece of advice

NEVER go to slybaldguys forum.

these guys are NUT jobs.

they think

+ EVERY guy looks better sly, than hair, qoute "think about it, when was the last time you saw someone with hair then bald and thought he looked better with hair?" < this is the mentality of the place.

+ Joe satriani looks MUCH better bald (serisouly wtf)

+ michael stipe looks MUCH better bald (again wtf)

most forums go on about how amazing michael stiped looked with hair, and how terrible he looks bald (or at least ok), certainly not FAR GREATER bald.

they go around saying how great it is to be bald, and how they LOVE it, 80% of the users look like they could do with hair.

i think these guys have phycoligcal problems, baldnes is OK at best, can be good on others, but to make claims that every guy looks better bald and that joe satraini looks MUCH better sly, i mean that is just retardation, im sure HE would even say i looked at least better with hair.

Looked at that forum the other day. Was trying to find it again via google search and found this.
It seems like a positive place for guys struggling with hairloss not sure why you categorize them as nutjobs.

Here's the thing---not everyone wants to wear a toupee/wig all day/every day.
Even the very best ones look fake--some are faker than others, but at the end of the day even a little fake is still fake.

Hair transplants are a joke, even in this day and age for anyone with a lot of hair loss. Elton John has more money than anyone. Dont you think he would have had it done if it were any good ?

I agree that bald doesn't suit everyone--BUT--it definitely looks better than having a horseshoe or combover or "the costanza" giant forehead look.


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FUpshaw said:
I agree that bald doesn't suit everyone--BUT--it definitely looks better than having a horseshoe or combover or "the costanza" giant forehead look.

Totally agree! but what he meant (allow me to defend HPM for once :S ) that youll find posts like "DOOD, YOU TOTTALLY LOOK BETTER BALD THEN WITH HAIR!"

or "if i knew id look *THAT* good shaved id never let my hair grow!" etc etc... there are some members there (many actually) that thinks that being bald (like shaved nw7) is better then having a full mop :dunno:

this is where the line between "positive attitude" and being delusional is crossed imo...


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Yep, this is true ^

However, delusion is still more preferable than some of the extreme negativity around here in my view. I know, it's a hair loss forum, it is to be expected to a good degree, but some of the stuff being posted is way over the top. I said it in another thread. Sly bald guys are constantly being mocked on here and yet views such as "hair loss is a valid reason to kill yourself" are often considered normal. Yeah, they are the messed up ones! :)


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Whatever means someone finds to feeling better about this should be embraced. I think its great everyone is so supportive over there. I think a razor is preferable to using experimental drugs and bizarre tattooing some do.

Take a step back and realize the madness that is the norm for some of out fellow posters.


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perhaps but its their opinion of the asthetic look of a fully bald white man, they seem to have this opinion that ITS THE BEST LOOK EVER, when it clearly isnt the case.

yes tatooing is "wierd" but at the end of the day there is no way someone would agree that having NO HAIR vs a tatooed head lookes better with NO HAIR, of course there are problem for the tatoo solution but IMO you cant say that asthetically the tatoo is the superior option and looks better.


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HairPieceMan said:
yes tatooing is "wierd" but at the end of the day there is no way someone would agree that having NO HAIR vs a tatooed head lookes better with NO HAIR,

I think the vast majority would disagree.

HairPieceMan said:
of course there are problem for the tatoo solution but IMO you cant say that asthetically the tatoo is the superior option and looks better.

I agree




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lol what.

ok what im saying is a buzzed down head with a hairline looks 100x better than a sly bald man, aka joe satriani vs wentworth miller bald, or vin diesel in babylon a.d in early 40s (i believe that is a tatoo).

but everyone on their thinks hairlines suck, who needs a hairline, they seem to worhship sly bald as a style and prefers it over buzzed shaved head.


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HairPieceMan said:
lol what.

ok what im saying is a buzzed down head with a hairline looks 100x better than a sly bald man, aka joe satriani vs wentworth miller bald, or vin diesel in babylon a.d in early 40s (i believe that is a tatoo).

but everyone on their thinks hairlines suck, who needs a hairline, they seem to worhship sly bald as a style and prefers it over buzzed shaved head.

Gotcha gotcha...I misunderstood you.

