Replicel Is On Fire Lately — Data In Feb.


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I think we all know there could easily be delays for any reason. It's happened countless times, so it isn't out of the question for these to be released later. I tend to agree with @occulus that replicel becoming a preventative could impact people that need more than that now. You've all presented examples of science still working to solve problems, but I do think this takes a portion of the potential earning power from developing a remedy for those needing new hairs, which makes it harder for companies to commit money to developing a solution. That doesn't mean they won't, but I would guess it'll certainly impact how hard companies will push. Hopefully I'm wrong, and hopefully there aren't delays, and we get treatments that can solve this disease asap! I do understand people hesitating to accept timelines considering all the delays these companies have encountered tho.

Don't worry, you are definitely wrong just like that lying troll occulus.

Even if Replicel arrests hair loss it will not eliminate bald people from earth the day its' marketed. It will take a few generations to do that.

The soonest Replicel hits the market is late 2018 and more likely mid 2019. By mid 2019 Tsuji should have completed phase 1, Follica will be about to hit the marketplace, and Loreal 3-d follicle printing should have completed phase 1. Plus there are other treatments that I haven't mentioned, such as Kerastem. The researchers & investors behind these treatments are not going to abandon their projects because Replicel will rid the world of baldness 50 - 60 years after it's marketed. These researchers and companies will be happy to sell hair to bald men/women for 50 years while Replicel slowly over time prevents all future 18 year olds from losing hair.

Plus there's the issue of competition. Some people might rather a one life-time treatment such as Tsjui's technique or Loreal's 3-d printing versus Replicel's technique that may require new injections every few years. Lots of health problems have more than one treatment.

Plus there are people who have all of the hair god gave them but their hair has always been thin and they want more volume. Replicel won't help them.
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Replicel on its' own is not going to cure a NW3.
Replicel on its' own could be a cure for a Norwood 1 to Norwood 1.25
are u sure only noorwood 1.5? f*** guess i have to train harder in gym and be a beast and forget about decent hair...


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Replicel on its' own is not going to cure a NW3.
Replicel on its' own could be a cure for a Norwood 1.5 and that is all.

which is fine by me. i can just have hair transplants to fill in the rest

BUT when is all this f*****g stuff gonna be out? you guys know more than me, but i dont think any of this stuff will be out for 10 years.

my plan was to wait a few years, wait till these treatments come out, then get a hair transplant. but maybe i should do the opposite.


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f*** this, I'm blocking this site with a p**rn filter, I can't handle the OCD I get from this forum.
I'll check this forum again after 6 months since nothing relevant is going to happen for at least that amount of time.


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Guys, when did the Impact forum start raiding New Research? I don't want to cross over to the dark side


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which is fine by me. i can just have hair transplants to fill in the rest

BUT when is all this f*****g stuff gonna be out? you guys know more than me, but i dont think any of this stuff will be out for 10 years.

my plan was to wait a few years, wait till these treatments come out, then get a hair transplant. but maybe i should do the opposite.

10 years? f***. it really bothers me we can go to moon but we cant find at least efficient treatment for hairloss

Captain Rex

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I honestly think it's game over for us.
maybe for you especially, but not for all of us.

replicel delayed data - you guys complained and said there's nothing to save us.
replicel released their data which shows they can arrest hairloss - you guys are still complaining.

I don't know what you guys want basically.
A fullhead cure right now?, stop daydreaming.


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are u sure only noorwood 1.5? f*** guess i have to train harder in gym and be a beast and forget about decent hair...

Replicel only regrows a small amount of hair.

Replicel on its' own may not even cure a NW1.5.

On its' own it may only cure a 1.1.

It regrows about 5% of hair long term. That's not much. It's not even enough to make your hair look different. That small amount of regrowth is good for hair counts and nothing more.

But if it arrests hair loss and turns intermediate hairs into terminal hairs that is important.
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A maintenance treatment

- three years ago.

Or how about right the f*** f*****g now, at least?

