Poor Craniofacial Development - One Of The Major Cause Of Hair Loss.

Do you believe that poor cranofacial is a predposidition to hair loss?

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You have no idea, hair hormones, mainly, are made in the hair itself.


In order to have hight levels of DHT you need high testosterone levels first. The testosterone is produced by testicals and not in the hair. Then it flow thoroughout the blood vessels and it gets converted to DHT or estradiol through enzymes.

This is so silly. By your 50 examples, I still can’t spot differences your pointing out lol. Justin Bieber has a more symmetrical face (i think) than Joe Jonas yet you said the counter. What device/tactics do you use to measure these features, your eyes? If so you need glasses.

Ljunberg, Depp, Cooper, Beckham, Kobe Bryant? INT and me? And bruv I don't even have that retarded posture with the head. Many have it because they look at their damn phone too much and you can actually work on bettering that posture just by exercise. You act like that this is something that is unchangeable. This sh*t is getting hilarious. And where tf has Bieber bad development? He has not the most defined bone structure but there is no recession anywhere on his face.
Like Tom said you don't anything or very little but think you know everything, more than every scientist or Doctor. You are a perfect example of the dunning kruger effect. Knowledge level is low but the resulting confidence is sky high more than even experts have.
Justin Bieber has vertical facial growth. He has missing cheeckbones and rounded jawline. Freddie Ljunberg doesn't have good CD. He has vertical facial growth and pretty bad dropped down jawline. David Beckam is not balding, neither Johny Depp and Kobe Bryant has poor CD. He has pretty bad jawline, missing cheekbones and vertical facial growth.

There's just too many examples of men with poor craniofacial development who have full heads of hair.

Look at this guy's full head of hair and craniofacial: https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/portrait-of-a-senior-man-picture-id56163430?s=2048x2048

Ozzy Osbourne has no male pattern baldness https://media.gettyimages.com/photo...-feeding-the-picture-id1056229146?s=2048x2048, but also no cheekbones, jaw line.

On the contrary look at Ed Harris: https://cdn.broadwaydirect.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Ed-Harris-headshot.jpg. Not many have cheekbones/jawline like that, but here's severely bald.

Henry Cavill is balding (and probably on meds). but he's a good example of strong facial bones. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-q1dLOfIb...QCLcBGAs/s1600/celebrities-with-hair-loss.jpg.

Look at the band The Police: https://www.concierto.cl/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/1401x788-73067741.jpg. The only balding member has the best craniofacial development of the group.

I already said that people with poor cranofacial development can still have their hair most likely due to head shape. Ed haris has poor CD aswell - vertical facial growth, thin crooked nose. Having good cheekbones or jawline doesn't mean you won't be bald. Sting's cd also not good - rounded jawline and vertical facial growth

If you want to know what is to have good cranofacial development this means to have - correctly horizontally growing face, strong cheekbones and jawline, thick and straight nose - not too curved or long.

This is an example of correctly growing face. He has not the best cheeckbones but the jawline is strong. He will never be bald.

Another example of good cranofacial development.

You can see his cheeckbones, jawline,


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Beckham is balding. Period. Depp was a NW2 by 25 and has magically gotten a better hairline later on. He did something.

And this is me. Why can I be balding? I have Cheekbones, not a flat nose, not a round jawline, my face is wide etc.
I tell you why.. f*****g Genes.

Your theory is bollocks. Simple as that. And saying that Kobe has missing Cheekbones.. lmao. Just give it up. The internet has enough wannabe scientists that think they figured out everything while every professional is allegedly clueless. The arrogance someone like this must have I can't fathom it to be quite honest.


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In order to have hight levels of DHT you need high testosterone levels first. The testosterone is produced by testicals and not in the hair. Then it flow thoroughout the blood vessels and it gets converted to DHT or estradiol through enzymes.

Test gets converted into dht via 5 ar via different tissue such as the skin, liver, prostate and hair follicles. You can also still have low DHT levels and still go bald, the most important factor is your receptor sensitivity...

...which obviously has zero to do with your subjective judgement of bad craniofacial development.

