Potential effective treatments and cures for male pattern baldness.


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@Ritchie Aging may begin about 30 but until you enter your mid thirties the changes are very subtle. You don't really start to have slightly aged appereance until about 35.

Look for example how Henry Cavill has aged for 28 to 35








You can say the same about Kate Mara but I will post her in the next post because it will become long.


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@Ritchie Before I post Kate Mara I will show you how he looked at 26. That's when his bone structure fully matured.

26 vs 28 - no difference.



A year ago at 25 it wasn't fully mature still.


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@Ritchie Here is how the fabolous Kate Mara has aged from 28 to 34








Short hair, long hair doesn't matter she's great.

You can see that at age 34 she aged badly. Notice how the neck lines have changed. Until 34 she was aging well and looked great.


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People in this site are coping with hair loss and probably self image crisis, how come a post like this, about famous actors and models stay on top for so long?
We all understood that the writer isn't suffering from hair loss and is taking advantage of his position to boost his ego and erase us as defective, labeling people 'ugly' and explaining it by something that reminds me of the nazi's racist theories.


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@Ritchie I don't get how men find women between 18 and 24 the most attractive. I much more prefer the 26 year old Kate Mara over 19 year old Kate Mara.



Or the 22 year old one


The 19 year old Kate Mara looks very juvenile to me. I am not saying that younger women are not attractive. I start to find women attractive from as young as 16. But 26-27 year old women are the best.


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People in this site are coping with hair loss and probably self image crisis, how come a post like this, about famous actors and models stay on top for so long?
We all understood that the writer isn't suffering from hair loss and is taking advantage of his position to boost his ego and erase us as defective, labeling people 'ugly' and explaining it by something that reminds me of the nazi's racist theories.
I agree some of these posts are ridiculous, so bad no one is even bothering to respond.

However... The theory (not the galea/jawline one) but the general theory that scalp tension is a precursor to raised levels of DHT hence balding is a growing one and OP has raised a lot of debate to give him a bit of credit. It's just not as simple as having a 'bad' glaea of poor facial features, imo anyway.


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so what's the solution? My body is tensed everywhere? what's the exact solution to this problem


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@Ritchie I have new interesting stuff from facebook.

I am impressed how wide this woman's galea is.


Some pathetic people will say she was just born with fine hairs in a Norwood 2 pattern and not that the cause of this is her poorly shaped galea.



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so what's the solution? My body is tensed everywhere? what's the exact solution to this problem
The main problem I think is time. It takes a VERY long time for the scalp tention to develop and for fibrosis hence DHT to take hold. Imo the best thing anyone can do it try and fix posture but again this takes a very long time.

Anti DHT drugs can help for some to slow hairloss down and in theory they would eventually start to work better once posture and tention is reduced, minoxidil may help some but I personally think it's a huge risk and not worth it over the long term.

In terms of rapidly reducing scalp tension and fibrosis/calcification... I don't know but I'm continually trying to think of a way. Scalp massages, better posture (not head forward) and relieving shoulder/neck muscles is currently my best bet.


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The main problem I think is time. It takes a VERY long time for the scalp tention to develop and for fibrosis hence DHT to take hold. Imo the best thing anyone can do it try and fix posture but again this takes a very long time.

Anti DHT drugs can help for some to slow hairloss down and in theory they would eventually start to work better once posture and tention is reduced, minoxidil may help some but I personally think it's a huge risk and not worth it over the long term.

In terms of rapidly reducing scalp tension and fibrosis/calcification... I don't know but I'm continually trying to think of a way. Scalp massages, better posture (not head forward) and relieving shoulder/neck muscles is currently my best bet.
I've been on min for 10 years and finasteride for 1 year but I don't think there is any improvement. I'll admit my head is always forward (very poor posture) but I don't know how to fix it since I'm forced to be in this posture


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I've been on min for 10 years and finasteride for 1 year but I don't think there is any improvement. I'll admit my head is always forward (very poor posture) but I don't know how to fix it since I'm forced to be in this posture
Posture is very difficult to fix and takes a long time. Look up some good exercises on YouTube and try to stand/walk with the chest up, which should help keep your ears over your shoulders.

It's not an exact science but there is absolutely a correlation in hairloss and posture, I see it in my everyday life everyday


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I've been on min for 10 years and finasteride for 1 year but I don't think there is any improvement. I'll admit my head is always forward (very poor posture) but I don't know how to fix it since I'm forced to be in this posture
Join yoga lessons on a regular basis. Iyenger yoga straightened my posture a lot, and maintained it.


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@Ritchie I want to know the secrets of this woman for defying aging. Or it is just genetics. Few people look that good at age 41.




She hasn't changed since the video of her song "Moga i sama" when she was 27.



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@Ritchie I am now utterly convinced that the cause of this condition in most cases is purely a bad galea. Tommy Lee Jones doesn't just have receded hairline. He also has a bald spot at the crown.

His galea to me looks like a hill.


Notice how on the top of the hill the hair is remnant and on the one downhill a receding hairline has developped and on the other hill has developped a bald spot.

I think that facial structure still has impact but it just worsen things and causes premature or severe baldness.


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If scalp tension is the cause, if galea is the cause, if skull formation is the cause what is the cure? When the hair grows one doesn’t do anything -/ it grows. To look at photos & diagnose baldness is ridiculous. The hair will reshape the skull in appearance. Shave off the hair of 5 balding men & 5 non balding men & I bet you couldn’t pick who is balding & who is not by your skull/galea observations. It’s total lunacy.


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If scalp tension is the cause, if galea is the cause, if skull formation is the cause what is the cure? When the hair grows one doesn’t do anything -/ it grows. To look at photos & diagnose baldness is ridiculous. The hair will reshape the skull in appearance. Shave off the hair of 5 balding men & 5 non balding men & I bet you couldn’t pick who is balding & who is not by your skull/galea observations. It’s total lunacy.
Just because there is not an easy cure doesn't disprove anything. In actual fact it supports the fact men go bald regardless of race and lifestyle, and even to some extent genetics.

I don't support the OPs claim about the galea shape being the main factor. But scalp tention is vital, it even goes hand in hand as to why some people have great success on finasteride, some have limited maintenance and others have no success at all.

Posture is key imo, and overactive neck muscles over the long term pull down on the scalp and create tention which ultimately results in fibrosis/calcification (and hence high levels of DHT as anywhere else in the body where this occurs).

A big galea isnt going to help this but it's not a deal breaker, like you say if Brad Pitt shaves to the bone he would appear to have a huge galea. But I'd bet my house on his neck muscles and posture being incredible.


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Correcting your posture is a really great idea. It also has a good effect on blood circulation and health in general. I started visiting the massage salons when I found good one near me (you can also find it if you click here). This is very great for me, both health and mood. I think that on hair too because I have much less hair fall out now
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@Ritchie I wish I worked as elementary school teacher or in kindergarten ao I can convince myself more to this theory and gather more evidence. I would have the chance to check the galeas of children and if the galeas of children that have fine hairs at the temples is stiffer compared to those of the ones that have perfect hair then this theory is true.




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Thanks a lot for the thread here, I find it really interesting. looking for some good and working solutions these days