Safest Antiandrogen For Your Dick - Bicalutamide


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This thread is a pretty short sample size to conclude anything. Finasteride and minoxidil stop hair loss for most people and provide at least some regrowth. So, most of these hair loss sufferers don't keep wandering on this forum. Also, a good proportion of people here are those for whom either finasteride didn't work or got sides from it. You belong to second category.

You realise Derelict isn't anyway going to get a gf while being bald, so he may be correct in preferring hair over sex drive. What would he do with libido at this point?

Also, you might want to look into the thread where a guy tells various measures to overcome finasteride's sides.. Yes, including sexual ones. If finasteride worked for you, you can take it again with those methods. Good luck!

BTW, have you tried RU?

It's not just baldness, i also have pretty severe social anxiety and severe schizophrenia. Not good traits to have when you want to date a girl. I have almost come to terms with the fact i will never date because of my issues, but i would love to get my hair back for my own personal reasons, nothing to do with attracting the opposite sex.


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It's not just baldness, i also have pretty severe social anxiety and severe schizophrenia. Not good traits to have when you want to date a girl. I have almost come to terms with the fact i will never date because of my issues, but i would love to get my hair back for my own personal reasons, nothing to do with attracting the opposite sex.

I find being alone is what makes me happier; relationships nowadays appear to be bait for failure.


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It is really sad. I was following him on his journey taking bicalutamide. I was curious what would happen while taking a powerful androgen antagonist. I really think we already have the cure, but in exchange with masculanity. Bica seems to treat hair loss while keeping the individual masculine.
If I ever get on Bicalutamide (hope not) and get my hair loss stopped, I'll give all my heart to DHTcel, he is the one who offered me precious info. I will without a doubt do extensive research before taking any med, but this dude showed me the route, for which I am really grateful.

RIP DHTcel Jan 2019 - June 2019
you'll always be remembered :(


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Why was he banned?



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Miralut and noorwood whitecel. The guy was amazing though

Wait, the poster Niralut was actually DHTcel all along? Are you saying he disliked his own posts?



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Wait, the poster Niralut was actually DHTcel all along? Are you saying he disliked his own posts?

Miralut and Niralut are/were different account, homie. I don't want to say anything more on this topic as he was a good friend (if I can say that; don't have any better word, but we only talked in threads, never in PM) of mine. (you see if I'm having a fight/grudge with you and I make an account and dislike my own posts, I can easily allege you, right.)


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Update: he said that the other accounts are not his, and he was banned for starting too many threads.

I disagreed with DHTcel on a lot of things but banning someone for creating too many threads doesn’t sound too fair?



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I disagreed with DHTcel on a lot of things but banning someone for creating too many threads doesn’t sound too fair?


I agree... It’s similar to how AntyDHTor got banned, which was also for minimal reasons.


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I agree... It’s similar to how AntyDHTor got banned, which was also for minimal reasons.

Ikarus and I agree on something. World has ended.



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Why would someone create two accounts and spend ages looking through all DHTcel's posts to give him 500 "likes" using these two accounts? And it looks like the user (which had an almost identical username to one of those two accounts) that disliked a load of DHTcel's posts then undid all these dislikes. Seems a bit odd if you ask me.


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Why would someone create two accounts and spend ages looking through all DHTcel's posts to give him 500 "likes" using these two accounts? And it looks like the user (which had an almost identical username to one of those two accounts) that disliked a load of DHTcel's posts then undid all these dislikes. Seems a bit odd if you ask me.

Obsessed fans


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Why would someone create two accounts and spend ages looking through all DHTcel's posts to give him 500 "likes" using these two accounts? And it looks like the user (which had an almost identical username to one of those two accounts) that disliked a load of DHTcel's posts then undid all these dislikes. Seems a bit odd if you ask me.
As if wasting a lot of time checking every single story here wasnt enough