Why is your ego so invested in this? Let it gooooo


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INT is right + all androgen activity is bad for hair not only DHT if I recall correctly.

Yes, it just so happens to be that DHT 'needs less high levels to do more damage to the hair'. There have been reports of guys who completely nuke their DHT levels but have extremely high test levels. In cases like this, test can simply 'take over the work' of DHT. It just does it less effective job and that is why it can only so it at very high levels.


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Yes, it just so happens to be that DHT 'needs less high levels to do more damage to the hair'. There have been reports of guys who completely nuke their DHT levels but have extremely high test levels. In cases like this, test can simply 'take over the work' of DHT. It just does it less effective job and that is why it can only so it at very high levels.

Normal heathy scal is not testosterone or DHT dominant. Normal healthy scalp is aromatase and estradiol dominant and Testosterone and DHT are in low levels and have no effects.


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Beckham is balding. Period. Depp was a NW2 by 25 and has magically gotten a better hairline later on. He did something.

And this is me. Why can I be balding? I have Cheekbones, not a flat nose, not a round jawline, my face is wide etc.
I tell you why.. f*****g Genes.

Your theory is bollocks. Simple as that. And saying that Kobe has missing Cheekbones.. lmao. Just give it up. The internet has enough wannabe scientists that think they figured out everything while every professional is allegedly clueless. The arrogance someone like this must have I can't fathom it to be quite honest.

Your face is pretty vertical and that is making your head looks more expanded. Having a Norwood 2 or 3 doesn't mean that you will be completely bald. Don't forget that you have scoliosis which is worsening your posture. People who have low predposition to hair loss
( not having very poor cranofacial development or not typical head shape of a bald men) may still expirience more advanced recession or thin at the crown. I have seen this in older men. Men who have norwood 1.5 - 2 on the front and thick hair but their crown is thinnig because of their very poor head posture.

I don't remember the exact source but as far as I know women don't experience male pattern baldness beacuse the have much higher aromatase activity in their scalp than men. Women treated with aromatase inhibitors experience male pattern baldness.



Balding scalps have lower aromatase activity because the mechanical tension restricts the blood supply to hair follicles and the hypoxic enviroment inhibits aromatase. Then in the low oxygen enviroment the DHT takes place.


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What the f*** did you just diagnose his spine over the internet from a face pointed photo? Lmao, haha, f*****g unbelievable

I didn't diagnose him. He told me that he has scoliosis in a pesonal message 5 months ago.


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I didn't diagnose him. He told me that he has scoliosis in a pesonal message 5 months ago.
Yes that's true tbf. But I work on posture so most of the time it's not that bad since I'm conscious of it all the time. I still don't think your theory is correct tbh. Maybe it has some influence but it's not the be all end all.


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Men with poor craniofacial development
are more likely to end up higher Norwood(5,6,7) than those who have moderate or good craniofacial development (1,2,3,4). Identical twins looks the same hence they have the same craniofacial development and end up having the same pattern and degree of hair loss. The craniofacial development of balding people is typically characterized by missing cheekbones, rounded jawline, thin and small nose or crooked nose, large curved nose, flat nose, narrow palate, asymetrical ears and eyes etc...

Look for example at Vladimir Putin and his very poor craniofacial development.

View attachment 142661

His rounded and flat jawline and super thin nose. I don't think that it is a coincidence that he lost hair.

To show that this is not a coincidence I will show you more guys.

View attachment 142663 - Missing cheekbones and jawline, thin lips.

View attachment 142665

Goblin-like ears, thin nose, missing cheekbones.

View attachment 142667
asymetrical ears, asymetrical nostrils aswell,

View attachment 142668 Missing cheekbones, rounded jawline, thin nose with nostrils too close to each other.

View attachment 142669 missing cheekbones, and flat face.

View attachment 142674 flat jawline, missing cheekbones.

View attachment 142675 flat nose, missing cheekbones.

View attachment 142676 missing cheekbones and look at his strange nose.
View attachment 142677 thin nose missing cheekbones.

View attachment 142678 small rounded jawline, another asymetrical nostrils case.

Flat nose, missing cheekbones.

