Reboost/re-boost A New Product Due March 2017


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Seriously? the nobel prize? I saw the regrowth pics, its better than nothing, but pretty sure minoxidil gives more.
In the last 6 years I've seen hair loss treatments promising all sorts of hair loss cures. Some of them even promised to rejuvenate your skin.
However I haven't seen anyone claim they are going to get Nobel prize for their hair loss treatment.
These dudes must be deluded. HAHAHAHAHHA


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Guys I'm going to be honest when the news first came out last year I was so optimistic about it... I still would be but guys its gotta be a scam.. When information first came out they said "New hair in 10 days" some of the pictures they released in some of there presentations seemed to be atleast a Norwood of regrowth which was exciting... The reason I think it's a scam? I don't follow this product that much but I see people saying that this is now for maintenance!? Are you guys absurd?? They went from "Hair loss cure" To a maintenance treatment lol my god how much worse can I get they are just doing that so they have guaranteed users for the first year cause we all know placebo and everyone will think it's maintaining lol but anyways if they are still saying it grows new hair and not maintenance I'm on board for this but by the sounds of it it seems like they changed it to maintenance


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Reboost is not on the market. Nothing to sell or buy at this point. Therefore, it's not a scam. There were no demands to make you pay in advance such as the Italian guy who scammed a lot of people on this forum.

We'll have to wait and see if the product comes to market. When, or if, it does – we will know soon enough whether it works or not. For all of our sakes, let's hope it does work. It's been so long since anything has come out that's an effective solution to hair loss.


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So going from "Hair loss cure" "Grows hair in 10 days" to a "Maintenance treatment" doesn't sound like a scam to you? It doesn't even need to be out be considered a scam if they went from a cure to something that stops hair loss


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Lol we just said IF it is perm maintenance. The University hasnt backtracked on anything they have said lol. Could be still worthless. The fact they havent released data is the most worrying.


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From the Dr. Himself- not a Turkish Forum, not follicle thought or anything else but from one of our own......

Now Our biggest problem is to see how we can get someone in Turkey to send the baby dick cream over here so we can maintain till something better opens up ASSUMING there isn't another set back and this wanker just lied right to my face/email/screen.

poor Dr.fikrettin şahin , he's gonna wake up Monday with tons of emails !!!


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Kelopesia will only be sold at the university office. Room temperature problem. I will write when information comes


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I can't believe we are still talking about this. This has scam written all over it. The fact that it comes from Turkey should be enough to decide. The land of the hair transplant mills.


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Kelopesia will only be sold at the university office. Room temperature problem. I will write when information comes
So where should we store it then? I guess there IS a way to store it and it should not be problematic, otherwise they would not sell it.


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So once again this product will be available in a weeks time, how many times have they said that now??
Basically, until somebody confirms buying it then I'll believe it's actually released.


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If it's not room temperature stable it's game over. There is no way to keep something chilled long enough for international shipping and customs clearance unless you are shipping by freight. The chilled distribution problem will never be solved for a product like this by a company that can't even distribute it domestically.


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A product from Turkey? Their universities are probably as good as their politicians. On the other side, Erdogan needs hair so maybe that dictator can hurry the process up :p


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Admin at follicle thought implies that he's trying the 'cream' out...check it out in his replies


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Admin at follicle thought implies that he's trying the 'cream' out...check it out in his replies
Curious is that he hyped up the cream so much with his posts and now that he supposedly has it he is very low-key about it. Seems very fishy to me


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Yeah @ 17, it's not clear what he's referencing. I just posted to ask him what cream he's talking about.