Rate My Norwood, Fellas. It's Over For Me.


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So f*****g what, im reaching 30 soon as well, how is it not real f*****g hairloss? my hair was way BETTER 2 years ago, my f*****g hairline is diffusing. If treatments dont work and I dont find a way to stop it, im going to be FUCKED 1 year from now. HAIRLOSS IS NOT LINEAR, IT CAN GO EXPONENTIAL AT ANY TIME.

so get on treatments u little nw2 b**ch


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How can you see this and tell him not to get on treatments some of you? no wonder most people are so bald, they start when it's too late.


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I just see your username is: "genetically_cursed". Don

So you have a little of a mature hairline? So what? chicks like that sh*t. What they don't like is thin hair and big bald spots which both you don't have. Now go out, grab a beer and talk to young women. Something your father should tell you.

If you are still very worried, go see a dermatologist. Stop being here. This place is for fucked up people with bald heads mate. Just some tough love here.
it's not mature hairline, it's balding.

my widos peak got progressively worse and it's lucidly noticeable now that i am balding. hair is thinning on top as well u just cant see it cuz of sh*t quality of pics.

already went to dermatologist, but u know urself theres nothin u can do with it, except for big 3. and i just dont know what to do with finasteride, either to take risks or not. my norwooding keeps progressing, soon i will hit nw3 then it will be time to shut-in.

i get that there are bunch of people with diffusing past nw3-4 here, but i will be there too, just not yet, it doesnt diminishes the fact that im currently balding. 70% of men dont experience genetic hairloss untill 30.


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you live in cuckoo land brother

nw2 at 30 is probably a better situation than most men on the planet

but i knew you were a nutjob from looooooong ago my friend

You Do Not understand. Im actively balding. If it halted at NW2, I wouldn't worry, but guess what, my dad is a f*****g cueball, so is his brother. DOES NOT LOOK GOOD. On mom's side, the genetics are stronger, hairloss is not agressive.
In any case, im fucked and will be visible balding to normies in the next 2 years if I cant halt this.


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it's not mature hairline, it's balding.

my widos peak got progressively worse and it's lucidly noticeable now that i am balding. hair is thinning on top as well u just cant see it cuz of sh*t quality of pics.

already went to dermatologist, but u know urself theres nothin u can do with it, except for big 3. and i just dont know what to do with finasteride, either to take risks or not. my norwooding keeps progressing, soon i will hit nw3 then it will be time to shut-in.

i get that there are bunch of people with diffusing past nw3-4 here, but i will be there too, just not yet, it doesnt diminishes the fact that im currently balding. 70% of men dont experience genetic hairloss untill 30.

Get a bloodwork. If your DHT is not high then you are fucked , since you have no margin to lower it without sides. Try topical finasteride, get on minoxidil, do SOMETHING.


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are you 22 or 27? cos thats a big difference

either way you currently have a fullhead of hair in most peoples eyes so stop being a little b**ch and do something instead writing sh*t like 'its over'

it aint over mate one little bit

try finasteride. if you get sides, drop the f*****g drug and explore other avenues

your lucky to have joined this place when you did with guys like idealforehand basically handing you the cure on a silver plater

follow him and look through your options

you have plenty of them and plenty of time


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You Do Not understand. Im actively balding. If it halted at NW2, I wouldn't worry, but guess what, my dad is a f*****g cueball, so is his brother. DOES NOT LOOK GOOD. On mom's side, the genetics are stronger, hairloss is not agressive.
In any case, im fucked and will be visible balding to normies in the next 2 years if I cant halt this.

lol werent you a nw2 a year ago



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Ignore the subhumans that somehow are still in this forum even if they are already dead cueballs that think they are the only ones with a right to complain in here.

You are balding, it kind of looks like mine, I can see the hairline receeding. If the treatments I have in mind dont work im visiting Avicii. Im not going to be here with dead, unrecoverable hair like all the idiots in here, posting nonsense. Treatments only work when there's something to save, and im my case, what i've tried to far doesn't f*****g work, I just keep lossing hair. If you are balder than OP you are already fucked. Shave it and buy a wig, you are already dead, we are still being tortured.

yeah, man, absolutely f*****g retarded guys who are bitter and butthurt cuz they are already completely bald, but were in our shoes earlier. what norwood are u right now? worse or better than mine? its already fucked for me, when i was like 1.5 i could fraud a hairstyle a bit better and it looked ok-ish, not it's gone to complete sh*t, looks ugly as f***. idk if to jump on finasteride.

He is BALDING you fucktard. He must take action now or never. And no, young girls don't like "mature hairlines" doofus.
absolute truth, most girls, specially young ones dont like balding men, thats just a fact.

No, YOU should be banned. Read again: HAIRLOSStalk, not BALDtalk. This guy is BALDING. Stop bulling NW2s.


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are you 22 or 27? cos thats a big difference

either way you currently have a fullhead of hair in most peoples eyes so stop being a little b**ch and do something instead writing sh*t like 'its over'

it aint over mate one little bit

try finasteride. if you get sides, drop the f*****g drug and explore other avenues

your lucky to have joined this place when you did with guys like idealforehand basically handing you the cure on a silver plater

follow him and look through your options

you have plenty of them and plenty of time
dude, honestly, just shut the f*** up and f*** off u bitter twat

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So basically i have had little bald spot on my hairline since birth, but it wasnt very noticeable. Life was bearable untill i realized Norwood reaper came after me as well. Time for rope or hair transplant. I think i am getting close to nw3, somewhere near 2.5 right now. Attached pictures.

Worst part is i used to fraud one of the temples and could make it look somewhat not totally ugly, but after my widows peak got a lot sharper almost like an arrow i am fucked, all haircuts and styles look legit ugly.
I was about same as u at the age of 30 I'm 63now and I can still almost look like u from the front with toppik. It's.the bald spot in back that I hate


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I was about same as u at the age of 30 I'm 63now and I can still almost look like u from the front with toppik. It's.the bald spot in back that I hate

so get a transplant dude

your 63 just f*****g go for it

and slay like a boss


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I was about same as u at the age of 30 I'm 63now and I can still almost look like u from the front with toppik. It's.the bald spot in back that I hate
problem is im only 24, 25 in 3 months.

ironically none of my f*****g parents or their parents have had history of hair loss at all.

my brother has nw0-1.

here i am balding like a motherfucker.

so far i dont have diffused vertex, but who knows how it will go with time.