Follisket, we aren't even 100% sure that Replicel can truly maintain hair. We need more info. We need to know what became of the 6-month non-responders. 30% of test subjects lost hair at 6 months.
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Nobody knows how much Replicel can regrow yet! They've only just done a Phase 1 SAFETY trial. They even said they expect more regrowth in their Phase 2 after they change the amount of injections.


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Replicel only regrows a small amount of hair. Replicel on its' own may not even cure a NW1.5. On its' own it may only cure a 1.1. It regrows about 5% of hair long term. That's not much. It's not even enough to make your hair look different. That small amount of regrowth is good for hair counts and nothing more.

I'm excited to see if multiple treatments can regrow 5-10% each time through sheisido's efficacy trial results. I'm with you that there is a chance replicel combined with follica could be the bandaid we need till something better comes along, but it's just a matter of the treatments getting released quickly enough.


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I'm excited to see if multiple treatments can regrow 5-10% each time through sheisido's efficacy trial results. I'm with you that there is a chance replicel combined with follica could be the bandaid we need till something better comes along, but it's just a matter of the treatments getting released quickly enough.

Is Shiseido using multiple treatments or just one-time injection?


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Is Shiseido using multiple treatments or just one-time injection?

Multiple injections over different periods of time. Different people will receive different number of injections. Should at least give lots of interesting data when it's done.


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Multiple injections over different periods of time. Different people will receive different number of injections. Should at least give lots of interesting data when it's done.

That is interesting.

But I think one problem is that it's easier to get the cells into larger follicles than miniaturized follicles. For this reason I think that the miniaturized follicles may not enlarge with repeated injections and perhaps the best we can hope for with Replicel is arresting losses, if they can prove that.

Does anyone know if the injected cells actually have to get inside of the follicles in order to help the follicles?


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I honestly think it's game over for us.

Replicel will be out too late to save us but may end baldness for future generations. Sadly, like occulus said, that also diminishes the incentive for a full cure. Yes, research will still be carried out but at what pace? Even now, with a vast, underserviced market, we've been waiting for twenty goddamn years for a new product.

A cure coming out eventually was never the issue - a cure coming out in time was. And for most of us that time has just about run out. There's something quite poetic about the one thing we've all been asking for ultimately screwing us over.

You think 10 years from now a cure is gonna give you your youth back along with your hair but it f*****g won't.

You know that once Replicel out, you'll still wait to hear the testimonies and see if it works. And god knows how much longer you'll have to wait to see if it's actually permanent.

All these ideas about reclaiming our lives with a hair transplant the moment it's released are fancies, relying on the (highly unlikely) absolute best case scenario that doesn't allow for even the tiniest setback. Even then it's two years of lost hair away. By then you won't even f*****g need it because your hair loss will likely have stabilized anyway.

Not to mention a hair transplant is just never going to look like a natural head of hair. That may be negligable now that the alternative is baldness but it will make all the difference once immunized, unscathed fullheads are the norm.

All of this talk about how Replicel will doom existing hair loss research projects is like Chicken Little screeching "The sky is falling, the sky is falling".

Replicel is NOT going to change the equation for the researchers/investors who already have treatments in the works, such as Tsuji, Loreal 3d printing, Kerastem, Follica, etc. And those treatments are the most promising and technologically advanced treatments that have ever been in development.

We don't even know that Replicel is going to come to market but some posters are allowing trolling occulus to jerk their chains. Similar treatments by Aderans and Intercytex also only arrested hair loss and those treatments are consigned to the dustbin of history.
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If everything goes as planned (I know... big if) this will be out in 16-18 months. That's not THAT far down the road

If it can truly arrest hair loss it would be great if it comes to market in 16 - 18 months. But it might never come to market. Remember that Aderans and Intercytex purportedly arrested hair loss and neither came to market. Both were abandoned.


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If it can truly arrest hair loss it would be great if it comes to market in 16 - 18 months. But it might never come to market. Remember that Aderans and Intercytex purportedly arrested hair loss and neither came to market. Both were abandoned.

Intercytex = Aderans

They never claimed to have halted hair loss either.