View attachment 142679

View attachment 142680 you can't see well on this photo but he has very asymetrical ears, small thin lips and a wide galea.

View attachment 142681 He looks like shreck...

I think this is enough but If you don't believe there will be a second part. This list Includes all the balding guys I recalled within the last one hour.

I don't think that it is coincidence that all those guys are losing hair.

Sometimes people with poor craniofacial development might still have their hair

View attachment 142682

View attachment 142683

That's why I am saying that it's a predisposition and not a direct cause but have you ever seen a person with high Norwood and good craniofacial development like these?

View attachment 142684

View attachment 142685

View attachment 142686

View attachment 142687

I still don't know the real cause of hair loss but I know that poor craniofacial development is extremely common in modern era.

Higher Norwood is associated with increased risk of heart disease, prostate cancer, high blood pressure, and increased risk of heart attack, so I still have a lot to investigate.

The worse the craniofacial development, the higher the risk if hair loss.
OP I'm sorry, but by these standards 99 percent of men have 'poor craniofacial development', whatever the f*** that means.
Also the absolute BEST counterexample is George Lucas and his Norwood -1 hair with a weird face shape.


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OP I'm sorry, but by these standards 99 percent of men have 'poor craniofacial development', whatever the f*** that means.
Also the absolute BEST counterexample is George Lucas and his Norwood -1 hair with a weird face shape.

That is not true. I am not saying that If you don't have excellent cranofacial development you have poor. You can have moderate CD - not good but not bad either which most people have. I posted exaple of random balding guys to proove that the VAST majority of balding guys have VERY POOR cranofacial development. The FEW examples of balding people that you think have good cranofacial development actually have average or moderate cranofacial developmet. People with moderate cranofacial development can still bald If they have bad posture.


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That is not true. I am not saying that If you don't have excellent cranofacial development you have poor. You can have moderate CD - not good but not bad either which most people have. I posted exaple of random balding guys to proove that the VAST majority of balding guys have VERY POOR cranofacial development. The FEW examples of balding people that you think have good cranofacial development actually have average or moderate cranofacial developmet. People with moderate cranofacial development can still bald If they have bad posture.
Please share a photo with excellent craniofacial development, I am dying to see one. Although, you might not be entirely wrong. Somehow, blood could circulate easier in someone with 'great' cf development and have a harder time in someone with bad cf dev I guess?... I dunno, I for sure ain't even close to an expert on this topic.


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Please share a photo with excellent craniofacial development, I am dying to see one. Although, you might not be entirely wrong. Somehow, blood could circulate easier in someone with 'great' cf development and have a harder time in someone with bad cf dev I guess?... I dunno, I for sure ain't even close to an expert on this topic.



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Baldness never existed and never exists for them, science says it's because of their lifestyles and diets and because they are so broken from society but who knows, i don't see that as excellent craniofacial development but whatever, it seems you see things really odd and different

There are more places on this planet where baldness never existed, they never heard of heart diseases, diabetes and so on, like rural China for example but some other places that i can't remember also, i have read something really interesting about it once...


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But how come less Asian people face male pattern baldness, when they have softer features?


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But how come less Asian people face male pattern baldness, when they have softer features?

They do face it but it is delayed in them because of lower DHT levels. I've seen bald and balding asians many times.


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My issue with this whole thing is you’re on a high horse the whole time because you believe your knowledge on CD is above all. What qualifies you to make these exertions on who has great, average and poor CD? How long have you been studying CD? What instruments do you use to measure CD? How do we know that someone’s face is “too much” vertically elongated rather than your claim on “horizontally aligned” being too horizontal? What index of CD are you using? How do you determine if someone’s cheeckbones are showing or absent/ jawline is square or round(certainly this is not binary)? I ask these questions because to me it seems like you find an old person with hair and from that work towards the conclusion of “great CD”. Likewise you find a person thats bald and then draw the conclusion “poor CD”.

Regardless, I believe OP is willing to argue this to the grave without any solid answers to any of my above questions. For that reason, I am no longer entertaining this thread and if you want constructive discussions I suggest you do not either.