Scalp Massages And Their Potential For Regrowth


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Day 2 of doing deep scalp massage. A bunch of dry, yellow sh*t came out of my scalp. Its dry like dandruff, but yellow. Could this be sebum plugs?


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Day 4 of scalp massages : scalp is calm. doesn't itch or have as much inflammation. Not sure yet if this is due to massage, something else I'm trying to coincidence.

Mandar kumthekar

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I had been doing scalp massage for 6 months and it gaves me nothing but sore fingers and hairloss. Scalp massage is good for headaches but it don't have any effect on hair growth.
Blood flow theory is crap ,if that was case transplanted hairs would fall immediately after procedure. A new paper quoted that minoxidil works as AR receptors antagonist not as vasodilator.

Me Vs DiffuseThinning

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I had been doing scalp massage for 6 months and it gaves me nothing but sore fingers and hairloss. Scalp massage is good for headaches but it don't have any effect on hair growth.
Blood flow theory is crap ,if that was case transplanted hairs would fall immediately after procedure. A new paper quoted that minoxidil works as AR receptors antagonist not as vasodilator.
Link to the paper?


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Day 6 of scalp massage: the scalp is slightly less tense in certain areas. Not anything like OP where he can easily pinch the skin. Less work to move it compared to day 1. This feels very early on. I'm sure if I stopped for a few days the tension would go back to normal.


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2 weeks of scalp massage:
and zix. Scalp inflammation is down. Skin becoming much more loose, can start to barely pinch skin with significant difficulty. If I forget to do it for a day, or get lazy and don't do it well, it tightens up again very quickly. No idea if its helping actual hair but will keep doing as it makes the scalp feel better.


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2 weeks of scalp massage:
and zix. Scalp inflammation is down. Skin becoming much more loose, can start to barely pinch skin with significant difficulty. If I forget to do it for a day, or get lazy and don't do it well, it tightens up again very quickly. No idea if its helping actual hair but will keep doing as it makes the scalp feel better.
Any more news or updates on your scalp massaging?


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Apparently there is a risk for some people that massaging the scalp could actually help DHT attack the scalp rather then stop it?
The shedding part I can see the logic behind, the hair strands shedds off and stronger takes it place. Think about it, the sebum build up that block nutrition and coitains DHT both outside and inside, thats a real hair killer. But getting away with that def brings more good than bad and think about it, a with good blood flow like minoxidil also provides, than how come pple get regrowth from minoxidil if this would be so bad. Check the source "beIgraviacentre", know what do they do? They sell stuff. Stuff for hair. I read this technique on a other site that tried to dismiss some topical as ineffective. And what did they do? They sell minoxidil...
That scalp massage somehow would be bad for the hair I call complete horse sh*t.


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The shedding part I can see the logic behind, the hair strands shedds off and stronger takes it place. Think about it, the sebum build up that block nutrition and coitains DHT both outside and inside, thats a real hair killer.



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Armando Jose

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I remember having some of this on the outside of my scalp a few years ago, it's like little grains of sand. I also remember reading clogged sebum can build up in the scalp and harden causing hair loss. Scalp massages ensure you release any excess sebum so they are also helpful in that regard.
When my shedding was worse I had these little "grains of sand" in my hair too. I don't seem to have them much anymore since I started using a homemade oil topical. I also derma roll (0.5 mm and 1.0 mm) and use Regenepure, a ketoconazole shampoo. My hair loss hasn't seemed to have gotten worse, at least not noticeably, but hasn't seen any regrowth either.

I started these scalp massages 3 weeks ago so we'll see how that goes. I don't notice any crunching sounds but I think my scalp may be loosening a bit. I think my scalp is more sensitive since I've been doing the massages, not sure what to think about that.

I've also been using onion juice topically for 2 and a half months (2x/week) but I'm not sure if it has helped and the smell is hard to get rid of even after shampooing.


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Doing 2x20 minute massages is definitely tough. Majority of the time I’m able to fit them in but a couple of days a week I can only fit in 1 massage. That’s impressive how loose your scalp is...I’m definitely not there yet but hopefully in a few months. Will be interesting to see what Rob says regarding finasteride and scalp effect.
Any updates from the massaging? Have you stuck with it for a year? I've been doing a 20 minute massage once per day for about 6 weeks now and plan on doing it for the next year at least.


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I just started scalp massages, doing this for 2 weeks, twice a day, 10 minutes each. I havent heard any crunching sound from my scalp, and Im massaging pretty hard. What does it mean?