Yes I agree with that which is also why I think tattooed hair looks so ridiculous. Texture looks subtle but it makes all the difference.


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agreed but what im saying is that slybald guys thinks a genuine NW1 with a buzzed down hair looks "stupid" and hairlines are aethtically not as appealing as being fully bald.

but i truly believe that we are meant to have a hairline and its not correct to miss a hairline and i don't think its the greatest thing in the world to not have a hairline and we look great without one and "if i could grow my hair back i wouldnt i would keep shaving every 12 hours to have no hairline SLY BALD RULEZ".


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Perhaps they genuinely do believe a sly bald head looks better than a buzz cut. Certainly not the opinion most people share but still, I wouldn't consider them nutters. I'm possibly considering scalp micropigmentation in the future. I'm sure a person with such procedure done would get laughed at over there, and perhaps rightly so. Opinions and all that.


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Maystor said:
Yep, this is true ^

However, delusion is still more preferable than some of the extreme negativity around here in my view. I know, it's a hair loss forum, it is to be expected to a good degree, but some of the stuff being posted is way over the top. I said it in another thread. Sly bald guys are constantly being mocked on here and yet views such as "hair loss is a valid reason to kill yourself" are often considered normal. Yeah, they are the messed up ones! :)

replace ''is'' with ''could be a valid reason''. and ''it's worse than cancer"' easily tops this one (statement made by beingbaldsucks), even i, despite my extreamly negative outlook, had to strongly disagree with that.

at least suicide is a conscious choice, whereas with cancer you don't get the privilege to make a choice.


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FUpshaw said:
Hair transplants are a joke, even in this day and age for anyone with a lot of hair loss. Elton John has more money than anyone. Dont you think he would have had it done if it were any good ?

Elton had a hair transplant back in the 80's it failed and he's a NW6 anyway. But if he were a NW3/4 and had a modern hair transplant it would be a different story.


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One thing I've noticed about SBG is that where the average member on here is like 18 - 30 over on SBG they all seem to be 40's/50's even 60's which makes me think that if a guy is still obsessed about it enough to be posting at that age it must have had a huge effect on them. So their insistance that its no big deal does'nt quite add up to me.
Also I have to LOL at phrases like "My wife finds it sexy".


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ye i noticed that too, i couldnt really identify with the posters there since 80% were over 40, also there was one really offensive poster that wore a hairpiece from ages 22-37 then decided to embrace baldness AFTER getting married and having 3 children and everyone praised him lol.

its like that is hardly the point, your not really a true sly bald guy if your a middle aged man that decided to "clean up" your balding head and your married with 3 children in your late 40s.

everyone was praising him like "welcome to the middle aged man club where we are all settled with our partners and decided to be a walking cueball at this point in our lives."

got f*** all to do with me!

its not the same as the early 20s guy that looks soo stupid for his age if he grows out his hair so decide to adopt this "look" as an act of desperation of some kind.

anyway how do you know of eltons hair transplant, i saw he was a diffuse NW5 in his mid 20s, then i thougth he wore wigs in 30s and his wigs got better in 50s or so.


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I remember it being reported about many years ago, that would have been the old plug style hair transplant.


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HairPieceMan said:
ye i noticed that too, i couldnt really identify with the posters there since 80% were over 40, also there was one really offensive poster that wore a hairpiece from ages 22-37 then decided to embrace baldness AFTER getting married and having 3 children and everyone praised him lol.

its like that is hardly the point, your not really a true sly bald guy if your a middle aged man that decided to "clean up" your balding head and your married with 3 children in your late 40s.

everyone was praising him like "welcome to the middle aged man club where we are all settled with our partners and decided to be a walking cueball at this point in our lives."

So you think its better to wear a hairpiece/wig hair your whole life not really knowing who can tell if your hair is real or fake or not instead of making peace with it and being comfortable in your own skin ?


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s.a.f said:
I remember it being reported about many years ago, that would have been the old plug style hair transplant.

acutally i have a pic of him wearing hair in 30s, a big bush style hair, i doubt he took it off and exposed a bad hair transplant job, guy was way too diffused in his mid 20s to be saved by anything at that time.

he wore big beavers in his 30s, i can confirm i have never seen anything on him but beavers then better wigs in 50s.